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base repository: nodejs/node-v0.x-archive
base: a3bc76d41069
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head repository: nodejs/node-v0.x-archive
compare: 1ed4c6776e4f
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  • 2 commits
  • 4 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Oct 24, 2012

  1. Copy the full SHA
    abf37c1 View commit details
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  2. 2012.10.24, Version 0.9.3 (Unstable)

    * V8: Upgrade to
    * crypto: Default to buffers instead of binary strings (isaacs, Fedor Indutny)
    * crypto: add getHashes() and getCiphers() (Ben Noordhuis)
    * unix: add custom thread pool, remove libeio (Ben Noordhuis)
    * util: make `inspect()` accept an "options" argument (Nathan Rajlich)
    * https: fix renegotation attack protection (Ben Noordhuis)
    * cluster: make 'listening' handler see actual port (Aaditya Bhatia)
    * windows: use USERPROFILE to get the user's home dir (Bert Belder)
    * path: add platform specific path delimiter (Paul Serby)
    * http: add response.headersSent property (Pavel Lang)
    * child_process: make .fork()'d child auto-exit (Ben Noordhuis)
    * events: add 'removeListener' event (Ben Noordhuis)
    * string_decoder: Add 'end' method, do base64 properly (isaacs)
    * buffer: include encoding value in exception when invalid (Ricky Ng-Adam)
    * http: make http.ServerResponse no longer emit 'end' (isaacs)
    * streams: fix pipe is destructed by 'end' from destination (koichik)
    isaacs committed Oct 24, 2012
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    1ed4c67 View commit details
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