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Test cookie handling (and tampering)
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rwstauner committed Aug 13, 2014
1 parent 9e0e21a commit 306e1f0
Showing 1 changed file with 74 additions and 0 deletions.
74 changes: 74 additions & 0 deletions t/session.t
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use MetaCPAN::Web::Test;
use MIME::Base64;
use Try::Tiny;
use URI::Escape;

package ## no critic (Package)
use Moose;
BEGIN { extends 'MetaCPAN::Web::Controller'; }

sub index : Path {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
if ( my $flavor = $c->req->param('flavor') ) {
$c->req->session->set( flavor => $flavor );

test_psgi app, sub {
my $cb = shift;

subtest 'verify cookie handling' => sub {
my $url = q[/testsession];

my $cookie = get_cookie( $cb, $url );

my $biscuit = get_cookie( $cb, "$url?flavor=snickerdoodle", $cookie );

isnt $cookie, $biscuit, 'cookie has been baked';

is get_cookie( $cb, $url, $biscuit ), $biscuit, q[cookie preserved];

isnt get_cookie( $cb, $url ), $biscuit, q[cookie has been eaten :'(];

my $spoiled = $biscuit;
is get_cookie( $cb, $url, $biscuit ), $biscuit, q[cookie is back];

$spoiled =~ s/:([^:])/:=/; # Chew cookie.
isnt get_cookie( $cb, $url, $spoiled ), $spoiled, q[cookie went bad];

$spoiled = $biscuit;
$spoiled =~ s/(.)$/=/; # Chew signature.
isnt get_cookie( $cb, $url, $spoiled ), $spoiled, q[siggy went bad];


sub get_cookie {
my ( $cb, $url, $send_cookie ) = @_;
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(
GET => $url,
Cookie => $send_cookie,
ok( my $res = $cb->($req), $url );
is( $res->code, 200, 'code 200' )
or diag $res->content;

my $cookie = URI::Escape::uri_unescape(
( $res->header('set-cookie') =~ /([^;]+)/ )[0] );

like $cookie, qr/:\w+[=]{0,2}:/, 'looks like cookie';

#diag $cookie;

return $cookie;

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