0000000A;No Item
00000014;No Spell
000F6950;Bandit's Knife
000FDE80;Mytha's Bent Blade
00100590;Shadow Dagger
00102CA0;Thief Dagger
001053B0;Broken Thief Sword
0010C8E0;Parrying Dagger
0010EFF0;Manikin Knife
00113E10;Royal Dirk
00116520;Blue Dagger
00118C30;Umbral Dagger
0011B340;Retainer's Short Sword
00124F80;Broken Straight Sword
0012EBC0;Foot Soldier Sword
001312D0;Puzzling Stone Sword
001339E0;Possessed Armor Sword
001360F0;Varangian Sword
00138800;Blue Flame
0013AF10;Fume Sword
00142440;Heide Knight Sword
00144B50;Red Rust Sword
00147260;no text
00149970;Black Dragon Sword
0014C080;Sun Sword
0014E790;Drakekeeper's Sword
00150EA0;Ashen Warrior Sword
001535B0;Ivory Straight Sword
001583D0;Mail Breaker
0015AAE0;Chaos Rapier
0015D1F0;Spider's Silk
0015F900;Espada Ropera
00173180;Black Scorpion Stinger
00175890;Ricard's Rapier
00181BE0;Ice Rapier
0018B820;Warped Sword
0018DF30;Eleum Loyce
00190640;Manikin Sabre
00195460;Red Rust Scimitar
00197B70;Spider Fang
0019A280;Melu Scimitar
0019C990;Monastery Scimitar
001A17B0;Washing Pole
001A3EC0;Chaos Blade
001A65D0;Blacksteel Katana
001B0210;Berserker Blade
001B5030;Bewitched Alonne Sword
001B7740;Bastard Sword
001BEC70;Majestic Greatsword
001BF058;Majestic Greatsword
001C3A90;Drangleic Sword
001C61A0;Thorned Greatsword
001C88B0;Bluemoon Greatsword
001C8C98;Moonlight Greatsword
001CAFC0;Mastodon Greatsword
001CFDE0;Ruler's Sword
001D24F0;Mirrah Greatsword
001D28D8;Old Mirrah Greatsword
001D4C00;Black Dragon Greatsword
001D7310;Black Knight Greatsword
001D9A20;Royal Greatsword
001DC130;Old Knight Greatsword
001DE840;Defender Greatsword
001E0F50;Watcher Greatsword
001E3660;Key to the Embedded
001E5D70;Drakeblood Greatsword
001E70F8;Loyce Greatsword
001E74E0;Charred Loyce Greatsword
001E8480;Hand Axe
001EAB90;Battle Axe
001ED2A0;Bandit Axe
001EF9B0;Infantry Axe
001F95F0;Gyrm Axe
001FBD00;Dragonslayer's Crescent Axe
001FE410;Butcher's Knife
00200B20;Silverblack Sickle
002191C0;Crescent Axe
0021DFE0;Bandit Greataxe
00222E00;Lion Greataxe
00225510;Giant Stone Axe
00227C20;Gyrm Greataxe
0022F150;Black Dragon Greataxe
00231860;Black Knight Greataxe
00233F70;Drakekeeper's Greataxe
0024ED20;Morning Star
00251430;Reinforced Club
00253B40;Craftsman's Hammer
0025B070;Mace of the Insolent
002625A0;Handmaid's Ladle
002673C0;Blacksmith's Hammer
00269AD0;Black Dragon Warpick
0026C1E0;Aldia Hammer
00271000;Barbed Club
0027AC40;Large Club
0027FA60;Great Club
00282170;Gyrm Great Hammer
002896A0;Iron King Hammer
0028BDB0;Malformed Skull
0028E4C0;Dragon Tooth
00290BD0;Giant Warrior Club
002932E0;Malformed Shell
002959F0;Demon's Great Hammer
00298100;Archdrake Mace
0029A810;Old Knight Hammer
0029CF20;Drakekeeper's Great Hammer
0029F630;Sacred Chime Hammer
002A1D40;Sanctum Mace
002AE090;Winged Spear
002B55C0;Stone Soldier Spear
002B7CD0;Spitfire Spear
002B9058;Yorgh's Spear
002BA3E0;Silverblack Spear
002BCAF0;Heide Spear
002BF200;Pate's Spear
002C1910;Channeler's Trident
002C2C98;Gargoyle Bident
002C3080;Dragonslayer Spear
002C4020;Heide Lance
002C8E40;Heide Greatlance
002CB550;Grand Lance
002CDC60;Chariot Lance
002D0370;Rampart Golem Lance
002D2A80;Smelter Hammer
002DC6C0;Great Scythe
002DEDD0;Great Machete
002E14E0;Full Moon Sickle
002E6300;Crescent Sickle
002E8A10;Scythe of Nahr Alma
002EB120;Bone Scythe
002ED830;Scythe of Want
00317040;Helix Halberd
00319750;Santier's Spear
00319B38;Santier's Spear
0031E570;Mastodon Halberd
00320C80;Blue Knight's Halberd
00323390;Dragonrider's Halberd
00325AA0;Black Knight Halberd
003281B0;Syan's Halberd
0032A8C0;Roaring Halberd
0032CFD0;Old Knight Halberd
0032F6E0;Old Knight Pike
00331DF0;Drakekeeper's Warpick
00336C10;Wrathful Axe
00342F60;Malformed Claws
00345670;Manikin Claws
00347D80;Work Hook
00358EF0;Shadow Claws
0035DD10;Bone Fist
00371590;Notched Whip
00373CA0;Bloodied Whip
003763B0;Spotted Whip
0037D8E0;Old Whip
0039FBC0;Sorcerer's Staff
003A22D0;Staff of Amana
003A49E0;Witchtree Branch
003A70F0;Lizard Staff
003ABF10;Olenford's Staff
003AE620;Archdrake Staff
003B0D30;Bat Staff
003B3440;Bone Staff
003B5B50;Staff of Wisdom
003B8260;Sunset Staff
003BA970;Pilgrim's Spontoon
003BF790;Azal's Staff
003C1EA0;Retainer Staff
003D3010;Cleric's Sacred Chime
003D5720;Witchtree Bellvine
003D7E30;Priest's Chime
003DA540;Dragon Chime
003DCC50;Chime of Want
003DF360;Archdrake Chime
003E4180;Idol's Chime
003E6890;Caitha's Chime
003E8FA0;Protective Chime
003EB6B0;Disc Chime
003EDDC0;Chime of Screams
003F52F0;Black Witch's Staff
00401640;Short Bow
00403D50;Long Bow
00406460;Composite Bow
00408B70;Sea Bow
0040B280;Dragonrider Bow
004127B0;Bell Keeper Bow
00414EC0;Bow of Want
004175D0;Hunter's Blackbow
00432380;Alonne Greatbow
004371A0;Dragonslayer Greatbow
004398B0;Possessed Armor Greatbow
0043BFC0;Twin-headed Greatbow
004630C0;Light Crossbow
004657D0;Heavy Crossbow
0046A5F0;Shield Crossbow
00474230;Sanctum Crossbow
00476940;Sanctum Repeating Crossbow
004C7250;Arced Sword
004CE780;Curved Dragon Greatsword
004D0E90;Curved Nil Greatsword
004FA6A0;Smelter Sword
004FBA28;Aged Smelter Sword
004FCDB0;Drakewing Ultra Greatsword
004FF4C0;King's Ultra Greatsword
00501BD0;Fume Ultra Greatsword
00502F58;Ivory King Ultra Greatsword
005069F0;Pursuer's Ultra Greatsword
00507D78;Drakekeeper's Ultra Greatsword
00509100;Crypt Blacksword
0050A488;Old Knight Ultra Greatsword
0050B810;Black Knight Ultra Greatsword
0050CB98;Lost Sinner's Sword
00510630;Stone Twinblade
00515450;Dragonrider Twinblade
0051A270;Red Iron Twinblade
0051C980;Curved Twinblade
0051F090;Sorcerer's Twinblade
005265C0;Pyromancy Flame
00528CD0;Dark Pyromancy Flame
0053EC60;Black Flamestone Dagger
00541370;Yellow Quartz Longsword
00543A80;Bound Hand Axe
00546190;Homunculus Mace
005488A0;Transgressor's Staff
0055C120;Blacksteel Katana
00563650;Great Club
00A7EC48;Benhart's Parma
00A7FFD0;Small Leather Shield
00A826E0;Iron Parma
00A84DF0;Foot Soldier Shield
00A87500;Target Shield
00A89C10;Golden Falcon Shield
00A8EA30;Manikin Shield
00A91140;Llewellyn Shield
00A93C38;Crimson Parma
00A98670;Cleric's Parma
00A9AD80;Cleric's Small Shield
00A9D490;Magic Shield
00A9FBA0;Cursed Bone Shield
00AA22B0;Sanctum Shield
00AA49C0;Varangian Shield
00AAAB68;Watcher's Shield
00AAE600;Large Leather Shield
00AB0D10;Blue Wooden Shield
00AB3420;Silver Eagle Kite Shield
00AB5B30;Drangleic Shield
00AB8240;Lion Clan Shield
00ABA950;Archdrake Shield
00ABD060;King's Shield
00ABF770;Mirrah Shield
00AC1E80;Old Knight's Shield
00AC4590;Loyce Shield
00AC5918;Charred Loyce Shield
00AC6CA0;Spirit Tree Shield
00AC93B0;Golden Wing Shield
00ACBAC0;Vessel Shield
00ACE1D0;Shield of the Insolent
00AD2FF0;Silverblack Shield
00AD5700;Stone Parma
00AD7E10;Grand Spirit Tree Shield
00ADA520;Moon Butterfly Shield
00ADCC30;Slumbering Dragon Shield
00ADDFB8;Chaos Shield
00ADF340;Wooden Shield
00AE4160;Hollow Soldier Shield
00AE6870;Royal Kite Shield
00AEB690;Red Rust Shield
00AECA18;Rampart Golem Shield
00AF04B0;Bell Keeper Shield
00AF1838;Defender's Shield
00AF2BC0;Black Dragon Shield
00AF3F48;Drakekeeper's Shield
00AF52D0;Porcine Shield
00AF6658;Bone Shield
00AF79E0;Twin Dragon Greatshield
00AFA0F0;Tower Shield
00AFEF10;Orma's Greatshield
00B01620;Reeve's Greatshield
00B03D30;King's Mirror
00B06440;Dragonrider Greatshield
00B08B50;Mastodon Greatshield
00B0D970;Havel's Greatshield
00B10080;Gyrm Greatshield
00B12790;Pursuer's Greatshield
00B14EA0;Pate's Shield
00B175B0;Old Knight Greatshield
00B19CC0;Drakekeeper's Greatshield
00B1C3D0;Greatshield of Glory
00B28720;Phoenix Parma
00B2AE30;Sunlight Parma
00B2D540;Watchdragon Parma
00B2FC50;Blossom Kite Shield
00B32360;Rebel's Greatshield
00B34A70;Wicked Eye Greatshield
00B40DC0;Black Flamestone Parma
00B434D0;Yellow Quartz Shield
00B45BE0;Bound Wooden Shield
00B482F0;Homunculus Wooden Shield
00B4AA00;Transgressor's Leather Shield
014096B4;Pate's Helm
014096B5;Pate's Armor
014096B6;Pate's Gloves
014096B7;Pate's Trousers
0140BDC4;Thief Mask
0140BDC5;Black Leather Armor
0140BDC6;Black Leather Gloves
0140BDC7;Black Leather Boots
0140E4D4;Wanderer Hood
0140E4D5;Wanderer Coat
0140E4D6;Wanderer Manchettes
0140E4D7;Wanderer Boots
01410BE4;Hunter's Hat
01410BE5;Leather Armor
01410BE6;Leather Gloves
01410BE7;Leather Boots
01410FCC;Hunter's Hat
014132F4;Knight Helm
014132F5;Knight Armor
014132F6;Knight Gauntlets
014132F7;Knight Leggings
01415A04;Elite Knight Helm
01415A05;Elite Knight Armor
01415A06;Elite Knight Gloves
01415A07;Elite Knight Leggings
01418114;Tattered Cloth Hood
01418115;Tattered Cloth Robe
01418116;Tattered Cloth Manchettes
01418117;Heavy Boots
0141A824;Brigand Hood
0141A825;Brigand Armor
0141A826;Brigand Gauntlets
0141A827;Brigand Trousers
0141F644;Imported Hood
0141F645;Imported Tunic
0141F646;Imported Manchettes
0141F647;Imported Trousers
01429284;Traveling Merchant Hat
01429285;Traveling Merchant Coat
01429286;Traveling Merchant Gloves
01429287;Traveling Merchant Boots
0142E0A4;Havel's Helm
0142E0A5;Havel's Armor
0142E0A6;Havel's Gauntlets
0142E0A7;Havel's Leggings
0143A3F4;Jester's Cap
0143A3F5;Jester's Robes
0143A3F6;Jester's Gloves
0143A3F7;Jester's Tights
0143F214;Moon Hat
0143F215;Astrologist's Robe
0143F216;Astrologist's Gauntlets
0143F217;Astrologist's Bottoms
014551A4;Faraam Helm
014551A5;Faraam Armor
014551A6;Faraam Gauntlets
014551A7;Faraam Boots
014578B4;Black Dragon Helm
014578B5;Black Dragon Armor
014578B6;Black Dragon Gauntlets
014578B7;Black Dragon Leggings
01459FC4;Xanthous Crown
01459FC5;Xanthous Overcoat
01459FC6;Xanthous Gloves
01459FC7;Xanthous Waistcloth
0145C6D4;Mask of Judgment
0145C6D5;Robe of Judgment
0145C6D6;Manchettes of Judgment
0145C6D7;Tights of Judgment
0145EDE4;Helm of Aurous
0145EDE5;Armor of Aurous
0145EDE6;Gauntlets of Aurous
0145EDE7;Leggings of Aurous
0145F1CC;Helm of Aurous
0145F1CD;Armor of Aurous
0145F1CE;Gauntlets of Aurous
0145F1CF;Leggings of Aurous
014614F4;Monastery Headcloth
014614F5;Monastery Longshirt
014614F6;Monastery Long Gloves
014614F7;Monastery Skirt
01466314;Dingy Hood
01466315;Dingy Robe
01466316;Dingy Cuffs
01466317;Blood-Stained Skirt
0146FF54;Durgo's Hat
01472666;Engraved Gauntlets
01477487;Flying Feline Boots
01479B94;Moon Butterfly Hat
01479B95;Moon Butterfly Wings
01479B96;Moon Butterfly Cuffs
01479B97;Moon Butterfly Skirt
0147C2A4;Catarina Helm
0147C2A5;Catarina Armor
0147C2A6;Catarina Gauntlets
0147C2A7;Catarina Leggings
0147E9B4;Alva Helm
0147E9B5;Alva Armor
0147E9B6;Alva Gauntlets
0147E9B7;Alva Leggings
014810C4;Black Witch Veil
014810C5;Black Witch Robe
014810C6;Black Witch Gloves
014810C7;Black Witch Trousers
014814AC;Black Witch Hat
01481894;Black Witch Domino Mask
01499764;Drakeblood Helm
01499765;Drakeblood Armor
01499766;Drakeblood Gauntlets
01499767;Drakeblood Leggings
0149BE74;Northwarder Hood
0149BE75;Northwarder Robe
0149BE76;Northwarder Manchettes
0149BE77;Northwarder Trousers
014A0C94;Crown of the Old Iron King
014A33A4;Crown of the Ivory King
014A5AB4;Crown of the Sunken King
014A81C4;Old Bell Helm
014AA8D4;Hollow Skin
014ACFE4;Pharros Mask
014AF6F7;Flower Skirt
014B1E04;Minotaur Helm
014B4514;Symbol of Avarice
01500004;Hollow Soldier Helm
01500005;Hollow Soldier Armor
01500006;Hollow Soldier Gauntlets
01500007;Hollow Soldier Leggings
015003EC;Royal Soldier Helm
015003ED;Royal Soldier Armor
015003EE;Royal Soldier Gauntlets
015003EF;Royal Soldier Leggings
01502714;Hollow Infantry Helm
01502715;Hollow Infantry Armor
01502716;Hollow Infantry Gloves
01502717;Hollow Infantry Boots
01502AFC;Infantry Helm
01502AFD;Infantry Armor
01502AFE;Infantry Gloves
01502AFF;Infantry Boots
01509C44;White Priest Headpiece
01509C45;White Priest Robe
01509C46;White Priest Gloves
01509C47;White Priest Skirt
0150A414;Priestess Headpiece
0150A415;Priestess Robe
0150A416;Priestess Gloves
0150A417;Priestess Skirt
0150EA64;Rogue Hood
0150EA65;Rogue Armor
0150EA66;Rogue Gauntlets
0150EA67;Rogue Leggings
01515F94;Spiked Bandit Helm
01515F95;Bandit Armor
01515F96;Bandit Gauntlets
01515F97;Bandit Boots
0151ADB4;Varangian Helm
0151ADB5;Varangian Armor
0151ADB6;Varangian Cuffs
0151ADB7;Varangian Leggings
01527104;Black Hollow Mage Hood
01527105;Black Hollow Mage Robe
015278D4;White Hollow Mage Hood
015278D5;White Hollow Mage Robe
01529815;Lion Mage Robe
01529816;Lion Mage Cuffs
01529817;Lion Mage Skirt
01530D44;Steel Helm
01530D45;Steel Armor
01530D46;Steel Gauntlets
01530D47;Steel Leggings
01533454;Shadow Mask
01533455;Shadow Top
01533456;Shadow Gauntlets
01533457;Shadow Leggings
01535B64;Manikin Mask
01535B65;Manikin Top
01535B66;Manikin Gloves
01535B67;Manikin Boots
0153D094;Prisoner's Hood
0153D095;Prisoner's Tatters
0153D096;Prisoner's Gloves
0153D097;Prisoner's Waistcloth
0153D47C;Prisoner's Hood
0153D47D;Prisoner's Tatters
01546CD4;Archdrake Helm
01546CD5;Archdrake Robes
01546CD6;Archdrake Gloves
01546CD7;Archdrake Boots
0154E204;Gyrm Helm
0154E205;Gyrm Armor
0154E206;Gyrm Gloves
0154E207;Gyrm Boots
01550914;Gyrm Warrior Helm
01550915;Gyrm Warrior Armor
01550916;Gyrm Warrior Gloves
01550917;Gyrm Warrior Boots
01550CFC;Gyrm Warrior Greathelm
01553024;Dark Mask
01553025;Dark Armor
01553026;Dark Gauntlets
01553027;Dark Leggings
01555734;Warlock Mask
0156B6C4;Tseldora Cap
0156B6C5;Tseldora Robe
0156B6C6;Tseldora Manchettes
0156B6C7;Tseldora Trousers
015704E4;Peasant Hat
015704E5;Peasant Attire
015704E6;Peasant Long Gloves
015704E7;Peasant Trousers
01577A14;Ironclad Helm
01577A15;Ironclad Armor
01577A16;Ironclad Gauntlets
01577A17;Ironclad Leggings
015781E4;Old Ironclad Helm
015781E5;Old Ironclad Armor
015781E6;Old Ironclad Gauntlets
015781E7;Old Ironclad Leggings
0157A124;Royal Swordsman Helm
0157A125;Royal Swordsman Armor
0157A126;Royal Swordsman Gloves
0157A127;Royal Swordsman Leggings
0157C834;Syan's Helm
0157C835;Syan's Armor
0157C836;Syan's Gauntlets
0157C837;Syan's Leggings
0157EF44;Bone Crown
0157EF45;Bone King Robe
0157EF46;Bone King Cuffs
0157EF47;Bone King Skirt
015F1B34;Heide Knight Greathelm
015F1B35;Heide Knight Chainmail
015F1B36;Heide Knight Gauntlets
015F1B37;Heide Knight Leggings
015F1F1C;Heide Knight Iron Mask
015F9065;Singer's Dress
015F944D;Singer's Dress
015F9835;Singer's Dress
015FB774;Smelter Demon Helm
015FB775;Smelter Demon Armor
015FB776;Smelter Demon Gauntlets
015FB777;Smelter Demon Leggings
015FDE84;Alonne Captain Helm
015FDE85;Alonne Captain Armor
015FE26C;Alonne Knight Helm
015FE26D;Alonne Knight Armor
015FE26E;Alonne Knight Gauntlets
015FE26F;Alonne Knight Leggings
01600594;Vengarl's Helm
01600595;Vengarl's Armor
01600596;Vengarl's Gloves
01600597;Vengarl's Boots
01602CA5;Lion Warrior Cape
01602CA6;Lion Warrior Cuffs
01602CA7;Lion Warrior Skirt
0160308C;Lion Warrior Helm
0160308D;Red Lion Warrior Cape
0160C8E4;Grave Warden Mask
0160C8E5;Grave Warden Top
0160C8E6;Grave Warden Cuffs
0160C8E7;Grave Warden Bottoms
0160EFF4;Falconer Helm
0160EFF5;Falconer Armor
0160EFF6;Falconer Gloves
0160EFF7;Falconer Boots
01611704;Rusted Mastodon Helm
01611705;Rusted Mastodon Armor
01611706;Rusted Mastodon Gauntlets
01611707;Rusted Mastodon Leggings
01613E14;Mastodon Helm
01613E15;Mastodon Armor
01613E16;Mastodon Gauntlets
01613E17;Mastodon Leggings
01616524;Desert Sorceress Hood
01616525;Desert Sorceress Top
01616526;Desert Sorceress Gloves
01616527;Desert Sorceress Skirt
01618C34;Dragon Acolyte Mask
01618C35;Dragon Acolyte Robe
01618C36;Dragon Acolyte Gloves
01618C37;Dragon Acolyte Boots
0161901C;Dragon Sage Hood
0162C4B4;Ruin Helm
0162C4B5;Ruin Armor
0162C4B6;Ruin Gauntlets
0162C4B7;Ruin Leggings
01638804;Old Knight Helm
01638805;Old Knight Armor
01638806;Old Knight Gauntlets
01638807;Old Knight Leggings
0163AF14;Drakekeeper Helm
0163AF15;Drakekeeper Armor
0163AF16;Drakekeeper Gauntlets
0163AF17;Drakekeeper Boots
0163D624;Throne Defender Helm
0163D625;Throne Defender Armor
0163D626;Throne Defender Gauntlets
0163D627;Throne Defender Leggings
0163FD34;Velstadt's Helm
0163FD35;Velstadt's Armor
0163FD36;Velstadt's Gauntlets
0163FD37;Velstadt's Leggings
01642444;Throne Watcher Helm
01642445;Throne Watcher Armor
01642446;Throne Watcher Gauntlets
01642447;Throne Watcher Leggings
017E14E4;Looking Glass Mask
017E14E5;Looking Glass Armor
017E14E6;Looking Glass Gauntlets
017E14E7;Looking Glass Leggings
017E6305;Agdayne's Black Robe
017E6306;Agdayne's Cuffs
017E6307;Agdayne's Kilt
017ED834;Leydia Black Hood
017ED835;Leydia Black Robe
017EFF44;Insolent Helm
017EFF45;Insolent Armor
017EFF46;Insolent Gloves
017EFF47;Insolent Boots
017F2654;Imperious Helm
017F2655;Imperious Armor
017F2656;Imperious Gloves
017F2657;Imperious Leggings
017F4D64;Leydia White Hood
017F4D65;Leydia White Robe
017F4D66;Leydia Gauntlets
017F7474;King's Crown
017F7475;King's Armor
017F7476;King's Gauntlets
017F7477;King's Leggings
018E4184;Dragonrider Helm
018E4185;Dragonrider Armor
018E4186;Dragonrider Gauntlets
018E4187;Dragonrider Leggings
018F7A04;Executioner Helm
018F7A05;Executioner Armor
018F7A06;Executioner Gauntlets
018F7A07;Executioner Leggings
0190B284;Penal Mask
0190B285;Penal Straightjacket
0190B286;Penal Handcuffs
0190B287;Penal Skirt
01948314;Fume Sorcerer Mask
01948315;Fume Sorcerer Robes
01948316;Fume Sorcerer Gloves
01948317;Fume Sorcerer Boots
0195BB94;Rampart Golem Helm
0195BB95;Rampart Golem Armor
0195BB96;Rampart Golem Gauntlets
0195BB97;Rampart Golem Leggings
0196A5F4;Sanctum Knight Helm
0196A5F5;Sanctum Knight Armor
0196A5F6;Sanctum Knight Gauntlets
0196A5F7;Sanctum Knight Leggings
0196CD06;Sanctum Soldier Gauntlet
01976944;Sanctum Priestess Tiara
01982C94;Raime's Helm
01982C95;Raime's Armor
01982C96;Raime's Gauntlets
01982C97;Raime's Leggings
01987AB5;Retainer Robe
0198EFE4;Alonne's Helm
0198EFE5;Alonne's Armor
0198EFE6;Alonne's Gauntlets
0198EFE7;Alonne's Leggings
019A2864;Loyce Helm
019A2865;Loyce Armor
019A2866;Loyce Gauntlets
019A2867;Loyce Leggings
019A4F74;Charred Loyce Helm
019A4F75;Charred Loyce Armor
019A4F76;Charred Loyce Gauntlets
019A4F77;Charred Loyce Leggings
019A7684;Ivory King Helm
019A7685;Ivory King Armor
019A7686;Ivory King Gauntlets
019A7687;Ivory King Leggings
019F3175;Llewellyn Armor
019F3176;Llewellyn Gloves
019F3177;Llewellyn Shoes
019FA6A4;Drangleic Helm
019FA6A5;Drangleic Mail
019FA6A6;Drangleic Gauntlets
019FA6A7;Drangleic Leggings
01A265C4;Creighton's Steel Mask
01A265C5;Creighton's Chainmail
01A265C6;Creighton's Chain Gloves
01A265C7;Creighton's Chain Leggings
01A28CD4;Benhart's Knight Helm
01A28CD5;Benhart's Armor
01A28CD6;Benhart's Gauntlets
01A28CD7;Benhart's Boots
01A2B3E4;Standard Helm
01A2B3E5;Hard Leather Armor
01A2B3E6;Hard Leather Gauntlets
01A2B3E7;Hard Leather Boots
01A3C554;Cale's Helm
01A3C555;Cale's Leather Armor
01A3C557;Cale's Shoes
01A3EC64;Lucatiel's Mask
01A3EC65;Lucatiel's Vest
01A3EC66;Lucatiel's Gloves
01A3EC67;Lucatiel's Trousers
01A3F04C;Mirrah Hat
01A41374;Bell Keeper Helmet
01A41375;Bell Keeper Bellyband
01A41376;Bell Keeper Cuffs
01A41377;Bell Keeper Trousers
01A46194;Mad Warrior Mask
01A46195;Mad Warrior Armor
01A46196;Mad Warrior Gauntlets
01A46197;Mad Warrior Leggings
01A59A15;Rosabeth's Dress
01A65D64;Black Hood
01A65D65;Black Robes
01A65D66;Black Gloves
01A65D67;Black Boots
01A68474;Saint's Hood
01A68475;Saint's Dress
01A68476;Saint's Long Gloves
01A68477;Saint's Trousers
01A6AB84;Hexer's Hood
01A6AB85;Hexer's Robes
01A6AB86;Hexer's Gloves
01A6AB87;Hexer's Boots
01A6D294;Chaos Hood
01A6D295;Chaos Robe
01A6D296;Chaos Gloves
01A6D297;Chaos Boots
01A8A754;Nahr Alma Hood
01A8A755;Nahr Alma Robes
01AA7C14;Targray's Helm
01AA7C15;Targray's Armor
01AA7C16;Targray's Manifers
01AA7C17;Targray's Leggings
01D92CD0;Soul Arrow
01D953E0;Great Soul Arrow
01D97AF0;Heavy Soul Arrow
01D9A200;Great Heavy Soul Arrow
01D9C910;Homing Soul Arrow
01D9F020;Heavy Homing Soul Arrow
01DA1730;Homing Soulmass
01DA3E40;Homing Crystal Soulmass
01DA6550;Soul Spear
01DA8C60;Crystal Soul Spear
01DADA80;Soul Spear Barrage
01DB0190;Soul Shower
01DB28A0;Soul Greatsword
01DB4FB0;Soul Vortex
01DB76C0;Soul Bolt
01DB9DD0;Soul Geyser
01DBC4E0;Magic Weapon
01DBEBF0;Great Magic Weapon
01DC1300;Crystal Magic Weapon
01DC3A10;Strong Magic Shield
01DCAF40;Fall Control
01DCD650;Hidden Weapon
01DD2470;Cast Light
01DD7290;Unleash Magic
01DD99A0;Soul Flash
01DDC0B0;Focus Souls
01E89620;Med Heal
01E8BD30;Great Heal Excerpt
01E8E440;Great Heal
01E90B50;Soothing Sunlight
01E95970;Resplendent Life
01E98080;Bountiful Sunlight
01E9A790;Caressing Prayer
01E9F5B0;Wrath of the Gods
01EA1CC0;Emit Force
01EA43D0;Heavenly Thunder
01EA6AE0;Lightning Spear
01EA91F0;Great Lightning Spear
01EAB900;Sunlight Spear
01EAE010;Soul Appease
01EB0720;Blinding Bolt
01EB2E30;Magic Barrier
01EB5540;Great Magic Barrier
01EBCA70;Sacred Oath
01EC3FA0;Sunlight Blade
01ED02F0;Splintering Lightning Spear
01F7D860;Fire Orb
01F7FF70;Great Fireball
01F82680;Great Chaos Fireball
01F874A0;Fire Tempest
01F89BB0;Chaos Storm
01F8E9D0;Great Combustion
01F910E0;Fire Whip
01F937F0;Poison Mist
01F95F00;Toxic Mist
01F98610;Acid Surge
01F9AD20;Lingering Flame
01F9D430;Flame Swathe
01F9FB40;Forbidden Sun
01FA2250;Flame Weapon
01FA4960;Flash Sweat
01FA7070;Iron Flesh
01FC1E20;Fire Snake
01FC4530;Dance of Fire
0206F390;Dark Orb
02071AA0;Dark Hail
020741B0;Dark Fog
02078FD0;Dead Again
0207B6E0;Dark Weapon
0207DDF0;Whisper of Despair
02082C10;Twisted Barricade
020B6060;Dark Greatsword
021635D0;Scraps of Life
021683F0;Resonant Soul
0216AB00;Great Resonant Soul
0216F920;Resonant Flesh
02172030;Resonant Weapon
02174740;Lifedrain Patch
02176E50;Profound Still
021AA2A0;Promised Walk of Peace
021AC9B0;Dark Dance
02628110;Life Ring
02628111;Life Ring+1
02628112;Life Ring+2
02628113;Life Ring+3
0262A820;Chloranthy Ring
0262A821;Chloranthy Ring+1
0262A822;Chloranthy Ring+2
0262CF30;Royal Soldier's Ring
0262CF31;Royal Soldier's Ring+1
0262CF32;Royal Soldier's Ring+2
0262F640;First Dragon Ring
0262F641;Second Dragon Ring
0262F642;Third Dragon Ring
02631D50;Ring of Steel Protection
02631D51;Ring of Steel Protection+1
02631D52;Ring of Steel Protection+2
02631D53;no text
02634460;Spell Quartz Ring
02634461;Spell Quartz Ring+1
02634462;Spell Quartz Ring+2
02634463;Spell Quartz Ring+3
02636B70;Flame Quartz Ring
02636B71;Flame Quartz Ring+1
02636B72;Flame Quartz Ring+2
02636B73;Flame Quartz Ring+3
02639280;Thunder Quartz Ring
02639281;Thunder Quartz Ring+1
02639282;Thunder Quartz Ring+2
02639283;Thunder Quartz Ring+3
0263B990;Dark Quartz Ring
0263B991;Dark Quartz Ring+1
0263B992;Dark Quartz Ring+2
0263B993;Dark Quartz Ring+3
0263E0A0;Poisonbite Ring
0263E0A1;Poisonbite Ring+1
026407B0;Bloodbite Ring
026407B1;Bloodbite Ring+1
02642EC0;Bracing Knuckle Ring
02642EC1;Bracing Knuckle Ring+1
02642EC2;Bracing Knuckle Ring+2
026455D0;Cursebite Ring
02646958;Ash Knuckle Ring
02647CE0;Dispelling Ring
02647CE1;Dispelling Ring+1
0264A3F0;Ring of Resistance
0264A3F1;Ring of Resistance+1
0264CB00;Ring of Blades
0264CB01;Ring of Blades+1
0264CB02;Ring of Blades+2
02658E50;Ring of Knowledge
0265B560;Ring of Prayer
0265DC70;Stone Ring
026651A0;Red Tearstone Ring
02669FC0;Blue Tearstone Ring
0266C6D0;Ring of Giants
0266C6D1;Ring of Giants+1
0266C6D2;Ring of Giants+2
0266DA58;Old Leo Ring
0266EDE0;Ring of Soul Protection
026714F0;Ring of Life Protection
02673C00;Lingering Dragoncrest Ring
02673C01;Lingering Dragoncrest Ring+1
02673C02;Lingering Dragoncrest Ring+2
02676310;Clear Bluestone Ring
02676311;Clear Bluestone Ring+1
02676312;Clear Bluestone Ring+2
02678A20;Northern Ritual Band
02678A21;Northern Ritual Band+1
02678A22;Northern Ritual Band+2
0267B130;Southern Ritual Band
0267B131;Southern Ritual Band+1
0267B132;Southern Ritual Band+2
0267D840;Covetous Gold Serpent Ring
0267D841;Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+1
0267D842;Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+2
0267FF50;Covetous Silver Serpent Ring
0267FF51;Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+1
0267FF52;Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+2
02684D70;Ring of the Evil Eye
02684D71;Ring of the Evil Eye+1
02684D72;Ring of the Evil Eye+2
02687480;Ring of Restoration
02689B90;Ring of Binding
0268C2A0;Silvercat Ring
0268E9B0;Redeye Ring
026910C0;Gower's Ring of Protection
026937D0;Name-engraved Ring
02695EE0;Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring
026985F0;Hawk Ring
0269AD00;Old Sun Ring
0269FB20;Illusory Ring of a Conqueror
026A2230;King's Ring
026A4940;Ring of the Dead
026A7050;Ring of Thorns
026A7051;Ring of Thorns+1
026A7052;Ring of Thorns+2
026A9760;Delicate String
026ABE70;White Ring
026AE580;Illusory Ring of the Vengeful
026B0C90;Illusory Ring of the Guilty
026BA8D0;Ring of Whispers
026BCFE0;Illusory Ring of the Exalted
026D0860;Crest of the Rat
026D2F70;Bell Keeper's Seal
026D5680;Guardian's Seal
026D7D90;Crest of Blood
026DA4A0;Blue Seal
026DCBB0;Abyss Seal
026DF2C0;Vanquisher's Seal
026E19D0;Sun Seal
026E40E0;Ancient Dragon Seal
02719C40;Simpleton's Ring
0271C350;Strength Ring
0271EA60;Dexterity Ring
02721170;Ivory Warrior Ring
02723880;Sorcery Clutch Ring
02725F90;Lightning Clutch Ring
027286A0;Fire Clutch Ring
0272ADB0;Dark Clutch Ring
0272FBD0;Baneful Bird Ring
027322E0;Flynn's Ring
027349F0;Ring of the Embedded
02737100;Ring of the Living
02739810;Yorgh's Ring
0280DE80;Agape Ring
03041840;Soldier Key
03043F50;Key to King's Passage
0304B480;Weapon Smithbox
0304DB90;Armor Smithbox
03072580;Bastille Key
03074C90;Iron Key
030773A0;Forgotten Key
03079AB0;Brightstone Key
0307C1C0;Antiquated Key
0307E8D0;Fang Key
03080FE0;House Key
030836F0;Lenigrast's Key
03085E00;Smooth & Silky Stone
03087188;Small Smooth & Silky Stone
03088510;Rotunda Lockstone
0308AC20;Giant's Kinship
0308D330;Ashen Mist Heart
0308FA40;Soul of a Giant
03092150;Tseldora Den Key
03094860;Champion's Tablet
03096F70;Ladder Miniature
03099680;Soul Vessel
0309BD90;Undead Lockaway Key
030A0BB0;Dull Ember
030A32C0;Crushed Eye Orb
030A59D0;Simpleton's Spice
030A80E0;Skeptic's Spice
030AA7F0;Aldia Key
03197500;Dragon Talon
031AFBA0;Heavy Iron Key
031C8240;Frozen Flower
031E08E0;Eternal Sanctum Key
031F8F80;Tower Key
03211620;Garrison Ward Key
03229CC0;no text
03236010;Dragon Stone
03242360;no text
0325AA00;no text
032730A0;no text
0328B740;no text
032A3DE0;Scorching Iron Scepter
032BC480;Smelter Wedge
032D4B20;Soul of Nadalia, Bride of Ash
032ED1C0;no text
03305860;no text
0331DF00;Eye of the Priestess
0393D520;Radiant Lifegem
0393FC30;Old Radiant Lifegem
03940FB8;Elizabeth Mushroom
039413A0;Dried Root
03942340;Amber Herb
03944A50;Twilight Herb
03947160;Wilted Dusk Herb
03949870;Poison Moss
0394E690;Monastery Charm
03950DA0;Dragon Charm
03952128;Divine Blessing
039534B0;Rouge Water
03955BC0;Crimson Water
0395D4D8;Human Effigy
0395E478;Estus Flask
0395E860;Estus Flask
0395F800;Small Blue Burr
03961F10;Small Yellow Burr
03964620;Small Orange Burr
03966D30;Dark Troches
03969440;Common Fruit
0396BB50;Red Leech Troches
0396E260;Yellow Sea Troches
03970970;Triclops Snake Troches
03971CF8;Old Growth Balm
039720E0;Vine Balm
039724C8;Blackweed Balm
039728B0;Goldenfruit Balm
03973080;Aromatic Ooze
03974408;Pungent Ooze
03975790;Gold Pine Resin
03977EA0;Charcoal Pine Resin
0397A5B0;Dark Pine Resin
0397CCC0;Rotten Pine Resin
0397F3D0;Bleeding Serum
039841F0;Green Blossom
03986900;Rusted Coin
03989010;Rhoy's Stone
0398B720;Rhoy's Stone of Knowledge
0398DE30;Homeward Bone
0398F1B8;Aged Feather
03992C50;Silver Talisman
03995360;Gold Talisman
03997A70;Fake Dead Talisman
0399A180;Illusory Talisman
0399B508;Dragon Head Stone
0399B512;Dragon Head Stone
0399B8F0;Dragon Torso Stone
0399B8FA;Dragon Torso Stone
0399C890;Repair Powder
039A16B0;Flame Butterfly
039A64D0;Prism Stone
039AB2F0;Hello Carving
039ADA00;Thank You Carving
039B0110;I'm Sorry Carving
039B2820;Very Good! Carving
039B5318;Petrified Something
039B89C8;Estus Flask Shard
039B8DB0;Sublime Bone Dust
039B9198;Bonfire Ascetic
039B9D50;Alluring Skull
039BA138;Lloyd's Talisman
039BB4C0;Pharros' Lockstone
039BB8A8;Fragrant Branch of Yore
039BBC90;Fire Seed
039BC460;Throwing Knife
039BEB70;Witching Urn
039C1280;Lightning Urn
039C4D18;Black Firebomb
039C60A0;Hexing Urn
039C87B0;Poison Throwing Knife
039C9B38;Dung Pie
039CAEC0;Lacerating Knife
039CD5D0;Corrosive Urn
039CFCE0;Holy Water Urn
039D1068;Fading Soul
039D23F0;Soul of a Lost Undead
039D4B00;Large Soul of a Lost Undead
039D7210;Soul of a Nameless Soldier
039D9920;Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier
039DC030;Soul of a Proud Knight
039DE740;Large Soul of a Proud Knight
039E0E50;Soul of a Brave Warrior
039E3560;Large Soul of a Brave Warrior
039E5C70;Soul of a Hero
039E8380;Soul of a Great Hero
039F1FC0;Wood Arrow
039F46D0;Iron Arrow
039F6DE0;Magic Arrow
039F94F0;Lightning Arrow
039FBC00;Fire Arrow
039FE310;Dark Arrow
03A00A20;Poison Arrow
03A03130;Lacerating Arrow
03A05840;Wooden Greatarrow
03A07F50;Iron Greatarrow
03A0A660;Magic Greatarrow
03A0CD70;Lightning Greatarrow
03A0F480;Fire Greatarrow
03A11B90;Dark Greatarrow
03A142A0;Destructive Greatarrow
03A169B0;Wood Bolt
03A190C0;Heavy Bolt
03A1B7D0;Magic Bolt
03A1DEE0;Lightning Bolt
03A205F0;Fire Bolt
03A22D00;Dark Bolt
03A25410;Titanite Shard
03A26798;Large Titanite Shard
03A27B20;Titanite Chunk
03A2A230;Titanite Slab
03A2C940;Twinkling Titanite
03A33E70;Petrified Dragon Bone
03A401C0;Firedrake Stone
03A428D0;Darknight Stone
03A44FE0;Poison Stone
03A476F0;Bleed Stone
03A4C510;Raw Stone
03A4EC20;Magic Stone
03A51330;Old Mundane Stone
03B20B80;Dried Fingers
03B259A0;Bone of Order
03B280B0;White Sign Soapstone
03B2A7C0;Small White Sign Soapstone
03B2BB48;Red Sign Soapstone
03B2CED0;Cracked Blue Eye Orb
03B2F5E0;Cracked Red Eye Orb
03B31CF0;Dragon Eye
03B39220;Token of Fidelity
03B3B930;Token of Spite
03B3E040;Sunlight Medal
03B40750;Dragon Scale
03B42E60;Rat Tail
03B47C80;Black Separation Crystal
03B4A390;Seed of a Tree of Giants
03B4F1B0;Petrified Egg
03C14DC0;"Point" Gesture
03C151A8;"I won't bite" Gesture
03C15590;"Proper bow" Gesture
03C15978;"Bow" Gesture
03C15D60;"Welcome" Gesture
03C16148;"Duel bow" Gesture
03C16530;"Wave" Gesture
03C16918;"Pumped up" Gesture
03C16D00;"Joy" Gesture
03C170E8;"Warcry" Gesture
03C174D0;"Warmup" Gesture
03C178B8;"Hurrah!" Gesture
03C17CA0;"Righty-ho!" Gesture
03C18088;"No way" Gesture
03C18470;"This one's me" Gesture
03C18858;"Have mercy!" Gesture
03C18C40;"Prostration" Gesture
03C19028;"Decapitate" Gesture
03C19410;"Fist pump" Gesture
03C197F8;"Mock" Gesture
03C19FC8;"Praise the Sun" Gesture
03D09000;Soul of the Pursuer
03D0B710;Soul of the Last Giant
03D0DE20;Dragonrider Soul
03D10530;Old Dragonslayer Soul
03D12C40;Flexile Sentry Soul
03D15350;Ruin Sentinel Soul
03D17A60;Soul of the Lost Sinner
03D1A170;Executioner's Chariot Soul
03D1C880;Skeleton Lord's Soul
03D1EF90;Covetous Demon Soul
03D216A0;Mytha, the Baneful Queen Soul
03D23DB0;Smelter Demon Soul
03D264C0;Old Iron King Soul
03D28BD0;Royal Rat Vanguard Soul
03D2B2E0;Soul of the Rotten
03D2D9F0;Scorpioness Najka Soul
03D30100;Royal Rat Authority Soul
03D32810;Soul of the Duke's Dear Freja
03D34F20;Looking Glass Knight Soul
03D37630;Demon of Song Soul
03D39D40;Soul of Velstadt
03D3C450;Soul of the King
03D3EB60;Guardian Dragon Soul
03D41270;Ancient Dragon Soul
03D43980;Giant Lord Soul
03D46090;Soul of Nashandra
03D487A0;Throne Defender Soul
03D4AEB0;Throne Watcher Soul
03D4D5C0;Darklurker Soul
03D4FCD0;Belfry Gargoyle Soul
03D523E0;Old Witch Soul
03D54AF0;Old King Soul
03D57200;Old Dead One Soul
03D59910;Old Paledrake Soul
03D83120;Soul of Sinh, the Slumbering Dragon
03D85830;Soul of the Fume Knight
03D87F40;Soul of Aava, the King's Pet
03D8A650;Soul of Elana, Squalid Queen
03D8CD60;Soul of Nadalia, Bride of Ash
03D8F470;Soul of Alsanna, Silent Oracle
03D91B80;Soul of Sir Alonne
03D969A0;Soul of the Ivory King
03D990B0;Soul of Zallen, the King's Pet
03D9B7C0;Loyce Soul
03D9DED0;Soul of Lud, the King's Pet
352ADAE8;Faraam Helm
352ADAE9;Faraam Armor
352ADAEA;Faraam Gauntlets
352ADAEB;Faraam Boots
352ADB4C;Chaos Hood
352ADB4D;Chaos Robes
352ADB4E;Chaos Gloves
352ADB4F;Chaos Boots
352ADBB0;Dragonknight Helm
352ADBB1;Dragonknight Robes
352ADBB2;Dragonknight Gloves
352ADBB3;Dragonknight Boots
352ADC14;Black Hood
352ADC15;Black Robes
352ADC16;Black Gloves
352ADC17;Black Boots
352ADC78;Hunter's Hat
352ADC79;Leather Armor
352ADC7A;Leather Gloves
352ADC7B;Leather Boots
352ADCDC;Knight Helm
352ADCDD;Knight Armor
352ADCDE;Knight Gauntlets
352ADCDF;Knight Leggings
352ADD40;Rogue Hood
352ADD41;Rogue Armor
352ADD42;Rogue Gauntlets
352ADD43;Rogue Leggings
352ADDA4;Prisoner's Hood
352ADDA5;Prisoner's Tatters
352ADDA6;Prisoner's Gloves
352ADDA7;Prisoner's Waistcloth
352ADE08;Prisoner's Hood
352ADE09;Prisoner's Tatters
352ADE0A;Prisoner's Gloves
352ADE0B;Prisoner's Waistcloth
352ADE6C;Hollow Mage Hood
352ADE6D;Hollow Mage Robes
352ADED0;Defender Helm
352ADED1;Defender Mail
352ADED2;Defender's Gauntlet
352ADED3;Defender's Leggings
352ADF35;Llewellyn Armor
352ADF36;Llewellyn Gloves
352ADF37;Llewellyn Shoes
352ADF98;Despatcher's Hood
352ADF99;Despatcher's Robes
35A509D1;Royal Dirk
35A509D4;Dragonslayer's Crescent Axe
35A509D6;Dragonrider's Halberd
35A509D7;Witchtree Branch
35A509D8;Lizard Staff
35A509D9;Dragonknight's Bell
35A509DA;Bell of the Idol
35A509DB;Short Bow
35A509DC;Light Crossbow
35A509DD;Target Shield
35A509DE;Small Leather Shield
35A509DF;Golden Wing Shield
35A509E0;Dragonknight's Shield
35A509E1;Silver Eagle Kite Shield
35A509E2;Imperial Shield
35A509E3;Disc Bell
35A509E4;Pursuer's Greatsword
35A509E6;Winged Spear
35A509E8;Bastard Sword
35A509E9;Knight's Greatsword
35A509EA;Inquisitor's Blade