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base repository: joyent/libuv
base: 39bef3290657^
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head repository: joyent/libuv
compare: faf2c5932c89
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  • 3 commits
  • 1 file changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Sep 5, 2013

  1. Copy the full SHA
    39bef32 View commit details
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  2. windows/fs: make uv_fs_open() report EINVAL correctly

    Before, when the user passed an invalid paramter to uv_fs_open, libuv
    would detect this and call SET_REQ_RESULT to set the result value to -1.
    SET_REQ_RESULT then stored whatever error code was returned by
    GetLastError(), which would have no relationship to the actual problem,
    and might as well be zero.
    piscisaureus committed Sep 5, 2013
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    812717d View commit details
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  3. windows/fs: handle _open_osfhandle() failure correctly

    Until now we assumed that _open_osfhandle() would set _doserrno on
    failure. This assumption was very wrong in one obvious case, namely when
    the CRT file descriptor table would fill up. In that case errno is set
    to EMFILE, but GetLastError() returns zero - which makes sense because
    it's not a win32 error but rather a CRT problem.
    piscisaureus committed Sep 5, 2013
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    faf2c59 View commit details
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