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Ruby exceptions passing through Java Integration and back remain wrapped #1839

headius opened this issue Jul 21, 2014 · 8 comments


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headius commented Jul 21, 2014

This is either a problem with JI (my area) or IR (@enebo or @subbuss).

It appears that exceptions raised by Ruby code called by Java code called through Java integration (a Ruby exception that passes through a JI call on its way out) remain wrapped and are presented to rescue blocks as the wrapped RaiseException rather than the contained Ruby exception.

 $ jruby -J-classpath test/target/test-classes/ -S rspec spec/java_integration/exceptions/rescue_spec.rb 


  1) A ruby exception raised through java and back to ruby its class and message is preserved
     Failure/Error: e.message.should == "it comes from ruby"
       expected: "it comes from ruby"
            got: "org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException: (RuntimeError) it comes from ruby" (using ==)
     # ./spec/java_integration/exceptions/rescue_spec.rb:208:in `(root)'

  2) A ruby exception raised through java and back to ruby via a different thread its class and message is preserved
     Failure/Error: e.message.should == "it comes from ruby"
       expected: "it comes from ruby"
            got: "org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException: (RuntimeError) it comes from ruby" (using ==)
     # ./spec/java_integration/exceptions/rescue_spec.rb:222:in `(root)'

This happens regardless of JIT status, and since I have not done anything with JI and exceptions recently I suspect this is a flaw in how IR handles unwrapping exceptions for rescue.

@headius headius added this to the JRuby 9000 milestone Jul 21, 2014
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subbuss commented Jul 21, 2014

I think it is because the interpreter (in this debug output below) receives a NativeException and it only unwraps RaiseExceptions. This is debug output from a short test snippet to reproduce that error. We should chat about whether NativeExceptions receive special handling or if this is something that requires changing in JI ...

2014-07-20T22:59:46.576-05:00: Interpreter: I: %v_1 = search_const(ExceptionRunner, scope<x.rb>, no-private-consts=false)
2014-07-20T22:59:46.576-05:00: Interpreter: I: %v_2 = call_0o(NORMAL, 'new', %v_1, []){0O}
2014-07-20T22:59:46.576-05:00: Interpreter: I: %v_1 = call(NORMAL, 'do_it_now', %v_2, [], &%self:CLOSURE x.rb_CLOSURE_1[x.rb:5])
2014-07-20T22:59:46.585-05:00: Interpreter: I: thread_poll
2014-07-20T22:59:46.585-05:00: Interpreter: I: line_num(6)
2014-07-20T22:59:46.585-05:00: Interpreter: I: %cl_1_0 = call_1o(FUNCTIONAL, 'raise', %self, ["it comes from ruby"]){1O}
Exception `RuntimeError' at java/lang/ - it comes from ruby
2014-07-20T22:59:46.589-05:00: Interpreter: in scope: CLOSURE x.rb_CLOSURE_1[x.rb:5], caught Java throwable: org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException: (RuntimeError) it comes from ruby; excepting instr: %cl_1_0 = call_1o(FUNCTIONAL, 'raise', %self, ["it comes from ruby"]){1O}
2014-07-20T22:59:46.589-05:00: Interpreter: ipc for rescuer: -1
2014-07-20T22:59:46.591-05:00: Interpreter: in scope: Script: file: x.rbSCRIPT_BODY x.rb[x.rb:0], caught Java throwable: org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException: (RuntimeError) it comes from ruby; excepting instr: %v_1 = call(NORMAL, 'do_it_now', %v_2, [], &%self:CLOSURE x.rb_CLOSURE_1[x.rb:5])
2014-07-20T22:59:46.591-05:00: Interpreter: ipc for rescuer: 24
2014-07-20T22:59:46.591-05:00: Interpreter: I: %v_1 = recv_ruby_exc
2014-07-20T22:59:46.591-05:00: Interpreter: I: %v_3 = search_const(RuntimeError, scope<x.rb>, no-private-consts=false)
2014-07-20T22:59:46.591-05:00: Interpreter: I: %v_4 = rescue_eqq(Array:[%v_3], %v_1)
2014-07-20T22:59:46.591-05:00: Interpreter: I: b_true(%v_4, LBL_4:29)
2014-07-20T22:59:46.591-05:00: Interpreter: I: %t_e_5 = get_global_var($!)
2014-07-20T22:59:46.591-05:00: Interpreter: I: line_num(9)
2014-07-20T22:59:46.591-05:00: Interpreter: I: store_lvar(%t_e_5, x.rb, e(0:0))
2014-07-20T22:59:46.591-05:00: Interpreter: I: %v_1 = call_1o(FUNCTIONAL, 'p', %self, [%t_e_5]){1O}
#<NativeException: org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException: (RuntimeError) it comes from ruby>

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headius commented Jul 22, 2014

NativeException should almost never happen. We got rid of those in 1.6 I think. We need to figure out who's creating this NativeException and fix it on that end, I suppose.

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subbuss commented Jul 22, 2014

Oh, it is gone? Then IRRuntimeHelpers has stale code :) ... See ... and on line 304, it sets $! to that.

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headius commented Jul 22, 2014

Ok, sorry, it's not completely gone. For backward compatibility, if someone rescues NativeException and we receive a Java exception, then we wrap it before we give it to them. But otherwise we should be propagating the exception as-is and not wrapping it.

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subbuss commented Jul 23, 2014

There seems to be couple things going on.

(1) JI code somewhere is setting ! t o a N a t i v e E x c e p t i o n o b j , b u t t h e e x c e p t i o n o b j t h a t e n t e r s t h e i n t e r p r e t e r i s a c t u a l l y a R a i s e E x c e p t i o n . S i n c e t h e n o r m a l r u b y c a s e d o e s n t s e t !, the NativeException obj gets passed along. Whatever passes the correct RaiseException obj should also be setting $! to the same object rather than set a NativeException obj. For the test snippet in question, this is the source of the bug.

(2) In addition, in IRRuntimeHelpers code above, in some scenarios, looks like ! i s b e i n g u p d a t e d t o a d i f f e r e n t o b j e c t t y p e f o r t h e J I c a s e . I d o n t f u l l y u n d e r s t a n d w h y t h i s i s r e q u i r e d a n d a l s o w h a t t h e c o r r e c t w r a p p i n g / u n w r a p p i n g l o g i c i s f o r t h a t . L o o k i n g a t H e l p e r s . c h e c k J a v a E x c e p t i o n , I s e e a l o t o f l o g i c t h e r e a n d i t i s u n w r a p p e d / w r a p p e d d i f f e r e n t l y d e p e n d i n g o n e x c e p t i o n t y p e i n t h e r e s c u e c l a u s e . . s o , I w o u l d t h i n k s o m e t h i n g s i m i l a r w o u l d h a p p e n i n o r d e r t o s e t " !"

This is probably best fixed by one of you since you understand JI and I haven't delved into that part of JRuby yet, but happy to chat on irc/im about any of this.

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subbuss commented Jul 24, 2014

An update on what is going on based on some debugging. shows you what is going on.

When the raise in the ruby code executes, $! is correctly set to the RaiseException object. But, when the exception propagates into the JI code, JI catches the exception and does a stack-trace rewrite before rethrowing it. It uses Helpers.rewriteStackTraceAndThrow for this. Here is the code for that method:

public static IRubyObject rewriteStackTraceAndThrow(Throwable t, Ruby runtime) {
    RaiseException rewriteStackTrace = RaiseException.createNativeRaiseException(runtime, t);

    // not reached
    return null;

So, this creates a nativeException -- but RaiseException code unconditionally sets ! w h i c h m e a n s ! is now set to be the NativeException. However, the helper code is creating this RaiseException simply to generate a stack trace and discards it before rethrowing the original RubyException. But, in the bargain, it has clobbered $!. That, I think is the bug.

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subbuss commented Nov 6, 2014

Isn't this fixed now?

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headius commented Jan 15, 2015

This has to be fixed. We'd see a lot more issues with our ruby kernel or the JI specs if it wasn't.

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