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Showing 1 changed file with 17 additions and 27 deletions.
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@@ -44,29 +44,17 @@ public Object execute(IRScope scope, Object... data) {
// to allocate a dynamic scope for it and add binding push/pop instructions.
if (explicitCallProtocolSupported(scope)) {
StoreLocalVarPlacementProblem slvpp = (StoreLocalVarPlacementProblem)scope.getDataFlowSolution(StoreLocalVarPlacementProblem.NAME);
boolean scopeHasLocalVarStores = false;
boolean bindingHasEscaped = scope.bindingHasEscaped();

boolean scopeHasLocalVarStores = false;
boolean scopeHasUnrescuedExceptions = false;
boolean bindingHasEscaped = scope.bindingHasEscaped();

CFG cfg = scope.cfg();
CFG cfg = scope.cfg();

if (slvpp != null && bindingHasEscaped) {
scopeHasLocalVarStores = slvpp.scopeHasLocalVarStores();
scopeHasUnrescuedExceptions = slvpp.scopeHasUnrescuedExceptions();
scopeHasLocalVarStores = slvpp.scopeHasLocalVarStores();
} else {
// We dont require local-var load/stores to have been run.
// If it is not run, we go conservative and add push/pop binding instrs. everywhere
scopeHasLocalVarStores = bindingHasEscaped;
scopeHasUnrescuedExceptions = false;
for (BasicBlock bb: cfg.getBasicBlocks()) {
// SSS FIXME: This is highly conservative. If the bb has an exception raising instr.
// and if we dont have a rescuer, only then do we have unrescued exceptions.
if (cfg.getRescuerBBFor(bb) == null) {
scopeHasUnrescuedExceptions = true;
scopeHasLocalVarStores = bindingHasEscaped;

boolean requireFrame = bindingHasEscaped || scope.usesEval();
@@ -86,18 +74,15 @@ public Object execute(IRScope scope, Object... data) {

boolean requireBinding = !scope.getFlags().contains(IRFlags.DYNSCOPE_ELIMINATED);

// FIXME: Why do we need a push/pop for frame & binding for scopes with unrescued exceptions??
// 1. I think we need a different check for frames -- it is NOT scopeHasUnrescuedExceptions
// We need scope.requiresFrame() to push/pop frames
// 2. Plus bindingHasEscaped check in IRScope is missing some other check since we should
// just be able to check (bindingHasEscaped || scopeHasVarStores) to push/pop bindings.
// We need scopeHasUnrescuedExceptions to add GEB for popping frame/binding on exit from unrescued exceptions
BasicBlock entryBB = cfg.getEntryBB();
if (requireBinding || requireFrame) {
BasicBlock entryBB = cfg.getEntryBB();
// Push
if (requireFrame) entryBB.addInstr(new PushFrameInstr(new MethAddr(scope.getName())));
if (requireBinding) entryBB.addInstr(new PushBindingInstr());

// SSS FIXME: We are doing this conservatively.
// Only scopes that have unrescued exceptions need a GEB.
// Allocate GEB if necessary for popping
BasicBlock geb = cfg.getGlobalEnsureBB();
if (geb == null) {
@@ -110,9 +95,10 @@ public Object execute(IRScope scope, Object... data) {

// Pop on all scope-exit paths
for (BasicBlock bb: cfg.getBasicBlocks()) {
Instr i = null;
ListIterator<Instr> instrs = bb.getInstrs().listIterator();
while (instrs.hasNext()) {
Instr i =;
i =;
// Right now, we only support explicit call protocol on methods.
// So, non-local returns and breaks don't get here.
// Non-local-returns and breaks are tricky since they almost always
@@ -129,14 +115,18 @@ public Object execute(IRScope scope, Object... data) {

if (bb.isExitBB() && !bb.isEmpty()) {
// Last instr could be a return -- so, move iterator one position back
if (instrs.hasPrevious()) instrs.previous();
if (i != null && i instanceof ReturnBase) instrs.previous();
if (requireBinding) instrs.add(new PopBindingInstr());
if (requireFrame) instrs.add(new PopFrameInstr());

if (bb == geb) {
// Add before throw-exception-instr which would be the last instr
if (i != null) {
// Assumption: Last instr should always be a control-transfer instruction
assert i.getOperation().transfersControl(): "Last instruction of GEB in scope: " + scope + " is " + i + ", not a control-xfer instruction";
if (requireBinding) instrs.add(new PopBindingInstr());
if (requireFrame) instrs.add(new PopFrameInstr());

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