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base repository: jruby/jruby
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head repository: jruby/jruby
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  • 3 commits
  • 10 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Mar 20, 2015

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    78024be View commit details
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182 changes: 181 additions & 1 deletion truffle/src/main/java/org/jruby/truffle/nodes/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -20,21 +20,32 @@
import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.cast.ProcOrNullNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.cast.ProcOrNullNodeFactory;
import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.dispatch.*;
import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.literal.HashLiteralNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.literal.ObjectLiteralNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.methods.MarkerNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.methods.arguments.OptionalKeywordArgMissingNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.methods.arguments.UnknownArgumentErrorNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.ModuleOperations;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.RubyArguments;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.RubyContext;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.core.RubyArray;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.core.RubyProc;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.core.RubySymbol;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.methods.InternalMethod;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.util.ArrayUtils;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class RubyCallNode extends RubyNode {

private final String methodName;

@Child private RubyNode receiver;
@Child private ProcOrNullNode block;
@Children private final RubyNode[] arguments;
@Children private final RubyNode[] keywordOptimizedArguments;
@CompilerDirectives.CompilationFinal private int keywordOptimizedArgumentsLength;

private final boolean isSplatted;
private final boolean isVCall;
@@ -54,6 +65,8 @@ public class RubyCallNode extends RubyNode {

private final boolean ignoreVisibility;

@CompilerDirectives.CompilationFinal private boolean cannotOptimize;

public RubyCallNode(RubyContext context, SourceSection section, String methodName, RubyNode receiver, RubyNode block, boolean isSplatted, RubyNode... arguments) {
this(context, section, methodName, receiver, block, isSplatted, false, false, arguments);
@@ -84,12 +97,53 @@ public RubyCallNode(RubyContext context, SourceSection section, String methodNam
respondToMissingCast = BooleanCastNodeFactory.create(context, section, null);

this.ignoreVisibility = ignoreVisibility;

* TODO CS 19-Mar-15 we currently can't swap an @Children array out
* so we just allocate a lot up-front. In a future version of Truffle
* @Children might not need to be final, which would fix this.
keywordOptimizedArguments = new RubyNode[arguments.length + 32];

public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) {
final Object receiverObject = receiver.execute(frame);
final Object[] argumentsObjects = executeArguments(frame);

final Object[] argumentsObjects;

if (dispatchHead.getFirstDispatchNode().couldOptimizeKeywordArguments() && !cannotOptimize) {
final CachedBoxedDispatchNode dispatchNode = (CachedBoxedDispatchNode) dispatchHead.getFirstDispatchNode();

if (keywordOptimizedArguments[0] == null) {

System.err.println("optimizing for keyword arguments!");

final RubyNode[] optimized = expandedArgumentNodes(dispatchNode.getMethod(), arguments, isSplatted);

if (optimized == null || optimized.length > keywordOptimizedArguments.length) {
System.err.println("couldn't optimize :(");
cannotOptimize = true;
} else {
keywordOptimizedArgumentsLength = optimized.length;

for (int n = 0; n < keywordOptimizedArgumentsLength; n++) {
keywordOptimizedArguments[n] = optimized[n];

if (dispatchNode.guard(methodName, receiverObject) && dispatchNode.getUnmodifiedAssumption().isValid()) {
argumentsObjects = executeKeywordOptimizedArguments(frame);
} else {
argumentsObjects = executeArguments(frame);

} else {
argumentsObjects = executeArguments(frame);

final RubyProc blockObject = executeBlock(frame);

return, receiverObject, methodName, blockObject, argumentsObjects);
@@ -118,6 +172,21 @@ private Object[] executeArguments(VirtualFrame frame) {

private Object[] executeKeywordOptimizedArguments(VirtualFrame frame) {
final Object[] argumentsObjects = new Object[keywordOptimizedArgumentsLength];

for (int i = 0; i < keywordOptimizedArgumentsLength; i++) {
argumentsObjects[i] = keywordOptimizedArguments[i].execute(frame);

if (isSplatted) {
return splat(argumentsObjects[0]);
} else {
return argumentsObjects;

private Object[] splat(Object argument) {
// TODO(CS): what happens if isn't just one argument, or it isn't an Array?

@@ -165,6 +234,117 @@ private Object[] splat(Object argument) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

public RubyNode[] expandedArgumentNodes(InternalMethod method, RubyNode[] argumentNodes, boolean isSplatted) {
final RubyNode[] result;

boolean shouldExpand = true;
if (method == null
|| method.getSharedMethodInfo().getArity().getKeywordArguments() == null) {
// no keyword arguments in method definition
shouldExpand = false;
} else if (argumentNodes.length != 0
&& !(argumentNodes[argumentNodes.length - 1] instanceof HashLiteralNode)) {
// last argument is not a Hash that could be expanded
shouldExpand = false;
} else if (method.getSharedMethodInfo().getArity() == null
|| method.getSharedMethodInfo().getArity().getRequired() >= argumentNodes.length) {
shouldExpand = false;
} else if (isSplatted
|| method.getSharedMethodInfo().getArity().allowsMore()) {
// TODO: make optimization work if splat arguments are involed
// the problem is that Markers and keyword args are used when
// reading splatted args
shouldExpand = false;

if (shouldExpand) {
List<String> kwargs = method.getSharedMethodInfo().getArity().getKeywordArguments();

int countArgNodes = argumentNodes.length + kwargs.size() + 1;
if (argumentNodes.length == 0) {

result = new RubyNode[countArgNodes];
int i;

for (i = 0; i < argumentNodes.length - 1; ++i) {
result[i] = argumentNodes[i];

int firstMarker = i++;
result[firstMarker] = new MarkerNode(getContext(), null);

HashLiteralNode hashNode;
if (argumentNodes.length > 0) {
hashNode = (HashLiteralNode) argumentNodes[argumentNodes.length - 1];
} else {
hashNode = HashLiteralNode.create(getContext(), null,
new RubyNode[0]);

List<String> restKeywordLabels = new ArrayList<>();
for (int j = 0; j < hashNode.size(); j++) {
Object key = hashNode.getKey(j);
boolean keyIsSymbol = key instanceof ObjectLiteralNode &&
((ObjectLiteralNode) key).getObject() instanceof RubySymbol;

if (!keyIsSymbol) {
// cannot optimize case where keyword label is dynamic (not a fixed RubySymbol)
return argumentNodes;

final String label = ((ObjectLiteralNode) hashNode.getKey(j)).getObject().toString();

for (String kwarg : kwargs) {
result[i] = new OptionalKeywordArgMissingNode(getContext(), null);
for (int j = 0; j < hashNode.size(); j++) {
final String label = ((ObjectLiteralNode) hashNode.getKey(j)).getObject().toString();

if (label.equals(kwarg)) {
result[i] = hashNode.getValue(j);
result[i++] = new MarkerNode(getContext(), null);

if (restKeywordLabels.size() > 0
&& !method.getSharedMethodInfo().getArity().hasKeyRest()) {
result[firstMarker] = new UnknownArgumentErrorNode(getContext(), null, restKeywordLabels.get(0));
} else if (restKeywordLabels.size() > 0) {
i = 0;
RubyNode[] keyValues = new RubyNode[2 * restKeywordLabels

for (String label : restKeywordLabels) {
for (int j = 0; j < hashNode.size(); j++) {
final String argLabel = ((ObjectLiteralNode) hashNode.getKey(j)).getObject().toString();

if (argLabel.equals(label)) {
keyValues[i++] = hashNode.getKey(j);
keyValues[i++] = hashNode.getValue(j);

HashLiteralNode restHash = HashLiteralNode.create(getContext(), null, keyValues);
result[firstMarker] = restHash;

else {
cannotOptimize = true;
result = null;

return result;

public Object isDefined(VirtualFrame frame) {
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ public CachedBoxedDispatchNode(

protected boolean guard(Object methodName, Object receiver) {
public boolean guard(Object methodName, Object receiver) {
return guardName(methodName) &&
(receiver instanceof RubyBasicObject) &&
((RubyBasicObject) receiver).getMetaClass() == expectedClass;
@@ -173,4 +173,15 @@ public String toString() {
method == null ? "null" : method.toString());

public boolean couldOptimizeKeywordArguments() {
return method.getSharedMethodInfo().getArity().getKeywordArguments() != null && next instanceof UnresolvedDispatchNode;

public InternalMethod getMethod() {
return method;

public Assumption getUnmodifiedAssumption() {
return unmodifiedAssumption;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.RubyContext;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.core.RubyString;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.core.RubySymbol;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.methods.InternalMethod;

public abstract class CachedDispatchNode extends DispatchNode {

@@ -89,5 +90,4 @@ protected RubySymbol getCachedNameAsSymbol() {
public boolean isIndirect() {
return indirect;

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -152,4 +152,8 @@ public DispatchAction getDispatchAction() {
return dispatchAction;

public boolean couldOptimizeKeywordArguments() {
return false;

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ public void executeVoid(VirtualFrame frame) {
if (!keywordsRest && keywordArguments != null) {
for (KeyValue keyValue : HashOperations.verySlowToKeyValues(keywordArguments)) {
if (!keywordAllowed(keyValue.getKey().toString())) {
throw new RaiseException(getContext().getCoreLibrary().argumentError("unknown keyword: " + keyValue.getKey().toString(), this));
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -9,8 +9,10 @@
package org.jruby.truffle.nodes.methods.arguments;


import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.RubyNode;
@@ -26,6 +28,9 @@ public class ReadKeywordArgumentNode extends RubyNode {
private final String name;
private final int kwIndex;
private final ValueProfile argumentValueProfile = ValueProfile.createPrimitiveProfile();

private ConditionProfile optimizedProfile = ConditionProfile.createBinaryProfile();
private ConditionProfile defaultProfile = ConditionProfile.createBinaryProfile();

@Child private RubyNode defaultValue;

@@ -39,44 +44,42 @@ public ReadKeywordArgumentNode(RubyContext context, SourceSection sourceSection,

public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) {
if (RubyArguments.isKwOptimized(frame.getArguments())) {
if (optimizedProfile.profile(RubyArguments.isKwOptimized(frame.getArguments()))) {
Object kwarg = argumentValueProfile
frame.getArguments(), kwIndex));

if (kwarg instanceof OptionalKeywordArgMissingNode.OptionalKeywordArgMissing) {
if (defaultProfile.profile(kwarg instanceof OptionalKeywordArgMissingNode.OptionalKeywordArgMissing)) {
return defaultValue.execute(frame);
} else {
return kwarg;
} else {
return lookupKeywordInHash(frame);
final RubyHash hash = RubyArguments.getUserKeywordsHash(frame.getArguments(), minimum);

public Object lookupKeywordInHash(VirtualFrame frame) {
if (defaultProfile.profile(hash == null)) {
return defaultValue.execute(frame);

final RubyHash hash = RubyArguments.getUserKeywordsHash(frame.getArguments(), minimum);
Object value = lookupKeywordInHash(hash);

if (hash == null) {
return defaultValue.execute(frame);
if (defaultProfile.profile(value == null)) {
return defaultValue.execute(frame);

Object value = null;
return value;

private Object lookupKeywordInHash(RubyHash hash) {
for (KeyValue keyValue : HashOperations.verySlowToKeyValues(hash)) {
if (keyValue.getKey().toString().equals(name)) {
value = keyValue.getValue();
return keyValue.getValue();

if (value == null) {
return defaultValue.execute(frame);

return value;
return null;

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ public static int getUserArgumentsCount(Object[] internalArguments) {
public static int getNamedUserArgumentsCount(Object[] internalArguments) {
if (isKwOptimized(internalArguments)) {
return getUserArgumentsCount(internalArguments)
- getMethod(internalArguments).getSharedMethodInfo()
- getMethod(internalArguments).getSharedMethodInfo().getArity()
.getKeywordArguments().size() - 1;
} else {
return getUserArgumentsCount(internalArguments);