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base repository: joyent/libuv
base: 56ed572a5589
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head repository: joyent/libuv
compare: bc0c61cd7fa9
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  • 2 commits
  • 5 files changed
  • 2 contributors

Commits on Jan 8, 2013

  1. unix: improve uv_guess_handle() implementation

    uv_guess_handle is currently squelching both fifo and all
    sockets on to the UV_NAMED_PIPE type. Rather than treating
    all sockets as UV_NAMED_PIPE, use getsockopt() and
    getsockaddr() to determine if the socket is an AF_UNIX
    stream (in which case return UV_NAMED_PIPE), or an AF_INET
    stream (in which case return UV_TCP), or an AF_INET datagram
    socket (in which case return UV_UDP).
    Additionally, currently all other file descriptor types are
    squelched to the UV_FILE type. Instead, only file descriptors
    that are marked as regular files are treated as UV_FILE. All
    other types (such as directories, character and block devices)
    are now treated as UV_UNKNOWN_HANDLE.
    bennoleslie authored and bnoordhuis committed Jan 8, 2013
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  2. Copy the full SHA
    bc0c61c View commit details
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