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Commit 929559f

Browse files
committedNov 8, 2014
Revert "Fix fire blocking sunlight"
This reverts commit dcce6e9.
1 parent c41762d commit 929559f

File tree

1 file changed

lines changed

1 file changed

lines changed


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ minetest.register_node("fire:basic_flame", {
walkable = false,
buildable_to = true,
damage_per_second = 4,
sunlight_propagates = true,

after_place_node = function(pos, placer)

12 commit comments


ShadowNinja commented on Nov 9, 2014


What! Why? This behavior is absurd. And why didn't you give a reason?

Calinou commented on Nov 9, 2014


Typical BlockMen.

Seriously, he should not be a core developer anymore. This isn't the first time he does such a thing.

BlockMen commented on Nov 9, 2014


@ShadowNinja . Also plz don't push things here before talking to a _game-dev about it.

@Calinou lol. This was the first revert i ever did, so yeah, its indeed typical for me :D
And you should try out something new, your little rages against me get boring.

EDIT: Also, what makes you always think everything is done by me? I did NO change without agree of at least one other _game-dev, in this case @sfan5 . But: It makes you little rants more funny for me :)

ShadowNinja commented on Nov 9, 2014


@BlockMen: No, fire is a light source so it doesn't darken nodes it's touching (and even if it did it would be a horribly ugly excuse for burn darkening) (see here). It does darken nodes below it though (see here).

As I said in a memo: I pushed that because it was a trivial bug fix. If I'm not even allowed to do that why is this under the Minetest organization?

HybridDog commented on Nov 11, 2014


minetest has sun(/moon) position depending node shadows?

[…] why is this under the Minetest organization?

I guess you're not the first person asking this.

@Calinou lol. This was the first revert i ever did, so yeah, its indeed typical for me :D
And you should try out something new, your little rages against me get boring.

Calinou often informed me that I made a mod that already exists. At this time I didn't know yet that it's fairly annoying if lots of people don't know the other mod and just pay attention to the newest one. So the other one, which often has many advantages, slides down and then to other pages…

ShadowNinja commented on Nov 11, 2014


@HybridDog No, that's TODO.

asl97 commented on Nov 17, 2014


fire create smoke, smoke block light, seem perfectly reasonable

but like you said, fire also create light, however, i don't think it would be as bright as the sun

HybridDog commented on Nov 17, 2014


You could also use particles instead of nodes for fire.

asl97 commented on Nov 17, 2014


@HybridDog that's not that bad of an idea but is it even possible to put an abm on particles? i highly doubt it...

HybridDog commented on Nov 17, 2014


I think using abms for fire is a bad idea, people always walk away from that place and don't visit it again that the fire stops burning. And the fire in minetest is really strong, fire of a burning forest can't be removed without disabling/changing it and does never disappear, it just burns more and more trees.

asl97 commented on Nov 17, 2014


@HybridDog if not abm then what would you use? globalstep? timer? i don't think those are any better though...

but yea, the fire is really ridiculous strong, there is no easy way to stop fire once it get going.

HybridDog commented on Nov 17, 2014


if not abm then what would you use? globalstep? timer? i don't think those are any better though...

I thought about using globalstep and saving the chunks affected by fire

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