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Item13186: drop nullok and support undefok and emptyok instead, to re…
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…present valid undef and empty string values respectively. Clean up the way check options are used in the checkers, and collapse undef and empty checking into a single checker function. Include other changes from George's patch in the task.
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Comment committed Jan 9, 2015
1 parent 47fcb1e commit 3d6fc31
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Showing 29 changed files with 213 additions and 268 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -535,6 +535,16 @@ function _id_ify(id) {

function CHECK_option(spec, option) {
if (!spec.CHECK)
return null;
if (spec.CHECK.length == 0)
return null;
if (!spec.CHECK[0][option])
return null;
return spec.CHECK[0][option][0];

// Load a key node UI
function load_ui($node) {
var spec = $'spec.entry'),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -562,7 +572,7 @@ function _id_ify(id) {

if (spec.UNDEFINEDOK == 1) {
if (CHECK_option(spec, 'undefok') === 1) {
// If undefined is OK, then we add a checkbox that
// needs to be clicked to see the value input.
// if it isn't checked, the value is undefined; if it
Expand All @@ -582,7 +592,7 @@ function _id_ify(id) {
update_modified_default( $node );
// Add a null_if handler to intercent the currentValue
// Add a null_if handler to intercept the currentValue
// of the keys (see types.js)
handler.null_if = function () {
return !$butt.attr("checked");
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions MailerContrib/lib/Foswiki/Contrib/MailerContrib/Config.spec
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# ---+ Extensions
# ---++ MailerContrib
# **REGEX**
# **REGEX CHECK="undefok emptyok"**
# Define the regular expression that an email address entered in WebNotify
# must match to be identified as a legal email by the notifier. You can use
# this expression to - for example - filter email addresses on your company
Expand All @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ $Foswiki::cfg{MailerContrib}{EmailFilterIn} = '';
# Remove IMG tags in notification mails.
$Foswiki::cfg{MailerContrib}{RemoveImgInMailnotify} = $TRUE;

# **STRING 80**
# **STRING 80 CHECK="undefok emptyok"**
# A comma-separated list of user preference names that will be respected
# when sending out emails.
$Foswiki::cfg{MailerContrib}{RespectUserPrefs} = 'LANGUAGE';
Expand Down
36 changes: 18 additions & 18 deletions UnitTestContrib/lib/Foswiki/Contrib/UnitTestContrib/Config.spec
Expand Up @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
# Foswiki Unit-Test Framework
# ---+++ Selenium Remote Control
# For browser-in-the-loop testing
# **STRING 30**
# **STRING 30 CHECK='emptyok' **
# The UnitTestContrib needs a username to access (i.e. edit) the testcase web and topic from the browser opened by Selenium RC.
$Foswiki::cfg{UnitTestContrib}{SeleniumRc}{Username} = '';
# **PASSWORD 30**
# **PASSWORD 30 CHECK="emptyok" **
# The password for the Selenium RC user
$Foswiki::cfg{UnitTestContrib}{SeleniumRc}{Password} = '';
# **PERL 40x10 CHECK='nullok'**
# **PERL 40x10 CHECK='undefok'**
# List the browsers accessible via Selenium RC.
# It is keyed by browser identifier - you choose the identifiers as seems sensible. Browser identifiers may only consist of alphanumeric characters.
# Examples: <code>FF3 FF2dot1OnWindows IE6_1_345 w3m</code>
Expand All @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ $Foswiki::cfg{UnitTestContrib}{SeleniumRc}{BaseTimeout} = 5000;
# and do nothing.
# **STRING FEEDBACK="label='Test one';wizard='Test';method='test1';auth=1" \
# FEEDBACK="label='Test two';wizard='Test';method='test1'" \
# CHECK="min:3 max:20"**
# CHECK="min:3 max:20 undefok"**
# When you press either of the test buttons, expect the value to change
# to "ROPE" and there to be one each of the different levels of report.
# Default: STRING
Expand All @@ -40,29 +40,29 @@ $Foswiki::cfg{UnitTestContrib}{Configure}{BOOLEAN} = 1;
# Default: COMMAND
$Foswiki::cfg{UnitTestContrib}{Configure}{COMMAND} = 'COMMAND';
# **DATE**
# **DATE CHECK="undefok"**
# Default: 12 Feb 2012
$Foswiki::cfg{UnitTestContrib}{Configure}{DATE} = '12 Feb 2012';
# **EMAILADDRESS CHECK="undefok"**
# Default:
$Foswiki::cfg{UnitTestContrib}{Configure}{EMAILADDRESS} = '';
# **NUMBER**
# **NUMBER CHECK="undefok"**
# Default: 666
$Foswiki::cfg{UnitTestContrib}{Configure}{NUMBER} = 666;
# **OCTAL CHECK="min:30 max:70"**
# **OCTAL CHECK="min:30 max:70 undefok"**
# Default: 429
$Foswiki::cfg{UnitTestContrib}{Configure}{OCTAL} = 429;
# Default: PASSWORD
$Foswiki::cfg{UnitTestContrib}{Configure}{PASSWORD} = 'PASSWORD';
# **PATH**
# **PATH CHECK="undefok"**
# Default: PATH
$Foswiki::cfg{UnitTestContrib}{Configure}{PATH} = 'PATH';
# **PERL FEEDBACK="label='Format';wizard='Test';method='format'" **
# **PERL FEEDBACK="label='Format';wizard='Test';method='format'" CHECK="undefok"**
# Default: 'PERL'
# The test button should come back with a prettified version of your value.
#$Foswiki::cfg{UnitTestContrib}{Configure}{PERL} = '\'PERL\';';
# **REGEX**
# **REGEX CHECK="undefok"**
# Default: '^regex$'
$Foswiki::cfg{UnitTestContrib}{Configure}{REGEX} = '^regex$';
# **SELECTCLASS none,Foswiki::Configure::P* **
Expand All @@ -71,13 +71,13 @@ $Foswiki::cfg{UnitTestContrib}{Configure}{SELECTCLASS} = 'Foswiki::Configure::Pa
# **SELECT choose,life**
# Default: life
$Foswiki::cfg{UnitTestContrib}{Configure}{SELECT} = 'life';
# **URLPATH CHECK="undefok"**
# Default: /
$Foswiki::cfg{UnitTestContrib}{Configure}{URLPATH} = '/';
# **URL**
# **URL CHECK="undefok"**
# Default: http://localhost
$Foswiki::cfg{UnitTestContrib}{Configure}{URL} = 'http://localhost';
# **STRING H**
# **STRING H CHECK="undefok"**
# Default: H
$Foswiki::cfg{UnitTestContrib}{Configure}{H} = 'H';
# **STRING EXPERT CHECK="nullok"**
Expand All @@ -86,20 +86,20 @@ $Foswiki::cfg{UnitTestContrib}{Configure}{EXPERT} = 'EXPERT';
# **PATH CHECK='nullok'**
# Default: empty
# $Foswiki::cfg{UnitTestContrib}{Configure}{empty} = 'empty';
# **STRING**
# **STRING CHECK="undefok"**
# Should contain other items
$Foswiki::cfg{UnitTestContrib}{Configure}{DEP_STRING} = 'xxx$Foswiki::cfg{UnitTestContrib}{Configure}{H}xxx';
# **PERL**
# **PERL CHECK="undefok"**
# Should contain other items
$Foswiki::cfg{UnitTestContrib}{Configure}{DEP_PERL} = {
'string' => 'xxx$Foswiki::cfg{UnitTestContrib}{Configure}{H}xxx',
'hash' => { 'hash' => 'xxx$Foswiki::cfg{UnitTestContrib}{Configure}{H}xxx' },
'array' => [ '$Foswiki::cfg{UnitTestContrib}{Configure}{H}' ]
# **PERL**
# **PERL CHECK="undefok"**
# Default: { a => 1, b => 2 }
$Foswiki::cfg{UnitTestContrib}{Configure}{PERL_HASH} = { a => 1, b => 2 };
# **PERL**
# **PERL CHECK="undefok"**
# Default: [ 1, 2 ]
$Foswiki::cfg{UnitTestContrib}{Configure}{PERL_ARRAY} = [ 1, 2 ];
44 changes: 22 additions & 22 deletions core/lib/Foswiki.spec
Expand Up @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
# to return the {DefaultUrlHost}.
$Foswiki::cfg{ForceDefaultUrlHost} = $FALSE;

# parts:scheme,authority \
# authtype:hostip' **
# If your host has aliases (such as both and
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,12 +94,12 @@ $Foswiki::cfg{PermittedRedirectHostUrls} = '';
# This is the file system path used to access the Foswiki bin directory.
# $Foswiki::cfg{ScriptDir} = '/home/httpd/foswiki/bin';

# **STRING 10**
# **STRING 10 CHECK="emptyok"**
# Suffix of Foswiki CGI scripts. For example, .cgi or .pl.
# You may need to set this if your webserver requires an extension.
$Foswiki::cfg{ScriptSuffix} = '';
#$Foswiki::cfg{ScriptSuffix} = '';

# **URLPATH CHECK='nullok notrail' FEEDBACK="label='Verify';wizard='ScriptHash';method='verify';auth=1" **
# **URLPATH CHECK='undefok emptyok notrail' FEEDBACK="label='Verify';wizard='ScriptHash';method='verify';auth=1" **
#! n.b. options should match Pluggables/ for dynamic path items
# This is the complete path used to access the Foswiki view script,
# including any suffix.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -182,13 +182,13 @@ $Foswiki::cfg{ScriptSuffix} = '';
# are pending verification.
# $Foswiki::cfg{WorkingDir} = '/home/httpd/foswiki/working';

# **PATH CHECK="nullok" EXPERT**
# **PATH CHECK="undefok" EXPERT**
# This is used to override the default system temporary file location.
# Set this if you wish to have control over where working tmp files are
# created. It is normally set automatically in the code.
# $Foswiki::cfg{TempfileDir} = '';

# **PATH EXPERT CHECK='nullok'**
# **PATH EXPERT CHECK='undefok'**
# You can override the default PATH setting to control
# where Foswiki looks for external programs, such as grep.
# By restricting this path to just a few key
Expand All @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ $Foswiki::cfg{ScriptSuffix} = '';
# * Windows Cygwin Perl - Path separator is ':'. The Windows system
# directory is required on the path. Use '/' not '\' in pathnames.
# Typical setting is =/cygdrive/c/windows/system32=
# $Foswiki::cfg{SafeEnvPath} = '';
# $Foswiki::cfg{SafeEnvPath} = undef;

#---+ Security and Authentication
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ $Foswiki::cfg{Sessions}{ExpireCookiesAfter} = 0;
# {Sessions}{MapIP2SID}).
$Foswiki::cfg{Sessions}{IDsInURLs} = 0;

# **STRING 20 CHECK='nullok' EXPERT DISPLAY_IF="{UseClientSessions}" CHECK="iff:'{UseClientSessions}'"**
# **STRING 20 CHECK='undefok' EXPERT DISPLAY_IF="{UseClientSessions}" CHECK="iff:'{UseClientSessions}'"**
# By default the Foswiki session cookie is only accessible by the host which
# sets it. To change the scope of this cookie you can set this to any other
# value (ie. Make sure that Foswiki can access its own cookie.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ $Foswiki::cfg{Register}{RegistrationAgentWikiName} = 'RegistrationAgent';
# email address.
$Foswiki::cfg{Register}{UniqueEmail} = $FALSE;
# **REGEX 80 CHECK="emptyok" EXPERT**
# This regular expression can be used to block certain email addresses
# from being used for registering users. It can be used to block some
# of the more common wikispam bots. If this regex matches the entered
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1036,19 +1036,19 @@ $Foswiki::cfg{AccessibleENV} =
# Some environments require outbound HTTP traffic to go through a proxy
# server (for example
# **URL 30 CHECK='nullok parts:scheme,authority,path,user,pass \
# **URL 30 CHECK='undefok emptyok parts:scheme,authority,path,user,pass \
# partsreq:scheme,authority \
# schemes:http,https \
# authtype:hostip' **
# Hostname or address of the proxy server.
# If your proxy requires authentication, simply put it in the URL, as in:
$Foswiki::cfg{PROXY}{HOST} = '';
$Foswiki::cfg{PROXY}{HOST} = undef;
# **STRING 30 CHECK='nullok'**
# **STRING 30 CHECK='undefok emptyok'**
# Some environments require outbound HTTP traffic to go through a proxy
# server. Set the port number here (e.g: 8080).
$Foswiki::cfg{PROXY}{PORT} = '';
$Foswiki::cfg{PROXY}{PORT} = undef;
#---++ Anti-spam
# Foswiki incorporates some simple anti-spam measures to protect
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1193,14 +1193,14 @@ $Foswiki::cfg{WarningFileName} = '';
# or Foswiki 1.1 logging directory =$Foswiki::cfg{Log}{Dir}/log%DATE%.txt=
$Foswiki::cfg{LogFileName} = '';
# **PATH DISPLAY_IF="/Compatibility/i.test({Log}{Implementation}) || {ConfigureLogFileName}"**
# **PATH DISPLAY_IF="/Compatibility/i.test({Log}{Implementation}) || {ConfigureLogFileName}" CHECK="undefok"**
# Log file recording configuration changes when using the Compatibility logger
# If =%DATE%= is included in the file name, it gets expanded
# to YYYYMM (year, month), causing a new log to be written each month.
# To use the Compatibility logger, set this to a valid file path and name.
$Foswiki::cfg{ConfigureLogFileName} = '';
$Foswiki::cfg{ConfigureLogFileName} = undef;
#---++ Statistics
# Statistics are usually assembled by a cron script
#---+ Miscellaneous
# Miscellaneous expert options.

# **STRING 20 CHECK='nullok' EXPERT**
# **STRING 20 CHECK='undefok' EXPERT**
# The name of the host operating system. This is automatically calculated
# in the code. You should only need to override if your Perl doesn't provide
# the value of $^O or $Config::Config{'osname'} (an exceptional
# situtation never yet encountered)
# $Foswiki::cfg{DetailedOS} = '';

# **STRING 20 CHECK='nullok' EXPERT**
# **STRING 20 CHECK='undefok' EXPERT**
# This is automatically calculated in the code based on the value of
# {DetailedOS}. It is used to group OS's into generic groups based on their
# behaviours - for example,
# $Foswiki::cfg{OS} = '';

# **NUMBER CHECK="min:-1 nullok" EXPERT**
# **NUMBER CHECK="min:-1 undefok" EXPERT**
# Maximum number of backup versions of LocalSite.cfg to retain when changes
# are saved. Enables you to recover quickly from accidental changes.
# 0 does not save any backup versions. -1 does not limit the number of
# versions retained. Caution: If the directory is not writable and this
# parameter is non-zero, you will be unable to save the configuration.
$Foswiki::cfg{MaxLSCBackups} = 10;

# **STRING 20 CHECK='nullok' EXPERT**
# Name of the web where documentation and default preferences are held. If you
# change this setting, you must make sure the web exists and contains
# appropriate content, and upgrade scripts may no longer work (don't
# change it unless you are certain that you know what you are doing!)
$Foswiki::cfg{SystemWebName} = 'System';

# **STRING 20 CHECK='nullok' EXPERT**
# Name of the web used as a trashcan (where deleted topics are moved)
# If you change this setting, you must make sure the web exists.
$Foswiki::cfg{TrashWebName} = 'Trash';

# **STRING 20 CHECK='nullok' EXPERT**
# Name of the web used as a scratchpad or temporary workarea for users to
# experiment with Foswiki topics.
$Foswiki::cfg{SandboxWebName} = 'Sandbox';

# **STRING 20 CHECK='nullok' EXPERT**
# Name of site-level preferences topic in the {SystemWebName} web.
# *If you change this setting you will have to
# use Foswiki and *manually* rename the existing topic.*
Expand Down

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