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Item8966: Don't let WYSIWYG strip <nop> tags
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The code that protects NOPs doesn't work inside pre blocks. Really
WysiwygPlugin bug,  but this gets around the issue.
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gac410 committed Mar 20, 2015
1 parent af2bf24 commit 532ef76
Showing 1 changed file with 14 additions and 11 deletions.
25 changes: 14 additions & 11 deletions PatternSkin/data/System/PatternSkinCssCookbook.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
%META:TOPICINFO{author="ProjectContributor" date="1424660268" format="1.1" version="1"}%
%META:TOPICINFO{author="ProjectContributor" date="1426813108" format="1.1" version="1"}%
---+!! %SYSTEMWEB%.PatternSkin CSS Cookbook

Expand All @@ -19,27 +19,29 @@ When customizing your Foswiki installation, you can either choose to completely
* Create a new topic that will contain your new CSS files
* Attach 3 new style sheets to the topic
* Point the CSS [[%SYSTEMWEB%.PreferenceSettings][preference settings]] in [[%SYSTEMWEB%.%WIKIPREFSTOPIC%]] or [[%LOCALSITEPREFS%]] to your new files:
<pre class="tml">
* <nop>Set FOSWIKI_LAYOUT_URL = %<nop>PUBURLPATH%/%<nop>SYSTEMWEB%/YourNewTopic/layout.css
* <nop>Set FOSWIKI_STYLE_URL = %<nop>PUBURLPATH%/%<nop>SYSTEMWEB%/YourNewTopic/style.css
* <nop>Set FOSWIKI_COLORS_URL = %<nop>PUBURLPATH%/%<nop>SYSTEMWEB%/YourNewTopic/colors.css

---+++ When you need to make small adjustments: Adding to existing CSS

With CSS you cannot remove already defined classes, you can only add to it, or override existing styles. <br />
Overriding default CSS is done with 3 [[%SYSTEMWEB%.PreferenceSettings][preference settings]]: =USERLAYOUTURL=, =USERSTYLEURL=, =USERCOLORSURL=.
* Create a new topic that will contain your new CSS files
* Attach 1, 2 or 3 new style sheets to the topic, dependent on your CSS setup (if you don't change much, you might as well put everything in one CSS file, layout, margins and colors)
* Point the CSS [[%SYSTEMWEB%.PreferenceSettings][preference settings]] in [[%SYSTEMWEB%.%WIKIPREFSTOPIC%]] or [[%LOCALSITEPREFS%]] to your new files (below the =USERXXXURL= preferences):
<pre class="tml">
<sticky><pre class="tml">
* <nop>Set USERLAYOUTURL = %<nop>PUBURLPATH%/%<nop>SYSTEMWEB%/YourNewTopic/layout.css
* <nop>Set USERSTYLEURL = %<nop>PUBURLPATH%/%<nop>SYSTEMWEB%/YourNewTopic/style.css
* <nop>Set USERCOLORSURL = %<nop>PUBURLPATH%/%<nop>SYSTEMWEB%/YourNewTopic/colors.css
* If you use only little CSS and you've only attached one file, write:
<pre class="tml">
<sticky><pre class="tml">
* Set USERSTYLEURL = %<nop>PUBURLPATH%/%<nop>SYSTEMWEB%/YourNewTopic/style.css

Instead of setting these preferences in [[%SYSTEMWEB%.%WIKIPREFSTOPIC%]] or [[%LOCALSITEPREFS%]], you can set these in your home topic, or in any other topic. Setting style URL preferences in:
* [[%SYSTEMWEB%.%WIKIPREFSTOPIC%]] or [[%LOCALSITEPREFS%]]: the style is visible for all users, site-wide
Expand All @@ -54,7 +56,7 @@ The rest of this topic shows examples of small CSS changes.
---++ Recipes

---+++ Hide the left bar

See example at: PatternSkinCssCookbookNoLeftBar

---+++ Use different fonts
Expand All @@ -65,20 +67,21 @@ See example at: PatternSkinCssCookbookFonts
---+++ I want to change the height of the top bar

This is the complete style definition to set the height of the top bar:
<verbatim class="css">

<verbatim class='css'>
#patternTopBarContents {
height:75px; /* top bar height; make room for header columns */

Change the number from 75px to your value.

1 Create a new stylesheet (preferably a 'theme variant' file (see for instance %PUBURL%/%SYSTEMWEB%/PatternSkinTheme/variant_foswiki_noframe.css with above definition in it)
1 Attach the file to a topic
1 Attach the file to a topic
1 Set the value of macro =PATTERNSKIN_THEME_VARIANT= to that topic attachment url using =%<nop>PUBURL%/<nop>YourWebName/<nop>YourTopicName/your_theme_variant_file.css=

Note: If using %<nop>WEBHEADERART% to customize the top bar, some =#patternTopBarContents= CSS is expanded inline from =templates/css.pattern.tmpl=. Override of some attributes, such as background color and repeat are not possible from the CSS files.
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