# ~/.environ - sh/bash global environment # vim: ft=sh # Local variables that might be used in the rest of .environ test "$UID" || UID=$(id -u) test "$USER" || USER=$(id -un) test "$HOSTNAME" || HOSTNAME=$(hostname) add_path() case :$PATH: in *:$1:*) ;; *) PATH=$1:$PATH;; esac path_add() case :$PATH: in *:$1:*) ;; *) PATH=$PATH:$1;; esac # Enable allexport set -a # System path add_path ~/bin add_path ~/bin/bin add_path ~/bin/obj/host.$HOSTNAME add_path ~/.local/bin path_add /usr/local/sbin path_add /usr/sbin path_add /sbin path_add ~/bin/fallback # Defaults for makepkg, git commit, etc. NAME="Mantas Mikulėnas" EMAIL="grawity@gmail.com" # Locale TZ="Europe/Vilnius" # Preferred programs EDITOR="vim" unset VISUAL # Interpreters PERL5LIB="$PREFIX/lib/perl5:$HOME/bin/lib/perl5" PYTHONPATH="$HOME/bin/lib/python" IRBRC="$HOME/.dotfiles/irbrc" PYTHONSTARTUP="$HOME/.dotfiles/pythonrc" # Default install base for npm and some other stuff PREFIX="$HOME/.local" PERL_CPANM_HOME="$HOME/.cache/cpanminus" PERL_MM_OPT="INSTALL_BASE=$PREFIX" PERL_MB_OPT="--install_base '$PREFIX'" # Less/man - render "underline" in manual pages as italics LESS_TERMCAP_us="" LESS_TERMCAP_ue="" # Less/man - set terminal title to "manpage(section)" #MANLESS="]0;\$MAN_PN ?ltline %lt?L/%L.:byte %bB?s/%s..?e (END):?pB %pB\\%.. " # (2022-08-05: Broken, part of the title string goes into Less status) # Sysstat/iostat - enable colors (probably on by default, now) S_COLORS="auto" # Less - various options # -e Quit at second EOF # -M Detailed status/prompt # -q Use visual instead of audible bell at EOF # -Q Always use visual bell # -R Pass through formatting sequences # -F Immediately quit if one screen # -X Don't use alternate screen # -z-3 Keep 3 line context when scrolling LESS="e M q R F X z-3" # Misc MAKEFLAGS="-j $(nproc)" NSS_DEFAULT_DB_TYPE="sql" PIP_BREAK_SYSTEM_PACKAGES="1" SUDO_PROMPT="sudo password for %p@%h: " #TPM2_PKCS11_STORE="$HOME/.local/share/tpm2_pkcs11" if [ "$DISPLAY" ]; then . ~/.dotfiles/environ-desktop fi if [ -f ~/.dotfiles/environ-$HOSTNAME ]; then . ~/.dotfiles/environ-$HOSTNAME fi if [ -f ~/.environ-$HOSTNAME ]; then . ~/.environ-$HOSTNAME fi test "$FQDN" || FQDN=$(LC_ALL="C" fqdn) # Disable allexport again set +a