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rizen committed Jan 2, 2012
2 parents 2cb058c + 64d2f53 commit 6af04cc
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Showing 23 changed files with 412 additions and 2,460 deletions.
310 changes: 122 additions & 188 deletions Task-WebGUI/dist.ini
Expand Up @@ -13,205 +13,139 @@ repository.web =
repository.type = git


App::Cmd = 0.311
App::cpanminus = 1.5006
Test::Tester = 0.107
Test::NoWarnings = 1.02
common::sense = 3.4
Test::Harness = 3.17
Locales = 0.19
Text::Diff::HTML = 0.06
CAM::PDF = 1.52
Text::PDF = 0.29
Crypt::RC4 = 2.02
LWPx::ParanoidAgent = 1.04
Crypt::DH = 0.06
Math::BigInt::FastCalc = 0.19
YAML = 0.68
Class::Member = 1.6
GraphViz = 2.04
IPC::Run = 0.82
Readonly = 1.03
Algorithm::C3 = 0.07
Class::C3::XS = 0.11
App::Nopaste = 0.17
Archive::Any = 0.0932
Archive::Tar = 1.44
Archive::Zip = 1.26
Business::OnlinePayment = 3.01
Business::OnlinePayment::AuthorizeNet = 3.21
Business::PayPal::API = 0.62
Business::Tax::VAT::Validation = 0.20
Cache::FastMmap = 1.35
Capture::Tiny = 0.08
Class::C3 = 0.21
XML::TreePP = 0.38
XML::FeedPP = 0.40
Net::SSLeay = 1.36
Compress::Raw::Zlib = 2.015
Clipboard = 0.09
Clone = 0.31
Color::Calc = 1.05
common::sense = 3.4
Compress::Zlib = 2.015
BSD::Resource = 1.2902
URI = 1.51
IO::Zlib = 1.09
HTML::Tagset = 3.20
HTML::Tree = 3.23
HTML::Parser = 3.64
LWP = 5.834
CGI = 3.42
Digest::HMAC = 1.01
Digest::MD5 = 2.39
Digest::SHA1 = 2.12
Module::Build = 0.31012
Params::Validate = 0.91
DateTime::Locale = 0.42
Class::Singleton = 1.4
DateTime::TimeZone = 0.84
Time::Local = 1.1901
Test::Simple = 0.94
Devel::Symdump = 2.08
Pod::Escapes = 1.04
ExtUtils::CBuilder = 0.24
Pod::Coverage = 0.19
Pod::Simple = 3.10
Pod::Text = 2.2.2
Config::JSON = 1.51.1
Crypt::SSLeay = 0.57
CSS::Minifier::XS = 0.03
CSS::Packer = 1.002
Data::ICal = 0.16
DateTime = 0.4501
DateTime::Event::ICal = 0.10
DateTime::Format::HTTP = 0.38
DateTime::Format::Mail = 0.3001
DateTime::Format::Strptime = 1.0800
HTML::Template = 2.9
Crypt::SSLeay = 0.57
String::Random = 0.22
Time::HiRes = 1.9719
Text::Balanced = 2.02
Tie::IxHash = 1.21
Tie::CPHash = 1.04
Error = 0.17016
DBD::mysql = 4.010
DBI = 1.615
Devel::StackTrace = 1.27
Devel::StackTrace::WithLexicals = 0.03
Digest::MD5 = 2.38
Digest::SHA = 5.47
Exception::Class = 1.26
Facebook::Graph = 0.0505
File::Path = 2.07
File::Slurp = 9999.13
Finance::Quote = 1.15
Geo::Coder::Googlev3 = 0.07
HTML::Form = 5.800
HTML::Highlight = 0.20
HTML::Packer = 1.000
HTML::Parser = 3.60
HTML::TagCloud = 0.34
HTML::TagFilter = 1.03
IO::String = 1.08
Archive::Tar = 1.44
Archive::Zip = 1.26
XML::NamespaceSupport = 1.09
XML::SAX::Base = 1.02
XML::Parser = 2.36
XML::SAX = 0.96
XML::SAX::Expat = 0.40
XML::Simple = 2.18
XML::RSSLite = 0.11
SOAP::Lite = 0.710.08
DBI = 1.615
DBD::mysql = 4.018
Convert::ASN1 = 0.22
HTML::TableExtract = 2.10
Finance::Quote = 1.17
JSON::XS = 2.26
HTML::Template = 2.9
HTML::Template::Expr = 0.07
HTTP::BrowserDetect = 1.19
HTTP::Headers = 1.61
HTTP::Request = 1.40
Image::ExifTool = 8.00
Image::Magick = 6.0
IO::Zlib = 1.09
JavaScript::Minifier::XS = 0.05
JavaScript::Packer = 1.004
JSON = 2.17
version = 0.76
Path::Class = 0.16
Mouse = 0.93
Any::Moose = 0.15
Config::JSON = 1.5100
IO::Socket::SSL = 1.22
Authen::SASL = 2.12
Net::LDAP = 0.39
JSON::Any = 1.22
JSON::PP = 0.00
JSON::XS = 2.26
List::MoreUtils = 0.22
List::Util = 1.19
Locales = 0.19
Log::Log4perl = 1.20
POE = 1.283
POE::Component::IKC = 0.2002
String::CRC32 = 1.4
ExtUtils::XSBuilder = 0.28
ExtUtils::MakeMaker = 6.48
Devel::XRay = 0.95
Clone = 0.31
Test::Pod = 1.26
Data::Structure::Util = 0.15
Parse::RecDescent = 1.96.0
Mail::Mailer = 2.04
IO::Stringy = 2.110
LWP = 5.834
MIME::Tools = 5.427
HTML::Template::Expr = 0.07
Template = 2.22
List::Util = 1.19
Graphics::ColorNames = 2.11
Module::Load = 0.16
Color::Calc = 1.05
DateTime::Format::Mail = 0.3001
Digest::BubbleBabble = 0.01
Net::IP = 1.25
Net::DNS = 0.65
POE::Component::Client::DNS = 1.051
POE::Component::Client::Keepalive = 0.262
POE::Component::Client::HTTP = 0.893
Test::Deep = 0.103
Test::MockObject = 1.20110612
UNIVERSAL::isa = 1.03
UNIVERSAL::can = 1.15
Class::MakeMethods = 1.01
Locale::US = 1.2
Time::Format = 1.09
Weather::Com = 0.5.3
File::Slurp = 9999.13
Text::CSV_XS = 0.69
File::Temp = 0.21
File::Path = 2.07
File::Which = 0.05
Class::InsideOut = 1.09
HTML::TagCloud = 0.34
Set::Infinite = 0.63
DateTime::Set = 0.26
DateTime::Event::Recurrence = 0.16
DateTime::Event::ICal = 0.09
MIME::Types = 1.27
File::MMagic = 1.27
File::Spec = 3.29
Module::Build = 0.31012
Module::Find = 0.06
Archive::Any = 0.0932
Image::ExifTool = 8.00
MySQL::Diff = 0.33
List::MoreUtils = 0.22
Devel::StackTrace = 1.20
Class::Data::Inheritable = 0.08
Exception::Class = 1.26
Sub::Uplevel = 0.2002
Carp::Assert = 0.20
Test::Exception = 0.27
Carp::Assert::More = 1.12
HTTP::Server::Simple = 0.44
Test::LongString = 0.15
HTTP::Response::Encoding = 0.05
Array::Compare = 2.01
Tree::DAG_Node = 1.06
Test::Warn = 0.11
Devel::Cycle = 1.10
PadWalker = 1.7
Test::Memory::Cycle = 1.04
Test::Taint = 1.04
WWW::Mechanize = 1.54
Test::WWW::Mechanize = 1.24
Test::JSON = 0.06
Regexp::RegGrp = 1.002
HTML::Packer = 1.002001
JavaScript::Packer = 1.004
CSS::Packer = 1.002
Business::Tax::VAT::Validation = 0.20
Scope::Guard = 0.03
Digest::SHA = 5.47
JavaScript::Minifier::XS = 0.05
CSS::Minifier::XS = 0.03
Crypt::OpenSSL::Random = 0.04
Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA = 0.26
Crypt::CBC = 2.30
Test::Class = 0.31
XML::SAX::Writer = 0.53
XML::Filter::BufferText = 1.01
Net::CIDR::Lite = 0.20
Params::Util = 1.00
Sub::Install = 0.925
Data::OptList = 0.104
Sub::Exporter = 0.982
Devel::GlobalDestruction = 0.02
MRO::Compat = 0.11
Sub::Name = 0.04
Task::Weaken = 1.03
Try::Tiny = 0.02
Class::MOP = 0.97
Module::Load = 0.16
Monkey::Patch = 0.03
Moose = 0.93
Getopt::Long::Descriptive = 0.081
MooseX::Getopt = 0.25
WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::Create = 0.003
Class::Data::Accessor = 0.04004
WWW::Pastebin::RafbNet::Create = 0.001
Spiffy = 0.30
Clipboard = 0.09
Mixin::Linewise = 0.002
Config::INI = 0.014
App::Nopaste = 0.17
Business::PayPal::API = 0.69
MooseX::NonMoose = 0.07
MooseX::Storage = 0.23
MooseX::Storage::Format::JSON = 0.27
namespace::autoclean = 0.09
Net::CIDR::Lite = 0.20
Net::DNS = 0.66
Net::LDAP = 0.39
Net::POP3 = 2.29
Net::SMTP = 2.31
Net::Twitter = 3.13006
Params::Validate = 0.91
Path::Class = 0.16
PerlIO::eol = 0.14
Plack = 0.9985

Plack::Middleware::Debug = 0.14
Plack::Middleware::Status = 1.101150
Pod::Coverage = 0.19
POE = 1.283
POE::Component::Client::DNS = 1.051
POE::Component::Client::HTTP = 0.88
POE::Component::Client::Keepalive = 0.262
POE::Component::IKC = 0.2002
POE::Component::IKC::Server = 0.2001
Readonly = 1.03
Scope::Guard = 0.20
Template = 2.20
Test::Class = 0.31
Test::Deep = 0.095
Test::Differences = 0.5
Test::Exception = 0.27
Test::Harness = 3.17
Test::Log::Dispatch = 0
Test::LongString = 0.13
Test::MockObject = 1.02
Test::MockTime = 0.09
Test::More = 0.96
Test::Tester = 0
Text::Aspell = 0.012
Text::Balanced = 2.00
Text::CSV_XS = 0.64
Tie::IxHash = 1.21
Time::HiRes = 1.9719
Try::Tiny = 0.07
UNIVERSAL::can = 1.15
UNIVERSAL::isa = 1.03
URI::Escape = 3.29
UUID::Tiny = 1.03
Weather::Com::Finder = 0.5.3
XML::FeedPP = 0.40
XML::FeedPP::MediaRSS = 0.02
XML::Simple = 2.18
YAML = 0.68
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
Expand Up @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ buildPerl(){
printHeader "nginx"
cd source
cd nginx-0.7.67
cd nginx-1.0.11
#./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --with-pcre=../pcre-8.20 --with-http_ssl_module --with-openssl=../openssl-1.0.0e; checkError $? "nginx Configure"
./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --with-pcre=../pcre-8.20 --with-http_ssl_module; checkError $? "nginx Configure"
$WRE_MAKE; checkError $? "nginx make"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ buildImageMagick(){
buildProgram "giflib-4.1.6" "--enable-shared $CFG_CACHE"

# lib png
buildProgram "libpng-1.5.6" "--enable-shared $CFG_CACHE"
buildProgram "libpng-1.5.7" "--enable-shared $CFG_CACHE"

# graphviz
buildProgram "graphviz-2.24.0" "$CFG_CACHE --enable-static --with-libgd=no --with-mylibgd=no --disable-java --disable-swig --disable-perl --disable-python --disable-php --disable-ruby --disable-sharp --disable-python23 --disable-python24 --disable-python25 --disable-r --disable-tcl --disable-guile --disable-io --disable-lua --disable-ocaml"
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions
Expand Up @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ tar xfz pcre-8.20.tar.gz
#tar xfz openssl-1.0.0e.tar.gz

tar xfz nginx-0.7.67.tar.gz
tar xfz nginx-1.0.11.tar.gz

#tar xfz libevent-1.4.14b-stable.tar.gz
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ wget -t 4 -nv
tar xfz graphviz-2.24.0.tar.gz

# libpng image manipulation
tar xfz libpng-1.5.6.tar.gz
tar xfz libpng-1.5.7.tar.gz

# gnu libtool
#wget -t 4 -nv
Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions wre/lib/WRE/
Expand Up @@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ Either a path to a template file as a scalar or a scalar reference to a template
=head3 vars
A hash reference containing the template variables to process on the template. The following template variables
are automatically generated and added to the list: databaseHost, databasePort, modproxyPort, modperlPort,
are automatically generated and added to the list: databaseHost, databasePort, nginxPort, starmanPort,
domainRoot, wreRoot, webguiRoot
Expand All @@ -332,10 +332,11 @@ sub processTemplate {

# add in some template template variables
$var->{config} = $config;
$var->{databaseHost} = $config->get("mysql/hostname");
$var->{databasePort} = $config->get("mysql/port");
$var->{modproxyPort} = $config->get("apache/modproxyPort");
$var->{modperlPort} = $config->get("apache/modperlPort");
$var->{nginxPort} = $config->get("nginx/port");
$var->{starmanPort} = $config->get("starman/port");
$var->{domainRoot} = $config->getDomainRoot;
$var->{wreRoot} = $config->getRoot;
$var->{wreUser} = $config->get("user");
Expand Down

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