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base repository: mirage/mirage
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base: 26b6cfa861a2
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head repository: mirage/mirage
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compare: fdd468d2c475
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  • 2 commits
  • 3 files changed
  • 2 contributors

Commits on Nov 18, 2014

  1. Added tracing support

    talex5 committed Nov 18, 2014
    Copy the full SHA
    a6631dd View commit details
  2. Merge pull request #321 from talex5/profile

    Added tracing support
    avsm committed Nov 18, 2014
    Copy the full SHA
    fdd468d View commit details
Showing with 77 additions and 7 deletions.
  1. +3 −0 CHANGES
  2. +60 −5 lib/
  3. +14 −2 lib/mirage.mli
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions CHANGES
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
trunk (unreleased):
* Add `register ~tracing` to enable tracing with mirage-profile at start-up.

2.0.0 (2014-11-05):
* [types]: backwards incompatible change: CONSOLE is now a FLOW;
'write' has a different signature and 'write_all' has been removed.
65 changes: 60 additions & 5 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1811,10 +1811,54 @@ module Job = struct


module Tracing = struct
type t = {
size : int;

let unix_trace_file = "trace.ctf"

let packages _ = StringSet.singleton "mirage-profile"

let libraries _ =
match !mode with
| `Unix -> StringSet.singleton "mirage-profile.unix"
| `Xen -> StringSet.singleton "mirage-profile.xen"

let configure t =
if Sys.command "ocamlfind query lwt.tracing 2>/dev/null" <> 0 then (
flush stdout;
error "lwt.tracing module not found. Hint:\n\
opam pin add lwt"

append_main "let () = ";
begin match !mode with
| `Unix ->
append_main " let buffer = MProf_unix.mmap_buffer ~size:%d %S in" t.size unix_trace_file;
append_main " let trace_config = MProf.Trace.Control.make buffer MProf_unix.timestamper in";
append_main " MProf.Trace.Control.start trace_config";
| `Xen ->
append_main " let trace_pages = MProf_xen.make_shared_buffer ~size:%d in" t.size;
append_main " let buffer = trace_pages |> Io_page.to_cstruct |> Cstruct.to_bigarray in";
append_main " let trace_config = MProf.Trace.Control.make buffer MProf_xen.timestamper in";
append_main " MProf.Trace.Control.start trace_config;";
append_main " MProf_xen.share_with (module Gnt.Gntshr) (module OS.Xs) ~domid:0 trace_pages";
append_main " |>";
newline_main ()

type tracing = Tracing.t

let mprof_trace ~size () =
{ Tracing.size }

type t = {
name: string;
root: string;
jobs: job impl list;
tracing: tracing option;

let t = ref None
@@ -1836,15 +1880,15 @@ let get_config_file () =
let update_path t root =
{ t with jobs = (fun j -> Impl.update_path j root) }

let register name jobs =
let register ?tracing name jobs =
let root = match !config_file with
| None -> failwith "no config file"
| Some f -> Filename.dirname f in
t := Some { name; jobs; root }
t := Some { name; jobs; root; tracing }

let registered () =
match !t with
| None -> { name = "empty"; jobs = []; root = Sys.getcwd () }
| None -> { name = "empty"; jobs = []; root = Sys.getcwd (); tracing = None }
| Some t -> t

let ps = ref StringSet.empty
@@ -1856,10 +1900,14 @@ let packages t =
let m = match !mode with
| `Unix -> "mirage-unix"
| `Xen -> "mirage-xen" in
let ps = StringSet.add m !ps in
let ps = match t.tracing with
| None -> ps
| Some tracing -> StringSet.union (Tracing.packages tracing) ps in
let ps = List.fold_left (fun set j ->
let ps = StringSet.of_list (Impl.packages j) in
StringSet.union ps set
) (StringSet.add m !ps) in
) ps in
StringSet.elements ps

let ls = ref StringSet.empty
@@ -1871,10 +1919,14 @@ let libraries t =
let m = match !mode with
| `Unix -> "mirage-types.lwt"
| `Xen -> "mirage-types.lwt" in
let ls = StringSet.add m !ls in
let ls = match t.tracing with
| None -> ls
| Some tracing -> StringSet.union (Tracing.libraries tracing) ls in
let ls = List.fold_left (fun set j ->
let ls = StringSet.of_list (Impl.libraries j) in
StringSet.union ls set
) (StringSet.add m !ls) in
) ls in
StringSet.elements ls

let configure_myocamlbuild_ml t =
@@ -2218,6 +2270,9 @@ let configure_main t =
newline_main ();
append_main "let _ = Printexc.record_backtrace true";
newline_main ();
begin match t.tracing with
| None -> ()
| Some tracing -> Tracing.configure tracing end;
List.iter (fun j -> Impl.configure j);
List.iter configure_job;
let names = (fun j -> Printf.sprintf "%s ()" ( j)) in
16 changes: 14 additions & 2 deletions lib/mirage.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -352,6 +352,16 @@ val http: http typ
val http_server: conduit_server -> conduit impl -> http impl

(** {2 Tracing} *)

type tracing

val mprof_trace : size:int -> unit -> tracing
(** Use mirage-profile to trace the unikernel.
On Unix, this creates and mmaps a file called "trace.ctf".
On Xen, it shares the trace buffer with dom0. *)

(** {2 Jobs} *)

type job
@@ -360,14 +370,16 @@ type job
val job: job typ
(** Reprensention of [JOB]. *)

val register: string -> job impl list -> unit
val register: ?tracing:tracing -> string -> job impl list -> unit
(** [register name jobs] registers the application named by [name]
which will executes the given [jobs]. *)
which will executes the given [jobs].
@param tracing enables tracing if present (see {!mprof_trace}). *)

type t = {
name: string;
root: string;
jobs: job impl list;
tracing: tracing option;
(** Type for values representing a project description. *)