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Sebastien Bourdeauducq committed Feb 11, 2013
1 parent f68fcef commit 5649e88
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Showing 9 changed files with 230 additions and 333 deletions.
24 changes: 2 additions & 22 deletions Makefile
@@ -1,27 +1,7 @@

all: build/soc.bit

# We need to change to the build directory because the Xilinx tools
# tend to dump a mess of various files in the current directory.

build/soc.prj build/soc.ucf:

build/soc.ngc: build/soc.prj
cd build && xst -ifn ../soc.xst

build/soc.ngd: build/soc.ngc build/soc.ucf
cd build && ngdbuild -uc soc.ucf soc.ngc

build/soc.ncd: build/soc.ngd
cd build && map -ol high -w soc.ngd

build/soc-routed.ncd: build/soc.ncd
cd build && par -ol high -w soc.ncd soc-routed.ncd

build/soc.bit build/soc.bin: build/soc-routed.ncd
cd build && bitgen -g LCK_cycle:6 -g Binary:Yes -g INIT_9K:Yes -w soc-routed.ncd soc.bit
build/soc.bit build/soc.bin:

load: build/soc.bit
jtag -n load.jtag
Expand Down
92 changes: 56 additions & 36 deletions 100644 → 100755
@@ -1,43 +1,63 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os
from mibuild.platforms import m1
import top

# list Verilog sources before changing directory
verilog_sources = []
def add_core_dir(d):
root = os.path.join("verilog", d)
files = os.listdir(root)
for f in files:
if f[-2:] == ".v":
verilog_sources.append(os.path.join(root, f))
def add_core_files(d, files):
for f in files:
verilog_sources.append(os.path.join("verilog", d, f))
add_core_files("lm32", ["lm32_cpu.v", "lm32_instruction_unit.v", "lm32_decoder.v",
"lm32_load_store_unit.v", "lm32_adder.v", "lm32_addsub.v", "lm32_logic_op.v",
"lm32_shifter.v", "lm32_multiplier_spartan6.v", "lm32_mc_arithmetic.v",
"lm32_interrupt.v", "lm32_ram.v", "lm32_dp_ram.v", "lm32_icache.v",
"lm32_dcache.v", "lm32_top.v", "lm32_debug.v", "lm32_jtag.v", "jtag_cores.v",
def main():
plat = m1.Platform()
soc = top.SoC()

# set pin constraints
plat.request("clk50", obj=soc.crg.clk50_pad)
plat.request("user_btn", 1, obj=soc.crg.trigger_reset)
plat.request("norflash_rst_n", obj=soc.crg.norflash_rst_n)
plat.request("vga_clock", obj=soc.crg.vga_clk_pad)
plat.request("ddram_clock", obj=soc.crg, name_map=lambda s: "ddr_clk_pad_" + s)
plat.request("eth_clocks", obj=soc.crg, name_map=lambda s: "eth_" + s + "_clk_pad")

plat.request("norflash", obj=soc.norflash)
plat.request("serial", obj=soc.uart)
plat.request("ddram", obj=soc.ddrphy, name_map=lambda s: "sd_" + s)
plat.request("eth", obj=soc.minimac, name_map=lambda s: "phy_" + s)
plat.request("vga", obj=soc.fb, name_map=lambda s: "vga_" + s)

# set extra constraints
NET "{clk50}" TNM_NET = "GRPclk50";
TIMESPEC "TSclk50" = PERIOD "GRPclk50" 20 ns HIGH 50%;
INST "m1crg/wr_bufpll" LOC = "BUFPLL_X0Y2";
INST "m1crg/rd_bufpll" LOC = "BUFPLL_X0Y3";
def str2file(filename, contents):
f = open(filename, "w")
NET "{phy_rx_clk}" TNM_NET = "GRPphy_rx_clk";
NET "{phy_tx_clk}" TNM_NET = "GRPphy_tx_clk";
TIMESPEC "TSphy_rx_clk" = PERIOD "GRPphy_rx_clk" 40 ns HIGH 50%;
TIMESPEC "TSphy_tx_clk" = PERIOD "GRPphy_tx_clk" 40 ns HIGH 50%;
TIMESPEC "TSphy_tx_clk_io" = FROM "GRPphy_tx_clk" TO "PADS" 10 ns;
TIMESPEC "TSphy_rx_clk_io" = FROM "PADS" TO "GRPphy_rx_clk" 10 ns;
# generate source
(src_verilog, src_ucf) = top.get()
str2file("soc.v", src_verilog)
str2file("soc.ucf", src_ucf)
NET "asfifo*/counter_read/gray_count*" TIG;
NET "asfifo*/counter_write/gray_count*" TIG;
NET "asfifo*/preset_empty*" TIG;

# add Verilog sources
for d in ["generic", "m1crg", "s6ddrphy", "minimac3"]:
plat.add_source_dir(os.path.join("verilog", d))
plat.add_sources(os.path.join("verilog", "lm32"),
"lm32_cpu.v", "lm32_instruction_unit.v", "lm32_decoder.v",
"lm32_load_store_unit.v", "lm32_adder.v", "lm32_addsub.v", "lm32_logic_op.v",
"lm32_shifter.v", "lm32_multiplier_spartan6.v", "lm32_mc_arithmetic.v",
"lm32_interrupt.v", "lm32_ram.v", "lm32_dp_ram.v", "lm32_icache.v",
"lm32_dcache.v", "lm32_top.v", "lm32_debug.v", "lm32_jtag.v", "jtag_cores.v",

plat.build_cmdline(soc.get_fragment(), clock_domains=soc.crg.get_clock_domains())

# generate XST project file
xst_prj = ""
for s in verilog_sources:
xst_prj += "verilog work ../" + s + "\n"
str2file("soc.prj", xst_prj)
if __name__ == "__main__":
110 changes: 0 additions & 110 deletions

This file was deleted.

26 changes: 18 additions & 8 deletions milkymist/m1crg/
@@ -1,16 +1,22 @@
from fractions import Fraction

from migen.fhdl.structure import *
from mibuild.crg import CRG

class M1CRG:
class M1CRG(CRG):
def __init__(self, infreq, outfreq1x):
self.clkin = Signal()
self.clk50_pad = Signal()
self.trigger_reset = Signal()

self.eth_rx_clk_pad = Signal()
self.eth_tx_clk_pad = Signal()

self.cd_sys = ClockDomain("sys")
self.cd_sys2x_270 = ClockDomain("sys2x_270")
self.cd_sys4x_wr = ClockDomain("sys4x_wr")
self.cd_sys4x_rd = ClockDomain("sys4x_rd")
self.cd_eth_rx = ClockDomain("eth_rx")
self.cd_eth_tx = ClockDomain("eth_tx")
self.cd_vga = ClockDomain("vga")

ratio = Fraction(outfreq1x)/Fraction(infreq)
Expand All @@ -20,24 +26,29 @@ def __init__(self, infreq, outfreq1x):
Instance.Parameter("in_period", in_period),
Instance.Parameter("f_mult", ratio.numerator),
Instance.Parameter("f_div", ratio.denominator),
Instance.Input("clkin", self.clkin),
Instance.Input("clk50_pad", self.clk50_pad),
Instance.Input("trigger_reset", self.trigger_reset),

Instance.Input("eth_rx_clk_pad", self.eth_rx_clk_pad),
Instance.Input("eth_tx_clk_pad", self.eth_tx_clk_pad),

Instance.Output("sys_clk", self.cd_sys.clk),
Instance.Output("sys_rst", self.cd_sys.rst),
Instance.Output("clk2x_270", self.cd_sys2x_270.clk),
Instance.Output("clk4x_wr", self.cd_sys4x_wr.clk),
Instance.Output("clk4x_rd", self.cd_sys4x_rd.clk),
Instance.Output("eth_rx_clk", self.cd_eth_rx.clk),
Instance.Output("eth_tx_clk", self.cd_eth_tx.clk),
Instance.Output("vga_clk", self.cd_vga.clk)

for name in [
s = Signal(name=name)
Expand All @@ -46,6 +57,5 @@ def __init__(self, infreq, outfreq1x):

self._inst = Instance("m1crg", *inst_items)

def get_fragment(self):
return Fragment(instances=[self._inst])
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions milkymist/minimac3/
Expand Up @@ -84,11 +84,11 @@ def get_fragment(self):
Instance.Output("wb_dat_o", self.membus.dat_r),
Instance.Output("wb_ack_o", self.membus.ack),

Instance.ClockPort("phy_tx_clk", "eth_tx"),
Instance.Output("phy_tx_data", self.phy_tx_data),
Instance.Output("phy_tx_en", self.phy_tx_en),
Instance.Output("phy_tx_er", self.phy_tx_er),
Instance.Input("phy_tx_clk", self.phy_tx_clk),
Instance.Input("phy_rx_clk", self.phy_rx_clk),
Instance.Output("phy_tx_er", self.phy_tx_er),
Instance.ClockPort("phy_rx_clk", "eth_rx"),
Instance.Input("phy_rx_data", self.phy_rx_data),
Instance.Input("phy_dv", self.phy_dv),
Instance.Input("phy_rx_er", self.phy_rx_er),
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions milkymist/s6ddrphy/
Expand Up @@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ def __init__(self, a, ba, d):
("clk4x_wr_strb", 1, Instance.Input),
("clk4x_rd_strb", 1, Instance.Input),

("sd_clk_out_p", 1, Instance.Output),
("sd_clk_out_n", 1, Instance.Output),
("sd_a", a, Instance.Output),
("sd_ba", ba, Instance.Output),
("sd_cs_n", 1, Instance.Output),
Expand Down

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