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base repository: jruby/jruby
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base: de0b131ae841
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head repository: jruby/jruby
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compare: 1e205ced9152
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  • 4 commits
  • 8 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Apr 1, 2015

  1. Copy the full SHA
    3692562 View commit details
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    efb1aed View commit details
  3. Copy the full SHA
    bb1c024 View commit details
  4. Copy the full SHA
    1e205ce View commit details
225 changes: 5 additions & 220 deletions core/src/main/java/org/jruby/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
import org.jcodings.specific.UTF32LEEncoding;
import org.jcodings.specific.UTF8Encoding;
import org.jcodings.unicode.UnicodeEncoding;
import org.jcodings.util.IntHash;
import org.joni.Matcher;
import org.joni.Option;
import org.joni.Regex;
@@ -91,7 +90,6 @@
import static org.jruby.util.StringSupport.MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_P;
import static org.jruby.util.StringSupport.MBCLEN_INVALID_P;
import static org.jruby.util.StringSupport.MBCLEN_NEEDMORE_P;
import static org.jruby.util.StringSupport.TRANS_SIZE;
import static org.jruby.util.StringSupport.codeLength;
import static org.jruby.util.StringSupport.codePoint;
import static org.jruby.util.StringSupport.codeRangeScan;
@@ -914,6 +912,7 @@ public final void modify19() {

public void modifyAndKeepCodeRange() {
@@ -4850,231 +4849,17 @@ private IRubyObject trTrans19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject src, IRubyObjec
RubyString replStr = repl.convertToString();
ByteList replList = replStr.value;
RubyString srcStr = src.convertToString();
ByteList srcList = srcStr.value;

if (value.getRealSize() == 0) return runtime.getNil();
if (replList.getRealSize() == 0) return delete_bang19(context, src);

int cr = getCodeRange();
Encoding e1 = checkEncoding(srcStr);
Encoding e2 = checkEncoding(replStr);
Encoding enc = e1 == e2 ? e1 : srcStr.checkEncoding(replStr);

final StringSupport.TR trSrc = new StringSupport.TR(srcList);
boolean cflag = false;
int[] l = {0};

if (value.getRealSize() > 1 &&
EncodingUtils.encAscget(trSrc.buf, trSrc.p, trSrc.pend, l, enc) == '^' &&
trSrc.p + 1 < trSrc.pend){
cflag = true;

int c, c0, last = 0;
final int[]trans = new int[StringSupport.TRANS_SIZE];
final StringSupport.TR trRepl = new StringSupport.TR(replList);
boolean modify = false;
IntHash<Integer> hash = null;
boolean singlebyte = singleByteOptimizable();

if (cflag) {
for (int i=0; i< StringSupport.TRANS_SIZE; i++) {
trans[i] = 1;

while ((c = StringSupport.trNext(trSrc, runtime, enc)) != -1) {
if (c < StringSupport.TRANS_SIZE) {
trans[c] = -1;
} else {
if (hash == null) hash = new IntHash<Integer>();
hash.put(c, 1); // QTRUE
while ((c = StringSupport.trNext(trRepl, runtime, enc)) != -1) {} /* retrieve last replacer */
last =;
for (int i=0; i< StringSupport.TRANS_SIZE; i++) {
if (trans[i] != -1) {
trans[i] = last;
} else {
for (int i=0; i< StringSupport.TRANS_SIZE; i++) {
trans[i] = -1;

while ((c = StringSupport.trNext(trSrc, runtime, enc)) != -1) {
int r = StringSupport.trNext(trRepl, runtime, enc);
if (r == -1) r =;
if (c < StringSupport.TRANS_SIZE) {
trans[c] = r;
if (codeLength(enc, r) != 1) singlebyte = false;
} else {
if (hash == null) hash = new IntHash<Integer>();
hash.put(c, r);

if (cr == CR_VALID) {
cr = CR_7BIT;
int s = value.getBegin();
int send = s + value.getRealSize();
byte sbytes[] = value.getUnsafeBytes();

if (sflag) {
int clen, tlen;
int max = value.getRealSize();
int save = -1;
byte[] buf = new byte[max];
int t = 0;
while (s < send) {
boolean mayModify = false;
c0 = c = codePoint(runtime, e1, sbytes, s, send);
clen = codeLength(e1, c);
tlen = enc == e1 ? clen : codeLength(enc, c);
s += clen;

if (c < TRANS_SIZE) {
c = trCode(c, trans, hash, cflag, last, false);
} else if (hash != null) {
Integer tmp = hash.get(c);
if (tmp == null) {
if (cflag) {
c = last;
} else {
c = -1;
} else if (cflag) {
c = -1;
} else {
c = tmp;
} else {
c = -1;
CodeRangeable ret = StringSupport.trTransHelper(runtime, this, srcStr, replStr, sflag);

if (c != -1) {
if (save == c) {
if (cr == CR_7BIT && !Encoding.isAscii(c)) cr = CR_VALID;
save = c;
tlen = codeLength(enc, c);
modify = true;
} else {
save = -1;
c = c0;
if (enc != e1) mayModify = true;

while (t + tlen >= max) {
max *= 2;
buf = Arrays.copyOf(buf, max);
enc.codeToMbc(c, buf, t);
// MRI does not check s < send again because their null terminator can still be compared
if (mayModify && (s >= send || ByteList.memcmp(sbytes, s, buf, t, tlen) != 0)) modify = true;
if (cr == CR_7BIT && !Encoding.isAscii(c)) cr = CR_VALID;
t += tlen;
} else if (enc.isSingleByte() || (singlebyte && hash == null)) {
while (s < send) {
c = sbytes[s] & 0xff;
if (trans[c] != -1) {
if (!cflag) {
c = trans[c];
sbytes[s] = (byte)c;
} else {
sbytes[s] = (byte)last;
modify = true;
if (cr == CR_7BIT && !Encoding.isAscii(c)) cr = CR_VALID;
} else {
int clen, tlen, max = (int)(value.realSize() * 1.2);
byte[] buf = new byte[max];
int t = 0;

while (s < send) {
boolean mayModify = false;
c0 = c = codePoint(runtime, e1, sbytes, s, send);
clen = codeLength(e1, c);
tlen = enc == e1 ? clen : codeLength(enc, c);

if (c < TRANS_SIZE) {
c = trans[c];
} else if (hash != null) {
Integer tmp = hash.get(c);
if (tmp == null) {
if (cflag) {
c = last;
} else {
c = -1;
} else if (cflag) {
c = -1;
} else {
c = tmp;
else {
c = cflag ? last : -1;
if (c != -1) {
tlen = codeLength(enc, c);
modify = true;
} else {
c = c0;
if (enc != e1) mayModify = true;
while (t + tlen >= max) {
max <<= 1;
buf = Arrays.copyOf(buf, max);
// headius: I don't see how s and t could ever be the same, since they refer to different buffers
// if (s != t) {
enc.codeToMbc(c, buf, t);
if (mayModify && ByteList.memcmp(sbytes, s, buf, t, tlen) != 0) {
modify = true;
// }

if (cr == CR_7BIT && !Encoding.isAscii(c)) cr = CR_VALID;
s += clen;
t += tlen;

if (modify) {
if (cr != CR_BROKEN) setCodeRange(cr);
return this;
if (ret == null) {
return runtime.getNil();
return runtime.getNil();

private int trCode(int c, int[]trans, IntHash<Integer> hash, boolean cflag, int last, boolean set) {
if (c < StringSupport.TRANS_SIZE) {
return trans[c];
} else if (hash != null) {
Integer tmp = hash.get(c);
if (tmp == null) {
return cflag ? last : -1;
} else {
return cflag ? -1 : tmp;
} else {
return cflag && set ? last : -1;
return (IRubyObject) ret;

/** rb_str_tr_s / rb_str_tr_s_bang
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions core/src/main/java/org/jruby/util/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -35,5 +35,6 @@ public interface CodeRangeable extends ByteListHolder {
public void setCodeRange(int codeRange);
public void clearCodeRange();
public void keepCodeRange();
public void modifyAndKeepCodeRange();
public Encoding checkEncoding(CodeRangeable other);
233 changes: 233 additions & 0 deletions core/src/main/java/org/jruby/util/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1720,6 +1720,239 @@ else if (enc == UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE){

* rb_str_tr / rb_str_tr_bang

public static CodeRangeable trTransHelper(Ruby runtime, CodeRangeable self, CodeRangeable srcStr, CodeRangeable replStr, boolean sflag) {
// This method does not handle the cases where either srcStr or replStr are empty. It is the responsibility
// of the caller to take the appropriate action in those cases.

final ByteList srcList = srcStr.getByteList();
final ByteList replList = replStr.getByteList();

int cr = self.getCodeRange();
Encoding e1 = self.checkEncoding(srcStr);
Encoding e2 = self.checkEncoding(replStr);
Encoding enc = e1 == e2 ? e1 : srcStr.checkEncoding(replStr);

final StringSupport.TR trSrc = new StringSupport.TR(srcList);
boolean cflag = false;
int[] l = {0};

if (self.getByteList().getRealSize() > 1 &&
EncodingUtils.encAscget(trSrc.buf, trSrc.p, trSrc.pend, l, enc) == '^' &&
trSrc.p + 1 < trSrc.pend){
cflag = true;

int c, c0, last = 0;
final int[]trans = new int[StringSupport.TRANS_SIZE];
final StringSupport.TR trRepl = new StringSupport.TR(replList);
boolean modify = false;
IntHash<Integer> hash = null;
boolean singlebyte = StringSupport.isSingleByteOptimizable(self, EncodingUtils.STR_ENC_GET(self));

if (cflag) {
for (int i=0; i< StringSupport.TRANS_SIZE; i++) {
trans[i] = 1;

while ((c = StringSupport.trNext(trSrc, runtime, enc)) != -1) {
if (c < StringSupport.TRANS_SIZE) {
trans[c] = -1;
} else {
if (hash == null) hash = new IntHash<Integer>();
hash.put(c, 1); // QTRUE
while ((c = StringSupport.trNext(trRepl, runtime, enc)) != -1) {} /* retrieve last replacer */
last =;
for (int i=0; i< StringSupport.TRANS_SIZE; i++) {
if (trans[i] != -1) {
trans[i] = last;
} else {
for (int i=0; i< StringSupport.TRANS_SIZE; i++) {
trans[i] = -1;

while ((c = StringSupport.trNext(trSrc, runtime, enc)) != -1) {
int r = StringSupport.trNext(trRepl, runtime, enc);
if (r == -1) r =;
if (c < StringSupport.TRANS_SIZE) {
trans[c] = r;
if (codeLength(enc, r) != 1) singlebyte = false;
} else {
if (hash == null) hash = new IntHash<Integer>();
hash.put(c, r);

if (cr == CR_VALID) {
cr = CR_7BIT;
int s = self.getByteList().getBegin();
int send = s + self.getByteList().getRealSize();
byte sbytes[] = self.getByteList().getUnsafeBytes();

if (sflag) {
int clen, tlen;
int max = self.getByteList().getRealSize();
int save = -1;
byte[] buf = new byte[max];
int t = 0;
while (s < send) {
boolean mayModify = false;
c0 = c = codePoint(runtime, e1, sbytes, s, send);
clen = codeLength(e1, c);
tlen = enc == e1 ? clen : codeLength(enc, c);
s += clen;

if (c < TRANS_SIZE) {
c = trCode(c, trans, hash, cflag, last, false);
} else if (hash != null) {
Integer tmp = hash.get(c);
if (tmp == null) {
if (cflag) {
c = last;
} else {
c = -1;
} else if (cflag) {
c = -1;
} else {
c = tmp;
} else {
c = -1;

if (c != -1) {
if (save == c) {
if (cr == CR_7BIT && !Encoding.isAscii(c)) cr = CR_VALID;
save = c;
tlen = codeLength(enc, c);
modify = true;
} else {
save = -1;
c = c0;
if (enc != e1) mayModify = true;

while (t + tlen >= max) {
max *= 2;
buf = Arrays.copyOf(buf, max);
enc.codeToMbc(c, buf, t);
// MRI does not check s < send again because their null terminator can still be compared
if (mayModify && (s >= send || ByteList.memcmp(sbytes, s, buf, t, tlen) != 0)) modify = true;
if (cr == CR_7BIT && !Encoding.isAscii(c)) cr = CR_VALID;
t += tlen;
} else if (enc.isSingleByte() || (singlebyte && hash == null)) {
while (s < send) {
c = sbytes[s] & 0xff;
if (trans[c] != -1) {
if (!cflag) {
c = trans[c];
sbytes[s] = (byte)c;
} else {
sbytes[s] = (byte)last;
modify = true;
if (cr == CR_7BIT && !Encoding.isAscii(c)) cr = CR_VALID;
} else {
int clen, tlen, max = (int)(self.getByteList().realSize() * 1.2);
byte[] buf = new byte[max];
int t = 0;

while (s < send) {
boolean mayModify = false;
c0 = c = codePoint(runtime, e1, sbytes, s, send);
clen = codeLength(e1, c);
tlen = enc == e1 ? clen : codeLength(enc, c);

if (c < TRANS_SIZE) {
c = trans[c];
} else if (hash != null) {
Integer tmp = hash.get(c);
if (tmp == null) {
if (cflag) {
c = last;
} else {
c = -1;
} else if (cflag) {
c = -1;
} else {
c = tmp;
else {
c = cflag ? last : -1;
if (c != -1) {
tlen = codeLength(enc, c);
modify = true;
} else {
c = c0;
if (enc != e1) mayModify = true;
while (t + tlen >= max) {
max <<= 1;
buf = Arrays.copyOf(buf, max);
// headius: I don't see how s and t could ever be the same, since they refer to different buffers
// if (s != t) {
enc.codeToMbc(c, buf, t);
if (mayModify && ByteList.memcmp(sbytes, s, buf, t, tlen) != 0) {
modify = true;
// }

if (cr == CR_7BIT && !Encoding.isAscii(c)) cr = CR_VALID;
s += clen;
t += tlen;

if (modify) {
if (cr != CR_BROKEN) self.setCodeRange(cr);
StringSupport.associateEncoding(self, enc);
return self;
return null;

private static int trCode(int c, int[]trans, IntHash<Integer> hash, boolean cflag, int last, boolean set) {
if (c < StringSupport.TRANS_SIZE) {
return trans[c];
} else if (hash != null) {
Integer tmp = hash.get(c);
if (tmp == null) {
return cflag ? last : -1;
} else {
return cflag ? -1 : tmp;
} else {
return cflag && set ? last : -1;

private static int rb_memsearch_ss(byte[] xsBytes, int xs, int m, byte[] ysBytes, int ys, int n) {
int y;

4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions core/src/main/java/org/jruby/util/io/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1863,7 +1863,7 @@ public static Encoding getActualEncoding(Encoding enc, ByteList byteList) {
return enc;

public static Encoding STR_ENC_GET(RubyString str) {
public static Encoding STR_ENC_GET(ByteListHolder str) {
return getEncoding(str.getByteList());
17 changes: 0 additions & 17 deletions spec/truffle/tags/core/string/tr_tags.txt

This file was deleted.

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.rubinius.RubiniusByteArray;
import org.jruby.util.ByteList;
import org.jruby.util.CodeRangeSupport;
import org.jruby.util.CodeRangeable;
import org.jruby.util.Pack;
import org.jruby.util.StringSupport;
@@ -862,7 +863,7 @@ public DeleteBangNode(DeleteBangNode prev) {

public Object deleteBang(VirtualFrame frame, RubyString string, Object[] otherStrings) {
public Object deleteBang(VirtualFrame frame, RubyString string, Object... otherStrings) {
if (string.getBytes().length() == 0) {
return nil();
@@ -876,7 +877,7 @@ public Object deleteBang(VirtualFrame frame, RubyString string, Object[] otherSt

private Object deleteBangSlow(VirtualFrame frame, RubyString string, Object[] args) {
private Object deleteBangSlow(VirtualFrame frame, RubyString string, Object... args) {
RubyString[] otherStrings = new RubyString[args.length];

for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
@@ -2019,6 +2020,58 @@ public static boolean reverseIsEqualToSelf(RubyString string) {

@CoreMethod(names = "tr!", required = 2, raiseIfFrozenSelf = true)
@NodeChild(value = "self"),
@NodeChild(value = "fromStr"),
@NodeChild(value = "toStr")
public abstract static class TrNode extends RubyNode {

@Child private DeleteBangNode deleteBangNode;

public TrNode(RubyContext context, SourceSection sourceSection) {
super(context, sourceSection);

public TrNode(TrNode prev) {
deleteBangNode = prev.deleteBangNode;

@CreateCast("fromStr") public RubyNode coerceFromStrToString(RubyNode fromStr) {
return ToStrNodeFactory.create(getContext(), getSourceSection(), fromStr);

@CreateCast("toStr") public RubyNode coerceToStrToString(RubyNode toStr) {
return ToStrNodeFactory.create(getContext(), getSourceSection(), toStr);

public Object tr(VirtualFrame frame, RubyString self, RubyString fromStr, RubyString toStr) {
if (self.getByteList().getRealSize() == 0) {
return nil();

if (toStr.getByteList().getRealSize() == 0) {
if (deleteBangNode == null) {
deleteBangNode = insert(StringNodesFactory.DeleteBangNodeFactory.create(getContext(), getSourceSection(), new RubyNode[] {}));

return deleteBangNode.deleteBang(frame, self, fromStr);

final CodeRangeable ret = StringSupport.trTransHelper(getContext().getRuntime(), self, fromStr, toStr, false);

if (ret == null) {
return nil();

return ret;

@CoreMethod(names = "unpack", required = 1)
public abstract static class UnpackNode extends ArrayCoreMethodNode {

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -150,6 +150,12 @@ public final void modify(int length) {

public final void modifyAndKeepCodeRange() {

public Encoding checkEncoding(CodeRangeable other) {
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -137,6 +137,12 @@ public final void modify(int length) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

public final void modifyAndKeepCodeRange() {

public Encoding checkEncoding(CodeRangeable other) {
// TODO (nirvdrum Jan. 13, 2015): This should check if the encodings are compatible rather than just always succeeding.