v3.0.3.2 - 2014-04-04
- Added HttpBasicAuthListener to WMS loading for for safely setting the auth header
- WMSProxy passes auth challenges (HTTP 401) down to client
v3.0.3.1 - 2014-03-20
- Disabled WMS validation as it renders many services unusable.
- Made WMC editor resizable and taller
v3.0.3.0 - 2014-03-17
- Added function for validate WMS GetCapabilities documents
- ACL for Elements added
- Parameter "BaseSource" for SourceInstances added
- Closed XSS vulnerability which required admin permissions
- Added cache for compiled static assets
- new parameter mapbender.static_assets, defaults to true
- new parameter mapbender.static_assets_path, defaults to web/css/application
- Compiled assets get cached to the directory set with the aforementioned parameter
- This directory needs to be cleared before packaging or updating.
- This directory needs to be refreshed before packaging.
- Element Legend: option 'noLegend' removed
- Translation for en,de added
- ZoomBar option component 'zoom_in_out' added
- added cookie_secure: false and cookie_lifetime: 3600 to parameters.yml http://symfony.com/doc/2.1/reference/configuration/framework.html#cookie-lifetime
- Enhancements for Search-Router für SQL-Suchen (Selectboxes, Distinct)
- WMC Editor and LoaderWMSLoader Enhancement add WMS via link
- Sketch to draw temporary objects
- POI - Meetingpoint
- Imageexport to generate png or jpg
- Change WMS Collection via button (BaselayerSwitcher)
- Print with overview
- Print define optional fields
- Print define replace pattern
- Sidepane with different elements (chnage via button)
- Layertree context menue to change opacity and to zoom to layer
- Open application with parameters (f.e. position)
v3.0.2.0 - 2013-11-26
- Signer for OwsProxy added
- Properties for regions added
- Sketch feature (circle) added
- Update layertree changed
- Funktion Model.changeLayerState added
- LoadWms load declarative WMS added
- Dispatcher for declarative Sources added
- Dropdown lists are now scrollable
- Micro designfixes
- Search router design added
- New button icons for wmc editor and loader added
- console.* stubs
- Proxy security: Only pass correctly signed URLs
- Allow for multiple application YAML files
v3.0.1.1 - 2013-09-26
- The development controller app_dev.php is limited to localhost again
v3.0.1.0 - 2013-09-12
- Fixed visibility toggle for elements and layers
- Hide sidepane if empty
- Parameter/Service 'mapbender.proxy' removed
- Parameter 'mapbender.uploads_dir' added
- Application's directory added
- Added wgs84 print
- Added printclient parameter file_prefix
- Added default action for elements
- Splited
- Remove unused images references
- New popup architecture
- Add application dublication
- Prepare
for dynamic element properties (full support in next versions) - Fix some micro css bugs
- Map scale bugs fixes
- Move checkbox script into
- Merge checkbox frontend and backend script
- Move dropdown script into
- Merge dropdown frontend and backend script
- Fix some dropdown bugs
- Fix some layertree css bugs
- Fix some popup css bugs
- Micro design fixes
- Remove unused jQuery-UI CSS
- Add more translation wraps
- Add
macro for forms - Element position moved from
- Add new frontend template - Fullscreen alternative
- Frontend jQuery upgrade to 1.9.1/1.10.2 (jQuery UI)
v3.0.0.2 - 2013-07-19
- Removed incorrect feature info function
- Set overlay
- PrintClient Admintype added
- PrintClient Configuration Parameter changed
- Instance view - order of
changed - Disable WMCBundle - Available in the next versions
- Parameter unitPrefix added to ScaleDisplay
- normalize.css compressed
- Popup decrease
- Forgot, Register success and error messages designed
- Restructured login, forgot and success templates
- Elements overview is sorted by asc
- Wmsloader popup - set fix
- Design added to ScaleDisplay
- Fixed manager logo positioning
- Fixed design of print client and map forms
- Fixed double delete label at layers and elements
- Fixed html and body
- Fixed Firefox font bug
- Fixed printclient tooltip bug
- Fixed ScaleDisplay position bug
- Added POI (0...n) and BBOX URL parameter handling
- Fixed ACL creation during user creation (#52)
- Fixed ACL creation during group creation (#53)
- Enhanced ACL creation during service creation (#54)
- Honor published attribute on YAML-defined applications (#42)
- Removed incorrect feature info function
v3.0.0.1 - 2013-06-07
v3.0.0.0 - 2013-05-31
- First version