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base repository: joyent/libuv
base: f78bcfbd6ad2
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head repository: joyent/libuv
compare: 14aa6153bec4
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  • 1 commit
  • 8 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Apr 10, 2013

  1. unix, win: add netmask to uv_interface_address

    Include the netmask when returning information about the OS network
    This commit provides implementations for windows and those unix
    platforms using getifaddrs().
    AIX was not implemented because it requires the use of ioctls and I do
    not have an AIX development/test environment.  The windows code was
    developed using mingw on winxp as I do not have access to visual studio.
    Tested on darwin (ipv4/ipv6) and winxp (ipv4 only).  Needs testing on
    newer windows using ipv6 and other unix platforms.
    wanderview authored and bnoordhuis committed Apr 10, 2013
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    14aa615 View commit details
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