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base repository: nodejs/node-v0.x-archive
base: 716987987966
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head repository: nodejs/node-v0.x-archive
compare: 4f2b08c523c1
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  • 3 commits
  • 4 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Jul 31, 2014

  1. 2014.07.31, Version 0.10.30 (Stable)

    * uv: Upgrade to v0.10.28
    * npm: Upgrade to v1.4.21
    * v8: Interrupts must not mask stack overflow.
    * Revert "stream: start old-mode read in a next tick" (Fedor Indutny)
    * buffer: fix sign overflow in `readUIn32BE` (Fedor Indutny)
    * buffer: improve {read,write}{U}Int* methods (Nick Apperson)
    * child_process: handle writeUtf8String error (Fedor Indutny)
    * deps: backport 4ed5fde4f from v8 upstream (Fedor Indutny)
    * deps: cherry-pick eca441b2 from OpenSSL (Fedor Indutny)
    * lib: remove and restructure calls to isNaN() (cjihrig)
    * module: eliminate double `getenv()` (Maciej Małecki)
    * stream2: flush extant data on read of ended stream (Chris Dickinson)
    * streams: remove unused require('assert') (Rod Vagg)
    * timers: backport f8193ab (Julien Gilli)
    * util.h: interface compatibility (Oguz Bastemur)
    * zlib: do not crash on write after close (Fedor Indutny)
    tjfontaine committed Jul 31, 2014
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    bc0ff83 View commit details
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  2. Copy the full SHA
    98c69e8 View commit details
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  3. Now working on 0.10.31

    tjfontaine committed Jul 31, 2014
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    4f2b08c View commit details
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