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base repository: jruby/jruby
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base: d3e134ce2236
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head repository: jruby/jruby
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compare: ed54aab184be
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  • 2 commits
  • 72 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Sep 17, 2014

  1. Remove unused param.

    headius committed Sep 17, 2014
    Copy the full SHA
    cba8f63 View commit details
  2. Rip out the guts! Removing many non-9k runtime classes.

    * ClassCache is gone; it was hacky and problematic when compiled
      code held classloader-level (static) data, as when using indy
      call sites. Java 8 has also eliminated permgen, greatly reducing
      the hassle and overhead of loading jitted code. Finally, Rails
      and the other Ruby frameworks are now officially "thread safe"
      (or the teams are committed to them being so) and the multiple
      JRuby model of deployment is discouraged (or even deprecated).
    * All old JIT code is gone. It won't be useful for the new
    * Removed the last vestiges of Callback-based functions. If I
      remember right, there's some ext out there using them...we must
      find it.
    * Rewired JITCompiler to use the new JIT.
    * Rewired InterpretedIRMethod to use JITCompiler.
    * Moved OneShotClassLoader out of ClassCache (in org.jruby.util)
    headius committed Sep 17, 2014
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    ed54aab View commit details