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Normal maps generation on the fly.
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Parallax mapping with slope information.
Overriding normal maps.
  • Loading branch information
RealBadAngel committed Mar 21, 2014
1 parent f3d83a4 commit 0dc1aec
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Showing 16 changed files with 732 additions and 431 deletions.
28 changes: 17 additions & 11 deletions builtin/mainmenu.lua
Expand Up @@ -723,6 +723,9 @@ function tabbuilder.handle_settings_buttons(fields)
if fields["cb_parallax"] then
engine.setting_set("enable_parallax_occlusion", fields["cb_parallax"])
if fields["cb_generate_normalmaps"] then
engine.setting_set("generate_normalmaps", fields["cb_generate_normalmaps"])
if fields["cb_waving_water"] then
engine.setting_set("enable_waving_water", fields["cb_waving_water"])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1010,27 +1013,30 @@ function tabbuilder.tab_settings()
.. dump(engine.setting_getbool("enable_shaders")) .. "]"..
"button[1,4.5;2.25,0.5;btn_change_keys;".. fgettext("Change keys") .. "]"

if engine.setting_getbool("enable_shaders") then
tab_string = tab_string ..
if engine.setting_getbool("enable_shaders") then
tab_string = tab_string ..
"checkbox[8,0.5;cb_bumpmapping;".. fgettext("Bumpmapping") .. ";"
.. dump(engine.setting_getbool("enable_bumpmapping")) .. "]"..
"checkbox[8,1.0;cb_parallax;".. fgettext("Parallax Occlusion") .. ";"
.. dump(engine.setting_getbool("enable_parallax_occlusion")) .. "]"..
"checkbox[8,1.5;cb_waving_water;".. fgettext("Waving Water") .. ";"
"checkbox[8,1.5;cb_generate_normalmaps;".. fgettext("Generate Normalmaps") .. ";"
.. dump(engine.setting_getbool("generate_normalmaps")) .. "]"..
"checkbox[8,2.0;cb_waving_water;".. fgettext("Waving Water") .. ";"
.. dump(engine.setting_getbool("enable_waving_water")) .. "]"..
"checkbox[8,2.0;cb_waving_leaves;".. fgettext("Waving Leaves") .. ";"
"checkbox[8,2.5;cb_waving_leaves;".. fgettext("Waving Leaves") .. ";"
.. dump(engine.setting_getbool("enable_waving_leaves")) .. "]"..
"checkbox[8,2.5;cb_waving_plants;".. fgettext("Waving Plants") .. ";"
"checkbox[8,3.0;cb_waving_plants;".. fgettext("Waving Plants") .. ";"
.. dump(engine.setting_getbool("enable_waving_plants")) .. "]"
tab_string = tab_string ..
tab_string = tab_string ..
"textlist[8.33,0.7;4,1;;#888888" .. fgettext("Bumpmapping") .. ";0;true]" ..
"textlist[8.33,1.2;4,1;;#888888" .. fgettext("Parallax Occlusion") .. ";0;true]" ..
"textlist[8.33,1.7;4,1;;#888888" .. fgettext("Waving Water") .. ";0;true]" ..
"textlist[8.33,2.2;4,1;;#888888" .. fgettext("Waving Leaves") .. ";0;true]" ..
"textlist[8.33,2.7;4,1;;#888888" .. fgettext("Waving Plants") .. ";0;true]"
"textlist[8.33,1.7;4,1;;#888888" .. fgettext("Generate Normalmaps") .. ";0;true]" ..
"textlist[8.33,2.2;4,1;;#888888" .. fgettext("Waving Water") .. ";0;true]" ..
"textlist[8.33,2.7;4,1;;#888888" .. fgettext("Waving Leaves") .. ";0;true]" ..
"textlist[8.33,3.2;4,1;;#888888" .. fgettext("Waving Plants") .. ";0;true]"
return tab_string
return tab_string

Expand Down
181 changes: 110 additions & 71 deletions client/shaders/alpha_shader/opengl_fragment.glsl
@@ -1,71 +1,110 @@
uniform sampler2D baseTexture;
uniform sampler2D normalTexture;
uniform sampler2D useNormalmap;

uniform vec4 skyBgColor;
uniform float fogDistance;
uniform vec3 eyePosition;

varying vec3 vPosition;
varying vec3 eyeVec;

varying vec3 tsEyeVec;

const float e = 2.718281828459;

void main (void)
vec3 color;
vec2 uv = gl_TexCoord[0].st;

float use_normalmap = texture2D(useNormalmap,vec2(1.0,1.0)).r;

float height;
vec2 tsEye = vec2(tsEyeVec.x,-tsEyeVec.y);

if (use_normalmap > 0.0) {
float map_height = texture2D(normalTexture, uv).a;
if (map_height < 1.0){
uv = uv + height * tsEye;

if (use_normalmap > 0.0) {
vec3 base = texture2D(baseTexture, uv).rgb;
vec3 vVec = normalize(eyeVec);
vec3 bump = normalize(texture2D(normalTexture, uv).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0);
vec3 R = reflect(-vVec, bump);
vec3 lVec = normalize(vVec);
float diffuse = max(dot(lVec, bump), 0.0);
float specular = pow(clamp(dot(R, lVec), 0.0, 1.0),1.0);
color = mix (base,diffuse*base,1.0) + 0.1 * specular * diffuse;
} else {
color = texture2D(baseTexture, uv).rgb;
color = texture2D(baseTexture, uv).rgb;

float alpha = texture2D(baseTexture, uv).a;
vec4 col = vec4(color.r, color.g, color.b, alpha);
col *= gl_Color;
col = col * col; // SRGB -> Linear
col *= 1.8;
col.r = 1.0 - exp(1.0 - col.r) / e;
col.g = 1.0 - exp(1.0 - col.g) / e;
col.b = 1.0 - exp(1.0 - col.b) / e;
col = sqrt(col); // Linear -> SRGB
if(fogDistance != 0.0){
float d = max(0.0, min(vPosition.z / fogDistance * 1.5 - 0.6, 1.0));
col = mix(col, skyBgColor, d);
gl_FragColor = vec4(col.r, col.g, col.b, alpha);
uniform sampler2D baseTexture;
uniform sampler2D normalTexture;
uniform sampler2D useNormalmap;

uniform vec4 skyBgColor;
uniform float fogDistance;
uniform vec3 eyePosition;

varying vec3 vPosition;
varying vec3 worldPosition;

varying vec3 eyeVec;
varying vec3 tsEyeVec;
varying vec3 lightVec;
varying vec3 tsLightVec;

bool normalTexturePresent = false;

const float e = 2.718281828459;

float intensity (vec3 color){
return (color.r + color.g + color.b) / 3.0;

float get_rgb_height (vec2 uv){
return intensity(texture2D(baseTexture,uv).rgb);

vec4 get_normal_map(vec2 uv){
vec4 bump = texture2D(normalTexture, uv).rgba; = normalize( * 2.0 -1.0);
bump.y = -bump.y;
return bump;

void main (void)
vec3 color;
vec4 bump;
vec2 uv = gl_TexCoord[0].st;
bool use_normalmap = false;

if (texture2D(useNormalmap,vec2(1.0,1.0)).r > 0.0){
normalTexturePresent = true;

if (normalTexturePresent){
vec3 tsEye = normalize(tsEyeVec);
float height = PARALLAX_OCCLUSION_SCALE * texture2D(normalTexture, uv).a - PARALLAX_OCCLUSION_BIAS;
uv = uv + texture2D(normalTexture, uv).z * height * vec2(tsEye.x,-tsEye.y);

if (normalTexturePresent){
bump = get_normal_map(uv);
use_normalmap = true;

if (use_normalmap == false){
float tl = get_rgb_height (vec2(uv.x-SAMPLE_STEP,uv.y+SAMPLE_STEP));
float t = get_rgb_height (vec2(uv.x-SAMPLE_STEP,uv.y-SAMPLE_STEP));
float tr = get_rgb_height (vec2(uv.x+SAMPLE_STEP,uv.y+SAMPLE_STEP));
float r = get_rgb_height (vec2(uv.x+SAMPLE_STEP,uv.y));
float br = get_rgb_height (vec2(uv.x+SAMPLE_STEP,uv.y-SAMPLE_STEP));
float b = get_rgb_height (vec2(uv.x,uv.y-SAMPLE_STEP));
float bl = get_rgb_height (vec2(uv.x-SAMPLE_STEP,uv.y-SAMPLE_STEP));
float l = get_rgb_height (vec2(uv.x-SAMPLE_STEP,uv.y));
float dX = (tr + 2.0 * r + br) - (tl + 2.0 * l + bl);
float dY = (bl + 2.0 * b + br) - (tl + 2.0 * t + tr);
bump = vec4 (normalize(vec3 (dX, -dY, NORMALMAPS_STRENGTH)),1.0);
use_normalmap = true;

vec4 base = texture2D(baseTexture, uv).rgba;

if (use_normalmap){
vec3 L = normalize(lightVec);
vec3 E = normalize(eyeVec);
float specular = pow(clamp(dot(reflect(L,, E), 0.0, 1.0),0.5);
float diffuse = dot(E,;
color = 0.05*base.rgb + diffuse*base.rgb + 0.2*specular*base.rgb;
} else {
color = base.rgb;
color = base.rgb;

vec4 col = vec4(color.rgb, base.a);
col = col * col; // SRGB -> Linear
col *= 1.8;
col.r = 1.0 - exp(1.0 - col.r) / e;
col.g = 1.0 - exp(1.0 - col.g) / e;
col.b = 1.0 - exp(1.0 - col.b) / e;
col = sqrt(col); // Linear -> SRGB
col *= gl_Color;
if(fogDistance != 0.0){
float d = max(0.0, min(vPosition.z / fogDistance * 1.5 - 0.6, 1.0));
col = mix(col, skyBgColor, d);
gl_FragColor = vec4(col.rgb, base.a);
38 changes: 17 additions & 21 deletions client/shaders/alpha_shader/opengl_vertex.glsl
@@ -1,27 +1,33 @@
uniform mat4 mWorldViewProj;
uniform mat4 mInvWorld;
uniform mat4 mTransWorld;
uniform mat4 mWorld;

uniform float dayNightRatio;

uniform vec3 eyePosition;

varying vec3 vPosition;
varying vec3 worldPosition;

varying vec3 eyeVec;
varying vec3 lightVec;

varying vec3 tsEyeVec;
varying vec3 tsLightVec;

const float BS = 10.0;

void main(void)
gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0;
gl_Position = mWorldViewProj * gl_Vertex;
vPosition = (mWorldViewProj * gl_Vertex).xyz;
eyeVec = (gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex).xyz;
vPosition =;
worldPosition = (mWorld * gl_Vertex).xyz;
vec3 sunPosition = vec3 (0.0, eyePosition.y * BS + 900.0, 0.0);

vec3 normal,tangent,binormal;
vec3 normal, tangent, binormal;
normal = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal);

if (gl_Normal.x > 0.5) {
// 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
tangent = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * vec3( 0.0, 0.0, -1.0));
Expand All @@ -47,25 +53,20 @@ void main(void)
tangent = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * vec3(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
binormal = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * vec3( 0.0, -1.0, 0.0));

mat3 tbnMatrix = mat3( tangent.x, binormal.x, normal.x,
tangent.y, binormal.y, normal.y,
tangent.z, binormal.z, normal.z);

tsEyeVec = normalize(eyeVec * tbnMatrix);
lightVec = sunPosition - worldPosition;
tsLightVec = lightVec * tbnMatrix;
eyeVec = (gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex).xyz;
tsEyeVec = eyeVec * tbnMatrix;

vec4 color;
//color = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

float day = gl_Color.r;
float night = gl_Color.g;
float light_source = gl_Color.b;

/*color.r = mix(night, day, dayNightRatio);
color.g = color.r;
color.b = color.r;*/

float rg = mix(night, day, dayNightRatio);
rg += light_source * 2.5; // Make light sources brighter
float b = rg;
Expand All @@ -90,13 +91,8 @@ void main(void)
color = color * color; // SRGB -> Linear
if(gl_Normal.y <= 0.5)
color *= 0.6;
//color *= 0.7;
color = sqrt(color); // Linear -> SRGB

color.a = gl_Color.a;

gl_FrontColor = gl_BackColor = color;

gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0;


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