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base repository: nodejs/node-v0.x-archive
base: bcff90e0c299
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head repository: nodejs/node-v0.x-archive
compare: 59265264d56c
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  • 1 commit
  • 9 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Jan 30, 2015

  1. src: make build pass with GCC < 4.5

    Building node with GCC > 4.4 on CentOS makes the node binary depend on a
    more recent version of the C/C++ runtime that is not installed by
    default on these older CentOS platforms, and probably on other platforms
    as well.
    Building node with the default gcc and g++ compilers that come with
    these older versions of CentOS allows to ship a node binary that runs
    out of the box on these setups with older C/C++ runtimes.
    This change works around a bug that was fixed in GCC 4.5. Versions of
    GCC < 4.5 would not support using the injected-class-name of a
    template base class as a type name.
    This change also disables aliasing optimizations for toolchains using
    GCC <= 4.4 as they're not able to deal with the aliasing in the queue
    implementation used by libuv and node (see src/queue.h).
    Fixes #9079.
    PR: #9098
    PR-URL: #9098
    Reviewed-By: Timothy J Fontaine <>
    Reviewed-By: Trevor Norris <>
    Julien Gilli committed Jan 30, 2015
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