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Item9693: Javascript required. Link in new docs
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bin/configure,  and the Nat editor now require javascript. Removed the
note about "embedded" strike one as the edit screen is not usable
without javascript.

The new PerlDependencyReport and FoswikiServerInformation pages
to the AdminToolsCategory.   Although I'm a bit confused as to what
should be listed where.
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gac410 committed Jan 29, 2015
1 parent fcfa898 commit ee75de6
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Showing 2 changed files with 39 additions and 35 deletions.
33 changes: 17 additions & 16 deletions core/data/System/AdminToolsCategory.txt
@@ -1,26 +1,27 @@
%META:TOPICINFO{author="ProjectContributor" date="1421598394" format="1.1" version="1"}%
%META:TOPICINFO{author="ProjectContributor" date="1422501265" format="1.1" version="1"}%
---+ Admin tools

* %ICON{help}% Documentation: [[ReferenceManual][Reference Manual]]
* %ICON{wrench}% [[Site Tools]]: [[%SCRIPTURLPATH{"configure"}%][Configure]], %WIKIPREFSTOPIC%, InterWikis, [[%SYSTEMWEB%.Macros][Macros]], [[DocumentGraphics][Doc Graphics]], [[%SYSTEMWEB%.InstalledPlugins][Installed Plugins report]]
* %ICON{persons}% Manage [[%USERSWEB%.%WIKIUSERSTOPIC%][Users]]: [[UserRegistration][Register]], [[%USERSWEB%.WikiGroups][Groups]], %SYSTEMWEB%.NewUserTemplate, %SYSTEMWEB%.UserForm, ResetPassword, ChangePassword
* %ICON{wrench}% [[Site Tools]]: %WIKIPREFSTOPIC%, InterWikis, [[System.Macros][Macros]], [[DocumentGraphics][Doc Graphics]]
* %ICON{gear}% Server operation: [[%SCRIPTURLPATH{"configure"}%][Configure]], [[InstalledPlugins][Extensions & Diagnostics]], [[PerlDependencyReport][Perl Dependencies]]. [[FoswikiServerInformation][Server execution details]]
* %ICON{persons}% Manage [[%USERSWEB%.%WIKIUSERSTOPIC%][Users]]: [[UserRegistration][Register]], [[%USERSWEB%.WikiGroups][Groups]], %SYSTEMWEB%.NewUserTemplate, %SYSTEMWEB%.UserForm, ResetPassword, ChangePassword, ChangeEmailAddress
* %ICON{indexlist}% Manage Content: [[ManagingTopics][Topics]], [[ManagingWebs][Webs]], YouAreHere

---++ All Admin Tools Category topics

$ [[BulkRegistration]] : Administrators can use this topic to register (i.e. create logins and user topics) for a group of people in one batch
$ [[BulkResetPassword]] : Administrators can use this topic to reset any number of user passwords
$ [[%WIKIPREFSTOPIC%]] : This topic defines site-level settings that apply to all users and webs on this site. Use this as a read-only topic. Always apply your local settings to %LOCALSITEPREFS%
$ [[ManagingUsers]] : Register users on your Foswiki site; change/reset/install passwords; remove user accounts
$ [[ManagingWebs]] : An introduction to webs. Includes the tool for the administrator to add new webs
$ [[SiteMap]] : An overview of all the webs incl links to search, recent changes, and notifications. Mainly targetted for the administrators but can also be useful for the users
$ [[SitePermissions]] : Overview of permissions settings of the webs on this Foswiki site
$ [[SiteTools]] : Describes the utilities for searching, navigation, and monitoring site activity. It describes WebNotify, to e-mail alerts when topics are edited, and %STATISTICSTOPIC%, to generate detailed activity reports. It also describes how to use the RSS and Atom feeds. Mainly targetted for the administrator
$ [[SkinBrowser]] : Skin Browser which allows you to can try out the Skins currently installed on this system
$ [[BulkRegistration]]: Administrators can use this topic to register (i.e. create logins and user topics) for a group of people in one batch
$ [[BulkResetPassword]]: Administrators can use this topic to reset any number of user passwords
$ [[%WIKIPREFSTOPIC%]]: This topic defines site-level settings that apply to all users and webs on this site. Use this as a read-only topic. Always apply your local settings to %LOCALSITEPREFS%
$ [[ManagingUsers]]: Register users on your Foswiki site; change/reset/install passwords; remove user accounts
$ [[ManagingWebs]]: An introduction to webs. Includes the tool for the administrator to add new webs
$ [[SiteMap]]: An overview of all the webs incl links to search, recent changes, and notifications. Mainly targetted for the administrators but can also be useful for the users
$ [[SitePermissions]]: Overview of permissions settings of the webs on this Foswiki site
$ [[SiteTools]]: Describes the utilities for searching, navigation, and monitoring site activity. It describes WebNotify, to e-mail alerts when topics are edited, and %STATISTICSTOPIC%, to generate detailed activity reports. It also describes how to use the RSS and Atom feeds. Mainly targetted for the administrator
$ [[SkinBrowser]]: Skin Browser which allows you to can try out the Skins currently installed on this system

---++ Related Topics
$ [[AdminDocumentationCategory]] : List of documents relevant for the installer and administrator of the Foswiki installation
$ [[UserDocumentationCategory]] : List of documents for the everyday user from beginner to advanced user
$ [[DeveloperDocumentationCategory]] : List of documents for application developers as well as developers of skins and extensions.
$ [[UserToolsCategory]] : List of tools the user may need for setting and resetting passwords, changing email address etc.
$ [[AdminDocumentationCategory]]: List of documents relevant for the installer and administrator of the Foswiki installation
$ [[UserDocumentationCategory]]: List of documents for the everyday user from beginner to advanced user
$ [[DeveloperDocumentationCategory]]: List of documents for application developers as well as developers of skins and extensions.
$ [[UserToolsCategory]]: List of tools the user may need for setting and resetting passwords, changing email address etc.
41 changes: 22 additions & 19 deletions core/data/System/SystemRequirements.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
%META:TOPICINFO{author="ProjectContributor" date="1420999946" format="1.1" version="1"}%
%META:TOPICINFO{author="ProjectContributor" date="1422503973" format="1.1" version="1"}%
---+ System Requirements

Expand All @@ -9,29 +9,28 @@ Low client and server base requirements are core features that keep Foswiki wide
---++ Server Requirements

Foswiki is written in Perl 5, which is supported on Microsoft Windows as well as Unix and Unix-like systems (including Linux and OSX), on which it uses a number of shell commands. It should be able to run out-of-the-box on any server platform that meets the following requirements.
Foswiki is written in Perl 5, which is supported on Microsoft Windows as well as Unix and Unix-like systems (including Linux and OSX). On Unix-like systems, it uses a number of shell commands. It should be able to run out-of-the-box on any server platform that meets the following requirements.

| *Resource* | *Required Server Environment* |
| Perl | 5.8.8 or higher |
| External programs | GNU =diff= 2.7 or higher, =fgrep=, and =egrep= (not required on Windows) |
| Web server | Apache is well supported; for information on other servers, see Foswiki:Support.InstallingOnSpecificPlatforms. |

Foswiki is designed to automatically detect the platform and generate a basic configuration the first time the =configure= script is run.
| Web server | Apache, Nginx and Lighttpd are all well supported; Apache sample configs are provided. For information on other servers, see Foswiki:Support.InstallingOnSpecificPlatforms. |
Foswiki is designed to automatically detect the platform and generate a basic configuration the first time the =configure= script is run, but start from your expected default "view" URL, so that Foswiki can figure out your URL scheme.

Use either the =bin/configure= web interface, or the =tools/configure= perl script, to configure Foswiki. This will explore and test all dependencies and alert you when any are missing.

If you have problems with any dependencies, use the =tools/ perl script, which makes perl module installation easier. Run it with option =-h= to understand the basics.

Foswiki ships with a copy of =CGI::Session= in order to run the =configure= script.
If you have problems with any dependencies, use the =tools/ perl script, which makes perl module installation easier. Run it with option =-h= to understand the basics.

The following dependencies are usually met by the Perl core installation: =Carp=, =CGI= (see note above), =Config=, =Cwd=, =Exporter=, =File::Basename=, =File::Glob=, =FileHandle=, =File::Path=, =File::Spec=, =File::Temp=, =IO::File=, =MIME::Base64=, =POSIX=, =Socket= and =UNIVERSAL=.
The following dependencies are usually met by the Perl core installation: =Carp=, =CGI= (=CGI= has been removed from recent Perl versions), =Config=, =Cwd=, =Exporter=, =File::Basename=, =File::Glob=, =FileHandle=, =File::Path=, =File::Spec=, =File::Temp=, =IO::File=, =MIME::Base64=, =POSIX=, =Socket= and =UNIVERSAL=.

There were once CPAN modules shipped with prior versions of Foswiki as a "last resort". Since they are needed only in rare situations,
they were put into an additional extension. See Foswiki:Extensions.CpanContrib. Install this packages if cannot install Perl modules otherwise.
Prior versions of Foswiki shipped with the important CPAN modules, for use as a "last resort". Since they are needed only in rare situations,
they were put into an optional extension. See Foswiki:Extensions.CpanContrib. Install this packages if you cannot install Perl modules otherwise.

---++ Specific distribution details

---+++!! Ubuntu and other Debian derived distributions

%TWISTY{ showlink="Show Debian / Ubuntu information" hidelink="Hide Debian details"}%

Install apache and rcs ==apt-get install apache2 rcs==
Expand All @@ -50,14 +49,18 @@ Install apache and rcs ==apt-get install apache2 rcs==
| version | =libversion-perl= | Must be version 0.77 or newer |
| Digest::SHA | =libdigest-sha-perl= | |
| URI | =liburi-perl= | |
| Authen::SASL | =libauthen-sasl-perl= | note, broken on Ubuntu 11.10 x64. Install using CPAN! |

| Authen::SASL | =libauthen-sasl-perl= | note, broken on Ubuntu 11.10 x64. Install using CPAN! |
After expanding the Foswiki archive, change the ownership of the files:
* Debian, Ubuntu, Kubunto: =chown -R www-data:www-data /path/to/foswiki=

Apache user should issue the following commands:
$ =a2enmod cgi=: Enables CGI
$ =a2enmod access_compat=: Apache 2.4: Enables compatibility with foswiki example apache configurations.


---+++!! RedHat, SuSE, CentOS and other RPM based distributions

%TWISTY{ showlink="Show RetHat, SuSE and other RPM details" hidelink="Hide RPM details"}%

Install apache2, rcs, and perl-CPAN
Expand All @@ -73,14 +76,14 @@ Install apache2, rcs, and perl-CPAN
| Digest::SHA | =perl-Digest-SHA= | |
| URI | =perl-URI= | |
| Authen::SASL | =perl-Authen-SASL= | |

After expanding the Foswiki archive, change the ownership of the files:
* RedHat, Fedora, CentOS Mandriva: chown -R apache:apache /path/to/foswiki=
* Suse: =chown -R wwwrun:www /path/to/foswiki=


---+++!! Gentoo (ebuild) based distributions

%TWISTY{ showlink="Show Gentoo details" hidelink="Hide RPM details"}%

Install =www-servers/apache=, =dev-vcs/rcs=, and =dev-lang/perl=
Expand All @@ -99,11 +102,10 @@ Install =www-servers/apache=, =dev-vcs/rcs=, and =dev-lang/perl=
| Digest::SHA | =perl-core/Digest-SHA= | Included with perl |
| URI | =dev-perl/URI= | |
| Authen::SASL | =dev-perl/Authen-SASL= | Optional, needed for authenticated SMTP |
| IO::Socket::SSL | =dev-perl/IO-Socket-SSL= | Optional, support encrypted email connection: STARTTLS or SSL |
| Locale::Maketext | =perl-core/locale-maketext= | Included with perl core. Versions older than 1.23 have security issues! |
| IO::Socket::SSL | =dev-perl/IO-Socket-SSL= | Optional, support encrypted email connection: STARTTLS or SSL |
| Locale::Maketext | =perl-core/locale-maketext= | Included with perl core. Versions older than 1.23 have security issues! |
| Locale::Maketext::Lexicon | =dev-perl/locale-maketext-lexicon= | Optional, needed for internationalization |
| Locale::Msgfmt | =dev-perl/Locale-Msgfmt= | Optional, needed for internationalization |

After expanding the Foswiki archive, change the ownership of the files:
* =chown -R apache:apache /var/www/path-to-foswiki=

Expand All @@ -117,14 +119,15 @@ The [[InstallationGuide][standard installation]] has relatively low browser requ

* XHTML 1.0 Transitional compliant
* Cookies, if persistent sessions are required
* Javascript, for edit/save/upload functionality <div class="foswikiHelp">%T% Change ={ValidationMethod}{Method}= from =strikeone= to =embedded= in [[%SCRIPTURLPATH{"configure"}%][configure]] to allow non-javascript browsers to edit/save/upload</div>
* Javascript, is required for configure, edit save and upload functionality. Foswiki is viewable without javascript.

CSS and Javascript are used in most skins. Some skins will require more recent releases of browsers. The default skin is tested on IE 6+, Safari, Chrome and Firefox.
CSS and Javascript are used in most skins. Some skins will require more recent releases of browsers. The default (Pattern) skin is tested on IE 6+, Safari, Chrome and Firefox.

You can easily select a balance of browser capability versus look and feel. Try the installed skins at %SYSTEMWEB%.SkinBrowser and more at Foswiki:Extensions.SkinPackage.


*Related Topics:* AdminDocumentationCategory


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