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base repository: nodejs/node-v0.x-archive
base: c747e32813b0
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head repository: nodejs/node-v0.x-archive
compare: e550bb9fa118
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  • 1 commit
  • 2 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Mar 27, 2015

  1. test: make cluster tests more time tolerant

    simple tests test-cluster-master-error.js, test-cluster-master-kill.js
    fails in AIX with assertion failure indicating that the workers were
    alive even after the master terminated. A 200ms leeway is provided for
    the workers to actually terminate, but the isAlive check returns
    true in both the cases.
    In AIX, the workers were actually terminating, but they took more time
    - as much as 800ms (normal) to 1000ms (in rare cases).
    Based on a C test we ran, it is found that the exit routines in AIX
    is a bit more longer than that in Linux. There are a number of cleanup
    activities performed in exit() system call, and depending on when the
    signal handlers are shutdown in that sequence, the process will be
    deemed as dead or alive, from another process's perspective.
    process.kill(pid) is used in the test case to check the liveliness of
    the worker, and when the kill() call is issued, even if the target
    process is in it's exit sequences, if the signal handlers are not shut
    down, it will respond to external signals, causing those calls to pass.
    This fix extends the additional timeout for all platforms
    gireeshpunathil committed Mar 27, 2015
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