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base repository: jruby/jruby
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compare: 777284ba19e1
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  • 2 commits
  • 7 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Mar 9, 2015

  1. If a scope detects 'using' we mark a flag on IRScope so CallInstrs ca…

    …n then know they might be
    in a refined scope.  Ultimately, all these callinstrs (and derived types) will just be the same
    instructions with different refined callsite impls.
    enebo committed Mar 9, 2015
    Copy the full SHA
    4f3aa7b View commit details
  2. Copy the full SHA
    777284b View commit details
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions core/src/main/java/org/jruby/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -163,6 +163,10 @@ public class RubyBasicObject implements Cloneable, IRubyObject, Serializable, Co
public static final int USER6_F = (1<<(FL_USHIFT+6));
public static final int USER7_F = (1<<(FL_USHIFT+7));
public static final int USER8_F = (1<<(FL_USHIFT+8));
public static final int USER9_F = (1<<(FL_USHIFT+9));
public static final int USERA_F = (1<<(FL_USHIFT+10));
public static final int REFINED_MODULE_F = USER9_F;
public static final int IS_OVERLAID_F = USERA_F;

public static final int COMPARE_BY_IDENTITY_F = USER8_F;

187 changes: 186 additions & 1 deletion core/src/main/java/org/jruby/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@
import org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.SynchronizedDynamicMethod;
import org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.UndefinedMethod;
import org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.WrapperMethod;
import org.jruby.parser.StaticScope;
import org.jruby.runtime.Arity;
import org.jruby.runtime.Block;
@@ -545,6 +546,170 @@ private String calculateAnonymousName() {
return anonymousName;

@JRubyMethod(name = "refine", required = 1)
public IRubyObject refine(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject classArg, Block block) {
if (!block.isGiven()) throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("no block given");
if (block.isEscaped()) throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("can't pass a Proc as a block to Module#refine");
if (!(classArg instanceof RubyClass)) throw context.runtime.newTypeError(classArg, context.runtime.getClassClass());
if (refinements == null) refinements = new HashMap<>();
if (activatedRefinements == null) activatedRefinements = new HashMap<>();

RubyClass classWeAreRefining = (RubyClass) classArg;
RubyModule refinement = refinements.get(classWeAreRefining);
if (refinement == null) {
refinement = createNewRefinedModule(context, classWeAreRefining);

// Add it to the activated chain of other refinements already added to this class we are refining
addActivatedRefinement(context, classWeAreRefining, refinement);

// Executes the block supplied with the defined method definitions using the refinment as it's module.
yieldRefineBlock(context, refinement, block);

return refinement;

private RubyModule createNewRefinedModule(ThreadContext context, RubyClass classWeAreRefining) {
RubyModule newRefinement = new RubyModule(context.runtime, classWeAreRefining);
newRefinement.setFlag(REFINED_MODULE_F, true);
newRefinement.refinedClass = classWeAreRefining;
newRefinement.definedAt = this;
refinements.put(classWeAreRefining, newRefinement);

return newRefinement;

private void yieldRefineBlock(ThreadContext context, RubyModule refinement, Block block) {

// This has three cases:
// 1. class being refined has never had any refines happen to it yet: return itself
// 2. class has been refined: return already existing refinementwrapper (chain of modules to call against)
// 3. refinement is already in the refinementwrapper so we do not need to add it to the wrapper again: return null
private RubyClass getAlreadyActivatedRefinementWrapper(RubyClass classWeAreRefining, RubyModule refinement) {
// We have already encountered at least one refine on this class. Return that wrapper.
RubyClass moduleWrapperForRefinment = activatedRefinements.get(classWeAreRefining);
if (moduleWrapperForRefinment == null) return classWeAreRefining;

for (RubyModule c = moduleWrapperForRefinment; c != null && c.isIncluded(); c = c.getSuperClass()) {
if (c.getNonIncludedClass() == refinement) return null;

return moduleWrapperForRefinment;

* We will find whether we have already refined once and get that set of includedmodules or we will start to create
* one. The new refinement will be added as a new included module on the front. It will also add all superclasses
* of the refinement into this call chain.
// MRI: add_activated_refinement
private void addActivatedRefinement(ThreadContext context, RubyClass classWeAreRefining, RubyModule refinement) {
RubyClass superClass = getAlreadyActivatedRefinementWrapper(classWeAreRefining, refinement);
if (superClass == null) return; // already been refined and added to refinementwrapper

refinement.setFlag(IS_OVERLAID_F, true);
IncludedModuleWrapper iclass = new IncludedModuleWrapper(context.runtime, superClass, refinement);
RubyClass c = iclass;
c.refinedClass = classWeAreRefining;
for (refinement = refinement.getSuperClass(); refinement != null; refinement = refinement.getSuperClass()) {
refinement.setFlag(IS_OVERLAID_F, true);
RubyClass superClazz = c.getSuperClass();
c.setModuleSuperClass(new IncludedModuleWrapper(context.runtime, c.getSuperClass(), refinement));
c.refinedClass = classWeAreRefining;
c = superClazz;
activatedRefinements.put(classWeAreRefining, iclass);

@JRubyMethod(name = "using", required = 1, frame = true)
public IRubyObject using(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject refinedModule) {
if (context.getFrameSelf() != this) throw context.runtime.newRuntimeError("Module#using is not called on self");
// FIXME: This is a lame test and I am unsure it works with JIT'd bodies...
if (context.getCurrentScope().getStaticScope().getIRScope() instanceof IRMethod) {
throw context.runtime.newRuntimeError("Module#using is not permitted in methods");

// I pass the cref even though I don't need to so that the concept is simpler to read
usingModule(context, this, refinedModule);

return this;

// mri: rb_using_module
public void usingModule(ThreadContext context, RubyModule cref, IRubyObject refinedModule) {
if (!(refinedModule instanceof RubyModule))throw context.runtime.newTypeError(refinedModule, context.runtime.getModule());

usingModuleRecursive(cref, (RubyModule) refinedModule);

// mri: using_module_recursive
private void usingModuleRecursive(RubyModule cref, RubyModule refinedModule) {
RubyClass superClass = refinedModule.getSuperClass();

// For each superClass of the refined module also use their refinements for the given cref
if (superClass != null) usingModuleRecursive(cref, superClass);

//RubyModule realRefinedModule = refinedModule instanceof IncludedModule ?
// ((IncludedModule) refinedModule).getRealClass() : refinedModule;

Map<RubyClass, RubyModule> refinements = refinedModule.refinements;
if (refinements == null) return; // No refinements registered for this module

for (Map.Entry<RubyClass, RubyModule> entry: refinements.entrySet()) {
usingRefinement(cref, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

// This is nearly identical to getAlreadyActivatedRefinementWrapper but thw maps they work against are different.
// This has three cases:
// 1. class being refined has never had any refines happen to it yet: return itself
// 2. class has been refined: return already existing refinementwrapper (chain of modules to call against)
// 3. refinement is already in the refinementwrapper so we do not need to add it to the wrapper again: return null
private RubyModule getAlreadyRefinementWrapper(RubyModule cref, RubyClass classWeAreRefining, RubyModule refinement) {
// We have already encountered at least one refine on this class. Return that wrapper.
RubyModule moduleWrapperForRefinment = cref.refinements.get(classWeAreRefining);
if (moduleWrapperForRefinment == null) return classWeAreRefining;

for (RubyModule c = moduleWrapperForRefinment; c != null && c.isIncluded(); c = c.getSuperClass()) {
if (c.getNonIncludedClass() == refinement) return null;

return moduleWrapperForRefinment;

* Within the context of this cref any references to the class we are refining will try and find
* that definition from the refinement instead. At one point I was confused how this would not
* conflict if the same module was used in two places but the cref must be a lexically containing
* module so it cannot live in two files.
private void usingRefinement(RubyModule cref, RubyClass classWeAreRefining, RubyModule refinement) {
// Our storage cubby in cref for all known refinements
if (cref.refinements == null) cref.refinements = new HashMap<>();

RubyModule superClass = getAlreadyRefinementWrapper(cref, classWeAreRefining, refinement);
if (superClass == null) return; // already been refined and added to refinementwrapper

refinement.setFlag(IS_OVERLAID_F, true);
RubyModule lookup = new IncludedModuleWrapper(getRuntime(), (RubyClass) superClass, refinement);
RubyModule iclass = lookup;
lookup.refinedClass = classWeAreRefining;

for (refinement = refinement.getSuperClass(); refinement != null && refinement != classWeAreRefining; refinement = refinement.getSuperClass()) {
refinement.setFlag(IS_OVERLAID_F, true);
RubyClass newInclude = new IncludedModuleWrapper(getRuntime(), lookup.getSuperClass(), refinement);
lookup = newInclude;
lookup.refinedClass = classWeAreRefining;
cref.refinements.put(classWeAreRefining, iclass);

* Create a wrapper to use for including the specified module into this one.
@@ -4155,7 +4320,15 @@ public boolean isMethodBuiltin(String methodName) {

return method != null && method.isBuiltin();

public Map<RubyClass, RubyModule> getRefinements() {
return refinements;

public void setRefinements(Map<RubyClass, RubyModule> refinements) {
this.refinements = refinements;

private volatile Map<String, Autoload> autoloads = Collections.EMPTY_MAP;
protected volatile Map<String, DynamicMethod> methods = Collections.EMPTY_MAP;
protected Map<String, CacheEntry> cachedMethods = Collections.EMPTY_MAP;
@@ -4199,6 +4372,18 @@ public boolean isMethodBuiltin(String methodName) {

private volatile Map<String, IRubyObject> classVariables = Collections.EMPTY_MAP;

/** Refinements added to this module are stored here **/
private volatile Map<RubyClass, RubyModule> refinements = null;

/** A list of refinement hosts for this refinement */
private volatile Map<RubyClass, IncludedModuleWrapper> activatedRefinements = null;

/** The class this refinement refines */
volatile RubyClass refinedClass = null;

/** The moduel where this refinement was defined */
private volatile RubyModule definedAt = null;

private static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater CLASSVARS_UPDATER;

static {
41 changes: 28 additions & 13 deletions core/src/main/java/org/jruby/ir/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ public class IRBuilder {
static final Operand[] NO_ARGS = new Operand[]{};
static final UnexecutableNil U_NIL = UnexecutableNil.U_NIL;

public static final String USING_METHOD = "using";

public static Node buildAST(boolean isCommandLineScript, String arg) {
Ruby ruby = Ruby.getGlobalRuntime();

@@ -1015,7 +1017,7 @@ public Operand buildCall(CallNode callNode) {
Operand[] args = setupCallArgs(callArgsNode);
Operand block = setupCallClosure(callNode.getIterNode());
Variable callResult = createTemporaryVariable();
CallInstr callInstr = CallInstr.create(callResult, callNode.getName(), receiver, args, block);
CallInstr callInstr = CallInstr.create(scope, callResult, callNode.getName(), receiver, args, block);

// This is to support the ugly with no block, which must see caller's frame
if ( callNode.getName().equals("new") &&
@@ -2283,7 +2285,10 @@ public Operand buildFCall(FCallNode fcallNode) {
Operand[] args = setupCallArgs(callArgsNode);
Operand block = setupCallClosure(fcallNode.getIterNode());
Variable callResult = createTemporaryVariable();
CallInstr callInstr = CallInstr.create(CallType.FUNCTIONAL, callResult, fcallNode.getName(), buildSelf(), args, block);

determineIfMaybeUsingMethod(fcallNode.getName(), args);

CallInstr callInstr = CallInstr.create(scope, CallType.FUNCTIONAL, callResult, fcallNode.getName(), buildSelf(), args, block);
receiveBreakException(block, callInstr);
return callResult;
@@ -2301,6 +2306,16 @@ private Operand setupCallClosure(Node node) {

// FIXME: This needs to be called on super/zsuper too
private void determineIfMaybeUsingMethod(String methodName, Operand[] args) {
IRScope outerScope = scope.getNearestTopLocalVariableScope();

// 'using single_mod_arg' possible nearly everywhere but method scopes.
if (USING_METHOD.equals(methodName) && !(outerScope instanceof IRMethod) && args.length == 1) {

public Operand buildFixnum(FixnumNode node) {
return new Fixnum(node.getValue());
@@ -2343,7 +2358,7 @@ public Operand buildFlip(FlipNode flipNode) {
if (nearestNonClosureBuilder == null) {
Variable excType = createTemporaryVariable();
addInstr(new InheritanceSearchConstInstr(excType, new ObjectClass(), "NotImplementedError", false));
Variable exc = addResultInstr(CallInstr.create(createTemporaryVariable(), "new", excType, new Operand[] {new FrozenString("Flip support currently broken")}, null));
Variable exc = addResultInstr(CallInstr.create(scope, createTemporaryVariable(), "new", excType, new Operand[] {new FrozenString("Flip support currently broken")}, null));
addInstr(new ThrowExceptionInstr(exc));
return buildNil();
@@ -2751,7 +2766,7 @@ public Operand buildOpAsgn(OpAsgnNode opAsgnNode) {

// get attr
Operand v1 = build(opAsgnNode.getReceiverNode());
addInstr(CallInstr.create(readerValue, opAsgnNode.getVariableName(), v1, NO_ARGS, null));
addInstr(CallInstr.create(scope, readerValue, opAsgnNode.getVariableName(), v1, NO_ARGS, null));

// Ex: e.val ||= n
// e.val &&= n
@@ -2762,7 +2777,7 @@ public Operand buildOpAsgn(OpAsgnNode opAsgnNode) {

// compute value and set it
Operand v2 = build(opAsgnNode.getValueNode());
addInstr(CallInstr.create(writerValue, opAsgnNode.getVariableNameAsgn(), v1, new Operand[] {v2}, null));
addInstr(CallInstr.create(scope, writerValue, opAsgnNode.getVariableNameAsgn(), v1, new Operand[] {v2}, null));
// It is readerValue = v2.
// readerValue = writerValue is incorrect because the assignment method
// might return something else other than the value being set!
@@ -2776,10 +2791,10 @@ public Operand buildOpAsgn(OpAsgnNode opAsgnNode) {
// call operator
Operand v2 = build(opAsgnNode.getValueNode());
Variable setValue = createTemporaryVariable();
addInstr(CallInstr.create(setValue, opAsgnNode.getOperatorName(), readerValue, new Operand[]{v2}, null));
addInstr(CallInstr.create(scope, setValue, opAsgnNode.getOperatorName(), readerValue, new Operand[]{v2}, null));

// set attr
addInstr(CallInstr.create(writerValue, opAsgnNode.getVariableNameAsgn(), v1, new Operand[] {setValue}, null));
addInstr(CallInstr.create(scope, writerValue, opAsgnNode.getVariableNameAsgn(), v1, new Operand[] {setValue}, null));
// Returning writerValue is incorrect becuase the assignment method
// might return something else other than the value being set!
return setValue;
@@ -2856,12 +2871,12 @@ private Operand buildOpElementAsgnWith(OpElementAsgnNode opElementAsgnNode, Bool
Label endLabel = getNewLabel();
Variable elt = createTemporaryVariable();
Operand[] argList = setupCallArgs(opElementAsgnNode.getArgsNode());
addInstr(CallInstr.create(elt, "[]", array, argList, null));
addInstr(CallInstr.create(scope, elt, "[]", array, argList, null));
addInstr(BEQInstr.create(elt, truthy, endLabel));
Operand value = build(opElementAsgnNode.getValueNode());

argList = addArg(argList, value);
addInstr(CallInstr.create(elt, "[]=", array, argList, null));
addInstr(CallInstr.create(scope, elt, "[]=", array, argList, null));
addInstr(new CopyInstr(elt, value));

addInstr(new LabelInstr(endLabel));
@@ -2873,15 +2888,15 @@ public Operand buildOpElementAsgnWithMethod(OpElementAsgnNode opElementAsgnNode)
Operand array = buildWithOrder(opElementAsgnNode.getReceiverNode(), opElementAsgnNode.containsVariableAssignment());
Operand[] argList = setupCallArgs(opElementAsgnNode.getArgsNode());
Variable elt = createTemporaryVariable();
addInstr(CallInstr.create(elt, "[]", array, argList, null)); // elt = a[args]
addInstr(CallInstr.create(scope, elt, "[]", array, argList, null)); // elt = a[args]
Operand value = build(opElementAsgnNode.getValueNode()); // Load 'value'
String operation = opElementAsgnNode.getOperatorName();
addInstr(CallInstr.create(elt, operation, elt, new Operand[] { value }, null)); // elt = elt.OPERATION(value)
addInstr(CallInstr.create(scope, elt, operation, elt, new Operand[] { value }, null)); // elt = elt.OPERATION(value)
// SSS: do not load the call result into 'elt' to eliminate the RAW dependency on the call
// We already know what the result is going be .. we are just storing it back into the array
Variable tmp = createTemporaryVariable();
argList = addArg(argList, elt);
addInstr(CallInstr.create(tmp, "[]=", array, argList, null)); // a[args] = elt
addInstr(CallInstr.create(scope, tmp, "[]=", array, argList, null)); // a[args] = elt
return elt;

@@ -3374,7 +3389,7 @@ public Operand buildVAlias(VAliasNode valiasNode) {

public Operand buildVCall(VCallNode node) {
return addResultInstr(CallInstr.create(CallType.VARIABLE, createTemporaryVariable(),
return addResultInstr(CallInstr.create(scope, CallType.VARIABLE, createTemporaryVariable(),
node.getName(), buildSelf(), NO_ARGS, null));

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions core/src/main/java/org/jruby/ir/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ public enum IRFlags {
HAS_EXPLICIT_CALL_PROTOCOL, // contains call protocol instrs => we don't need to manage bindings frame implicitly
HAS_LOOPS, // has a loop
HAS_NONLOCAL_RETURNS, // has a non-local return
MAYBE_USING_REFINEMENTS, // a call to 'using' it "the" using...maybe?
RECEIVES_CLOSURE_ARG, // This scope (or parent receives a closure
RECEIVES_KEYWORD_ARGS, // receives keyword args
REQUIRES_DYNSCOPE, // does this scope require a dynamic scope?