#!/bin/bash # general functions function pause(){ read -p "$*" } function welcome(){ echo -e "Welcome to einDa-skin installer." } function bar(){ echo "========================================" } # login functions function login(){ cd /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/ rm $login wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smicroz/einDa-skin/master/utils/login/login.html } # skin functions function end(){ bar echo "Congratulations!!, einDa-skin was installed" bar echo "Now go to http://yourdomain:2222 and" echo "1 | Join admin account" echo "2 | As reseller, go to the skin manager" echo "3 | Select einDa-skin and apply to me" bar echo "Thanks for using einDa skin" bar } function joinFolder(){ cd /usr/local/directadmin/data/skins/ } function install(){ echo "Installing..." git clone https://github.com/smicroz/einDa-skin.git chown -R diradmin:diradmin einDa-skin/ } function update(){ echo "Updating..." git reset --hard git pull chown -R diradmin:diradmin * } # innit bar welcome bar joinFolder directory=einDa-skin login=./login.html if [ -d "$directory" ]; then echo "The directory einDa-skin already exists" echo -e "\x1B[31m == UPDATE == \x1B[0m" pause 'If you want update the skin, press [Enter] key for continue...' cd $directory/ update # install login template login else pause 'Press [Enter] key for start installation...' install end fi