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Releases: marcoguerini/DepecheMood

DepecheMood v2.0

10 Oct 08:51
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This is the newest version of the lexicon. It contains two languages (English and Italian), as well as three types of word representations (token, lemma and lemma#PoS). If you use DepecheMood++, please cite the following publication:

Araque, O., Gatti, L., Staiano, J., and Guerini, M. (2018) "DepecheMood++: a Bilingual Emotion Lexicon Built Through Simple Yet Powerful Techniques". ArXiv preprint is available at

DepecheMood V1.0

28 Apr 13:45
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This package contains DepecheMood, the emotion lexicon described in the paper:

Staiano, J., & Guerini, M. (2014). "DepecheMood: a Lexicon for Emotion Analysis from Crowd-Annotated News". Proceedings of ACL-2014.

The dataset is distributed for research purposes. Whenever making reference to this resource please cite the aforementioned paper.

If you want to play with it, we also have an online DEMO to analyze the emotions evoked by a text: