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Item12019: reverting impl of
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... being developed as part of work on HTML5EditContrib and SlickSitemapContrib
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MichaelDaum committed Dec 9, 2014
1 parent 27d3f85 commit 95abe4d
Showing 1 changed file with 40 additions and 59 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -89,6 +89,44 @@ var foswiki = foswiki || {
return null;

* Get pub url path for a specific file
function _getPubUrl(absolute, web, topic, file, params) {
var prefName = (absolute?"PUBURL":"PUBURLPATH"),
url, arr = [];

url = foswiki.getPreference(prefName) || '/';

if (typeof(web) !== 'undefined') {
url += "/"+web;

if (typeof(topic) !== 'undefined') {
url += "/"+topic;

if (typeof(file) !== 'undefined') {
url += "/"+file;

if (typeof(params) !== 'undefined') {
$.each(params, function(key, val) {

url += (arr.length?"?"+arr.join("&"):"");

return url;
foswiki.getPubUrl = function(web, topic, file, params) {
return _getPubUrl(1, web, topic, file, params);
foswiki.getPubUrlPath = function(web, topic, params) {
return _getScriptUrl(0, script, web, topic, params);

* Get url path for a specific script
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,7 +160,8 @@ var foswiki = foswiki || {

return url;

foswiki.getScriptUrl = function(script, web, topic, params) {
return _getScriptUrl(1, script, web, topic, params);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -164,64 +203,6 @@ var foswiki = foswiki || {
return $(inRootElem).find(tag + "." + inClassName).get();

* simplify ajax posting with Strikeone, embedded or no validation
* @param script: foswiki script name
* @param postData: data to be POSTed to script (don't forget data.web and data.topic)
* returns the $.ajax Promise object, so you can then chain the events onto it
*/ = function(script, hash) {
var inputs, req, headers, calculateNewKey, newKey;

//try to get a validation key from a form
//we can do this only because all forms on a page get the same validation key
inputs = $("input[name=validation_key]")[0];
if (inputs) {
hash.validation_key = inputs.value;
} else {
//DO this only if there is no form we can grab one from
req = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', document.location, false);
headers = req.getAllResponseHeaders().toLowerCase();
hash.validation_key = req.getResponseHeader('X-Foswiki-Validation');

//call strikeone code if its loaded (wrongly assume we're not using strikeone if its not)
if (typeof(StrikeOne) === 'object') {
calculateNewKey = StrikeOne.calculateNewKey;
if (typeof(calculateNewKey) === 'function') {
hash.validation_key = calculateNewKey(hash.validation_key);

return $.post(foswiki.getScriptUrl(1, script, hash.web, hash.topic, hash))
.complete(function(jqXHR, status) {
// distribute this new validation key to all input fields in the current DOM
newKey = jqXHR.getResponseHeader('X-Foswiki-Validation');
if (newKey) {
$("input[name=validation_key]").attr("value", '?' + newKey);
.error(function(event, data) {
if (event.status == 419) {
//the payload is a strikeone validation request, so try popping it up in a jqDialog
var entirehtml = jQuery(event.responseText).filter('.foswikiMain'),
last = entirehtml[0],
message = jQuery(last.innerHTML).filter('.container-fluid');

height: 410,
width: 600,
modal: true,
title: 'confirm change'

* document ready handler
Expand Down

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