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base repository: nodejs/node-v0.x-archive
base: 8590f810a534
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head repository: nodejs/node-v0.x-archive
compare: cb1646f44eb0
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  • 5 commits
  • 9 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Dec 31, 2013

  1. Copy the full SHA
    3c64970 View commit details
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  2. cluster: disconnect callback should always occur

    Fixes issue in 0.11 where callback doesn't occur if worker count is
    currently zero.  In 0.10 callback occurs after worker count is zero, and
    occurs in next tick if worker count is currently zero.
    sam-github authored and tjfontaine committed Dec 31, 2013
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    6f40abe View commit details
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  3. cluster: only forcibly exit worker on unclean exit

    Fix inadvertent v0.11 changes to the definition of suicide, particularly
    the relationship between suicide state, the disconnect event, and when
    exit should occur.
    In v0.10, workers don't forcibly exit on disconnect, it doesn't give
    them time to do a graceful finish of open client connections, they exit
    under normal node rules - when there is nothing left to do. But on
    unexpected disconnect they do exit so the workers aren't left around
    after the master.
    Note that a test as-written was invalid, it failed against the v0.10
    cluster API, demonstrating that it was an undocumented API change.
    sam-github authored and tjfontaine committed Dec 31, 2013
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    dce3514 View commit details
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  4. cluster: do not synchronously emit 'setup' event

    This is a problem present in both v0.10, and v0.11, where the 'setup'
    event is synchronously emitted by `cluster.setupMaster()`, a mostly
    harmless anti-pattern.
    sam-github authored and tjfontaine committed Dec 31, 2013
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    876d3bd View commit details
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  5. test: fix assumption of worker exit on disconnect

    Master was disconnecting its workers as soon as they both started up.
    Meanwhile, the workers were trying to listen. Its a race, sometimes the
    disconnect would happen between when worker gets the response message,
    and acks that message with a 'listening'. This worked OK after v0.11
    introduced a behaviour where disconnect would always exit the worker,
    but once that backwards-incompatible behaviour is removed, the worker
    lives long enough to try and respond to the master, and child_process
    errors at the attempt to send from a disconnected child.
    sam-github authored and tjfontaine committed Dec 31, 2013
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    cb1646f View commit details
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