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base repository: joyent/libuv
base: f43ad85eddf7
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head repository: joyent/libuv
compare: fb649487465d
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  • 1 commit
  • 4 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Nov 3, 2012

  1. unix: do not set environ unless one is provided

    Currently, `uv_spawn` will set `environ` to the value of `options.env`, even if
    `options.env` is `NULL`.  This results in child processes for whom `environ ==
    NULL`, which can cause a variety of unexpected issues.
    This is a back-port of commit 1d85815 from the master branch.
    AvianFlu authored and bnoordhuis committed Nov 3, 2012
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    fb64948 View commit details
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