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Merge pull request #766 from puffin444/master
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Cleared references to Eigen in header files.
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lisitsyn committed Sep 2, 2012
2 parents f28f44a + 8e08232 commit 6579577
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Showing 10 changed files with 536 additions and 266 deletions.
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions src/shogun/regression/GaussianProcessRegression.cpp
Expand Up @@ -31,15 +31,14 @@ CGaussianProcessRegression::CGaussianProcessRegression()

CGaussianProcessRegression::CGaussianProcessRegression(CInferenceMethod* inf,
CFeatures* data, CLabels* lab)
CGaussianProcessRegression::CGaussianProcessRegression(CInferenceMethod* inf, CFeatures* data, CLabels* lab)
: CMachine()


void CGaussianProcessRegression::init()
Expand Down
161 changes: 112 additions & 49 deletions src/shogun/regression/gp/FITCInferenceMethod.cpp
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
#include <shogun/labels/RegressionLabels.h>
#include <shogun/kernel/GaussianKernel.h>
#include <shogun/features/CombinedFeatures.h>
#include <shogun/mathematics/eigen3.h>

using namespace shogun;
using namespace Eigen;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,8 +106,8 @@ void CFITCInferenceMethod::update_all()

if (m_ktrtr.num_cols*m_ktrtr.num_rows &&
m_kuu.rows()*m_kuu.cols() &&
m_kuu.num_rows*m_kuu.num_cols &&
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -218,45 +220,50 @@ get_marginal_likelihood_derivatives(CMap<TParameter*,
float64_t m_sigma =

MatrixXd W = m_ktru;
Map<MatrixXd> eigen_ktru(m_ktru.matrix, m_ktru.num_rows, m_ktru.num_cols);

MatrixXd W = eigen_ktru;

for (index_t j = 0; j < m_ktru.rows(); j++)
Map<VectorXd> eigen_dg(m_dg.vector, m_dg.vlen);

for (index_t j = 0; j < eigen_ktru.rows(); j++)
for (index_t i = 0; i < m_ktru.cols(); i++)
W(i,j) = m_ktru(i,j) / sqrt(m_dg[j]);
for (index_t i = 0; i < eigen_ktru.cols(); i++)
W(i,j) = eigen_ktru(i,j) / sqrt(eigen_dg[j]);

LLT<MatrixXd> CholW(m_kuu + W*W.transpose() +
m_ind_noise*MatrixXd::Identity(m_kuu.rows(), m_kuu.cols()));
Map<MatrixXd> eigen_uu(m_kuu.matrix, m_kuu.num_rows, m_kuu.num_cols);
LLT<MatrixXd> CholW(eigen_uu + W*W.transpose() +
m_ind_noise*MatrixXd::Identity(eigen_uu.rows(), eigen_uu.cols()));
W = CholW.matrixL();

W = W.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(m_ktru);
W = W.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(eigen_ktru);

VectorXd true_lab(m_data_means.vlen);

for (index_t j = 0; j < m_data_means.vlen; j++)
true_lab[j] = m_label_vector[j] - m_data_means[j];

VectorXd al = W*true_lab.cwiseQuotient(m_dg);
VectorXd al = W*true_lab.cwiseQuotient(eigen_dg);

al = W.transpose()*al;

al = true_lab - al;

al = al.cwiseQuotient(m_dg);
al = al.cwiseQuotient(eigen_dg);

MatrixXd iKuu = m_kuu.selfadjointView<Eigen::Upper>().llt()
.solve(MatrixXd::Identity(m_kuu.rows(), m_kuu.cols()));
MatrixXd iKuu = eigen_uu.selfadjointView<Eigen::Upper>().llt()
.solve(MatrixXd::Identity(eigen_uu.rows(), eigen_uu.cols()));

MatrixXd B = iKuu*m_ktru;
MatrixXd B = iKuu*eigen_ktru;

MatrixXd Wdg = W;

for (index_t j = 0; j < m_ktru.rows(); j++)
for (index_t j = 0; j < eigen_ktru.rows(); j++)
for (index_t i = 0; i < m_ktru.cols(); i++)
Wdg(i,j) = Wdg(i,j) / m_dg[j];
for (index_t i = 0; i < eigen_ktru.cols(); i++)
Wdg(i,j) = Wdg(i,j) / eigen_dg[j];

VectorXd w = B*al;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -372,7 +379,7 @@ get_marginal_likelihood_derivatives(CMap<TParameter*,
v(d,d) = v(d,d) - temp.col(d).sum();

sum = sum + ddiagKi.diagonal().transpose()*

sum = sum + w.transpose()*(dKuui*w-2*(dKui*al));

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -464,7 +471,7 @@ get_marginal_likelihood_derivatives(CMap<TParameter*,

sum = sum + ddiagKi.diagonal().transpose()*


sum = sum + w.transpose()*(dKuui*w-2*(dKui*al));

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -506,13 +513,13 @@ get_marginal_likelihood_derivatives(CMap<TParameter*,
for (index_t d = 0; d < W_sum.rows(); d++)
W_sum[d] = W_temp.col(d).sum();

W_sum = W_sum.cwiseQuotient(m_dg.cwiseProduct(m_dg));
W_sum = W_sum.cwiseQuotient(eigen_dg.cwiseProduct(eigen_dg));

sum[0] = W_sum.sum();

sum = sum + al.transpose()*al;

sum[0] = VectorXd::Ones(m_dg.rows()).cwiseQuotient(m_dg).sum() - sum[0];
sum[0] = VectorXd::Ones(eigen_dg.rows()).cwiseQuotient(eigen_dg).sum() - sum[0];

sum = sum*m_sigma*m_sigma;
float64_t dKuui = 2.0*m_ind_noise;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -564,20 +571,28 @@ float64_t CFITCInferenceMethod::get_negative_marginal_likelihood()

VectorXd temp = m_dg;
VectorXd temp2(m_chol_utr.cols());
Map<MatrixXd> eigen_chol_utr(m_chol_utr.matrix, m_chol_utr.num_rows, m_chol_utr.num_cols);

Map<VectorXd> eigen_dg(m_dg.vector, m_dg.vlen);

Map<VectorXd> eigen_r(m_r.vector, m_r.vlen);

Map<VectorXd> eigen_be(m_be.vector, m_be.vlen);

VectorXd temp = eigen_dg;
VectorXd temp2(m_chol_utr.num_cols);

for (index_t i = 0; i < m_dg.rows(); i++)
temp[i] = log(m_dg[i]);
for (index_t i = 0; i < eigen_dg.rows(); i++)
temp[i] = log(eigen_dg[i]);

for (index_t j = 0; j < m_chol_utr.rows(); j++)
temp2[j] = log(m_chol_utr(j,j));
for (index_t j = 0; j < eigen_chol_utr.rows(); j++)
temp2[j] = log(eigen_chol_utr(j,j));

VectorXd sum(1);

sum[0] = temp.sum();
sum = sum + m_r.transpose()*m_r;
sum = sum - m_be.transpose()*m_be;
sum = sum + eigen_r.transpose()*eigen_r;
sum = sum - eigen_be.transpose()*eigen_be;
sum[0] += m_label_vector.vlen*log(2*CMath::PI);
sum /= 2.0;
sum[0] += temp2.sum();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -621,8 +636,7 @@ void CFITCInferenceMethod::update_train_kernel()
//K(X, X)
kernel_matrix = m_kernel->get_kernel_matrix();

m_kuu = MatrixXd(kernel_matrix.num_rows, kernel_matrix.num_cols);

m_kuu = kernel_matrix.clone();
for (index_t i = 0; i < kernel_matrix.num_rows; i++)
for (index_t j = 0; j < kernel_matrix.num_cols; j++)
Expand All @@ -635,7 +649,7 @@ void CFITCInferenceMethod::update_train_kernel()

kernel_matrix = m_kernel->get_kernel_matrix();

m_ktru = MatrixXd(kernel_matrix.num_rows, kernel_matrix.num_cols);
m_ktru = SGMatrix<float64_t>(kernel_matrix.num_rows, kernel_matrix.num_cols);

for (index_t i = 0; i < kernel_matrix.num_rows; i++)
Expand All @@ -653,52 +667,95 @@ void CFITCInferenceMethod::update_chol()
float64_t m_sigma =

LLT<MatrixXd> Luu(m_kuu +
m_ind_noise*MatrixXd::Identity(m_kuu.rows(), m_kuu.cols()));
Map<MatrixXd> eigen_uu(m_kuu.matrix, m_kuu.num_rows, m_kuu.num_cols);

Map<MatrixXd> eigen_ktru(m_ktru.matrix, m_ktru.num_rows,

LLT<MatrixXd> Luu(eigen_uu +
m_ind_noise*MatrixXd::Identity(m_kuu.num_rows, m_kuu.num_cols));

m_chol_uu = Luu.matrixL();
MatrixXd eigen_chol_uu = Luu.matrixL();

MatrixXd V = m_chol_uu.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(m_ktru);
MatrixXd V = eigen_chol_uu.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(eigen_ktru);

m_chol_uu = SGMatrix<float64_t>(eigen_chol_uu.rows(),

for (index_t f = 0; f < eigen_chol_uu.rows(); f++)
for (index_t s = 0; s < eigen_chol_uu.cols(); s++)
m_chol_uu(f,s) = eigen_chol_uu(f,s);

MatrixXd temp_V = V.cwiseProduct(V);

VectorXd eigen_dg;

VectorXd sqrt_dg(m_ktrtr.num_cols);

for (index_t i = 0; i < m_ktrtr.num_cols; i++)
m_dg[i] = m_ktrtr(i,i)*m_scale*m_scale + m_sigma*m_sigma - temp_V.col(i).sum();
sqrt_dg[i] = sqrt(m_dg[i]);
eigen_dg[i] = m_ktrtr(i,i)*m_scale*m_scale + m_sigma*m_sigma - temp_V.col(i).sum();
sqrt_dg[i] = sqrt(eigen_dg[i]);

m_dg = SGVector<float64_t>(eigen_dg.rows());

for (index_t i = 0; i < eigen_dg.rows(); i++)
m_dg[i] = eigen_dg[i];

for (index_t i = 0; i < V.rows(); i++)
for (index_t j = 0; j < V.cols(); j++)
V(i,j) /= sqrt_dg[j];

LLT<MatrixXd> Lu(V*V.transpose() +
MatrixXd::Identity(m_kuu.rows(), m_kuu.cols()));
MatrixXd::Identity(m_kuu.num_rows, m_kuu.num_cols));

m_chol_utr = Lu.matrixL();
MatrixXd eigen_chol_utr = Lu.matrixL();

m_chol_utr = SGMatrix<float64_t>(eigen_chol_utr.rows(),

for (index_t f = 0; f < eigen_chol_utr.rows(); f++)
for (index_t s = 0; s < eigen_chol_utr.cols(); s++)
m_chol_utr(f,s) = eigen_chol_utr(f,s);

VectorXd true_lab(m_data_means.vlen);

for (index_t j = 0; j < m_data_means.vlen; j++)
true_lab[j] = m_label_vector[j] - m_data_means[j];

m_r = true_lab.cwiseQuotient(sqrt_dg);
VectorXd eigen_r;

eigen_r = true_lab.cwiseQuotient(sqrt_dg);

m_r = SGVector<float64_t>(eigen_r.rows());

m_be = m_chol_utr.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(V*m_r);
for (index_t j = 0; j < eigen_r.rows(); j++)
m_r[j] = eigen_r[j];

MatrixXd iKuu = m_chol_uu.llt().solve(
MatrixXd::Identity(m_kuu.rows(), m_kuu.cols()));
VectorXd eigen_be = eigen_chol_utr.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(V*eigen_r);

MatrixXd chol = m_chol_utr*m_chol_uu;
m_be = SGVector<float64_t>(eigen_be.rows());

for (index_t j = 0; j < eigen_be.rows(); j++)
m_be[j] = eigen_be[j];

MatrixXd iKuu = eigen_chol_uu.llt().solve(
MatrixXd::Identity(m_kuu.num_rows, m_kuu.num_cols));

MatrixXd chol = eigen_chol_utr*eigen_chol_uu;

chol *= chol.transpose();

chol = chol.llt().solve(MatrixXd::Identity(m_kuu.rows(), m_kuu.cols()));
chol = chol.llt().solve(MatrixXd::Identity(m_kuu.num_rows, m_kuu.num_cols));

chol = chol - iKuu;

Expand All @@ -715,9 +772,15 @@ void CFITCInferenceMethod::update_alpha()
MatrixXd alph;

alph = m_chol_utr.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(m_be);
Map<MatrixXd> eigen_chol_uu(m_chol_uu.matrix, m_chol_uu.num_rows, m_chol_uu.num_cols);

Map<MatrixXd> eigen_chol_utr(m_chol_utr.matrix, m_chol_utr.num_rows, m_chol_utr.num_cols);

Map<VectorXd> eigen_be(m_be.vector, m_be.vlen);

alph = eigen_chol_utr.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(eigen_be);

alph = m_chol_uu.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(alph);
alph = eigen_chol_uu.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(alph);

m_alpha = SGVector<float64_t>(alph.rows());

Expand Down
17 changes: 7 additions & 10 deletions src/shogun/regression/gp/FITCInferenceMethod.h
Expand Up @@ -17,9 +17,7 @@
#include <shogun/lib/config.h>

#ifdef HAVE_EIGEN3

#include <shogun/mathematics/eigen3.h>
#include <shogun/regression/gp/InferenceMethod.h>

namespace shogun
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,23 +179,23 @@ class CFITCInferenceMethod: public CInferenceMethod
/*Cholesky of Covariance of
* latent features
Eigen::MatrixXd m_chol_uu;
SGMatrix<float64_t> m_chol_uu;

/*Cholesky of Covariance of
* latent features
* and training features
Eigen::MatrixXd m_chol_utr;
SGMatrix<float64_t> m_chol_utr;

/* Covariance matrix of latent
* features
Eigen::MatrixXd m_kuu;
SGMatrix<float64_t> m_kuu;

/* Covariance matrix of latent
* features and training features
Eigen::MatrixXd m_ktru;
SGMatrix<float64_t> m_ktru;

/* Diagonal of Training
* kernel matrix + noise
Expand All @@ -206,24 +204,23 @@ class CFITCInferenceMethod: public CInferenceMethod
* (m_chol_uu^(-1)*m_ktru)'
* = V*V'
Eigen::VectorXd m_dg;
SGVector<float64_t> m_dg;

/*Labels adjusted for
* noise and means
Eigen::VectorXd m_r;
SGVector<float64_t> m_r;

/* Solves the equation
* V*r = m_chol_utr
Eigen::VectorXd m_be;
SGVector<float64_t> m_be;


#endif // HAVE_EIGEN3
#endif // HAVE_LAPACK

#endif /* CFITCInferenceMethod_H_ */
Expand Down

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