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base repository: nodejs/node-v0.x-archive
base: 85d6b783432e
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head repository: nodejs/node-v0.x-archive
compare: edd2fcccf022
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  • 1 commit
  • 3 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Aug 20, 2013

  1. net: family option in net.connect

    `dns.lookup` defaults to selecting IPv4 record even if IPv6 is available
    for the desired zone. Generally, this approach works, but if IPv4
    address is unavailable - there'll be no other way to opt-out and connect using
    IPv6 address than calling `dns.lookup` and passing it to `.connect()`
    This commit adds `family` option to `net.connect` method to figure out
    this issue.
    floatdrop authored and indutny committed Aug 20, 2013
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    edd2fcc View commit details
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