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base repository: nodejs/node-v0.x-archive
base: 56492de5b9bc
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head repository: nodejs/node-v0.x-archive
compare: fbf464146241
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  • 2 commits
  • 7 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on May 8, 2013

  1. debugger, cluster: each worker has new debug port

    Implement support for debugging cluster workers. Each worker process
    is assigned a new debug port in an increasing sequence.
    I.e. when master process uses port 5858, then worker 1 uses port 5859,
    worker 2 uses port 5860, and so on.
    Introduce new command-line parameter '--debug-port=' which sets debug_port
    but does not start debugger. This option works for all node processes, it
    is not specific to cluster workers.
    Fixes #5318.
    bajtos authored and bnoordhuis committed May 8, 2013
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    43ec1b1 View commit details
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  2. src: initialize debug-related uv_async_t handles

    uv_async_t handles for dispatching of debug messages and
    emitting NODE_DEBUG_ENABLED used to be initialized every time
    node::EnableDebug() was called, which happened every time
    user sends a SIGUSR1.
    Now they are initialized only once from node::Init() during
    application start.
    bajtos authored and bnoordhuis committed May 8, 2013
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    fbf4641 View commit details
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