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Showing 1 changed file with 306 additions and 287 deletions.
593 changes: 306 additions & 287 deletions spec/compiler/general_spec.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -60,7 +60,12 @@ def silence_warnings
$VERBOSE = verb

def compile_and_run(src, filename = caller_locations[0].path, line = caller_locations[0].lineno)
def run(src, filename = caller_locations[0].path, line = caller_locations[0].lineno)
yield eval(src, TOPLEVEL_BINDING, filename, line) unless (ENV['INTERPRETER_TEST'] == 'false')
yield compile_run(src, filename, line) unless (ENV['COMPILER_TEST'] == 'false')

def compile_run(src, filename, line)
cls = compile_to_method(src, filename, line)
@@ -80,104 +85,107 @@ def compile_and_run(src, filename = caller_locations[0].path, line = caller_loca
IRubyObject = org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject

it "assigns literal values to locals" do
expect(compile_and_run("a = 5; a")).to eq 5
expect(compile_and_run("a = 5.5; a")).to eq 5.5
expect(compile_and_run("a = 'hello'; a")).to eq 'hello'
expect(compile_and_run("a = :hello; a")).to eq :hello
expect(compile_and_run("a = 1111111111111111111111111111; a")).to eq 1111111111111111111111111111
expect(compile_and_run("a = [1, ['foo', :hello]]; a")).to eq([1, ['foo', :hello]])
expect(compile_and_run("{}")).to eq({})
expect(compile_and_run("a = {:foo => {:bar => 5.5}}; a")).to eq({:foo => {:bar => 5.5}})
expect(compile_and_run("a = /foo/; a")).to eq(/foo/)
expect(compile_and_run("1..2")).to eq (1..2)
run("a = 5; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 5 }
run("a = 5.5; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 5.5 }
run("a = 'hello'; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 'hello' }
run("a = :hello; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq :hello }
run("a = 1111111111111111111111111111; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1111111111111111111111111111 }
run("a = [1, ['foo', :hello]]; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq([1, ['foo', :hello]]) }
run("{}") {|result| expect(result).to eq({}) }
run("a = {:foo => {:bar => 5.5}}; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq({:foo => {:bar => 5.5}}) }
run("a = /foo/; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq(/foo/) }
run("1..2") {|result| expect(result).to eq (1..2) }

it "compiles interpolated strings" do
expect(compile_and_run('a = "hello#{42}"; a')).to eq('hello42')
expect(compile_and_run('i = 1; a = "hello#{i + 42}"; a')).to eq("hello43")
run('a = "hello#{42}"; a') {|result| expect(result).to eq('hello42') }
run('i = 1; a = "hello#{i + 42}"; a') {|result| expect(result).to eq("hello43") }

it "compiles calls" do
expect(compile_and_run("'bar'.capitalize")).to eq 'Bar'
expect(compile_and_run("rand(10)")).to be_a_kind_of Fixnum
run("'bar'.capitalize") {|result| expect(result).to eq 'Bar' }
run("rand(10)") {|result| expect(result).to be_a_kind_of Fixnum }

it "compiles branches" do
expect(compile_and_run("a = 1; if 1 == a; 2; else; 3; end")).to eq 2
expect(compile_and_run("a = 1; unless 1 == a; 2; else; 3; end")).to eq 3
expect(compile_and_run("a = 1; while a < 10; a += 1; end; a")).to eq 10
expect(compile_and_run("a = 1; until a == 10; a += 1; end; a")).to eq 10
expect(compile_and_run("2 if true")).to eq 2
expect(compile_and_run("2 if false")).to be_nil
expect(compile_and_run("2 unless true")).to be_nil
expect(compile_and_run("2 unless false")).to eq 2
run("a = 1; if 1 == a; 2; else; 3; end") {|result| expect(result).to eq 2 }
run("a = 1; unless 1 == a; 2; else; 3; end") {|result| expect(result).to eq 3 }
run("a = 1; while a < 10; a += 1; end; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 10 }
run("a = 1; until a == 10; a += 1; end; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 10 }
run("2 if true") {|result| expect(result).to eq 2 }
run("2 if false") {|result| expect(result).to be_nil }
run("2 unless true") {|result| expect(result).to be_nil }
run("2 unless false") {|result| expect(result).to eq 2 }

it "compiles while loops with no body" do
compile_and_run("@foo = true; def flip; @foo = !@foo; end; while flip; end").should == nil
run("@foo = true; def flip; @foo = !@foo; end; while flip; end") do |result|
expect(result).to eq nil

it "compiles boolean operators" do
expect(compile_and_run("1 && 2")).to eq 2
expect(compile_and_run("nil && 2")).to be_nil
expect(compile_and_run("nil && fail")).to be_nil
expect(compile_and_run("1 || 2")).to eq 1
expect(compile_and_run("nil || 2")).to eq 2
expect {compile_and_run(nil || fail)}.to raise_error(RuntimeError)
expect(compile_and_run("1 and 2")).to eq 2
expect(compile_and_run("1 or 2")).to eq 1
run("1 && 2") {|result| expect(result).to eq 2 }
run("nil && 2") {|result| expect(result).to be_nil }
run("nil && fail") {|result| expect(result).to be_nil }
run("1 || 2") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }
run("nil || 2") {|result| expect(result).to eq 2 }
expect {run(nil || fail){}}.to raise_error(RuntimeError)
run("1 and 2") {|result| expect(result).to eq 2 }
run("1 or 2") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }

it "compiles begin blocks" do
expect(compile_and_run("begin; a = 4; end; a")).to eq 4
run("begin; a = 4; end; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 4 }

it "compiles regexp matches" do
expect(compile_and_run("/foo/ =~ 'foo'")).to eq 0
expect(compile_and_run("'foo' =~ /foo/")).to eq 0
expect(compile_and_run(":aaa =~ /foo/")).to be_nil
run("/foo/ =~ 'foo'") {|result| expect(result).to eq 0 }
run("'foo' =~ /foo/") {|result| expect(result).to eq 0 }
run(":aaa =~ /foo/") {|result| expect(result).to be_nil }

it "compiles method definitions" do
expect(compile_and_run("def foo3(arg); arg + '2'; end; foo3('baz')")).to eq 'baz2'
expect(compile_and_run("def self.foo3(arg); arg + '2'; end; self.foo3('baz')")).to eq 'baz2'
run("def foo3(arg); arg + '2'; end; foo3('baz')") {|result| expect(result).to eq 'baz2' }
run("def self.foo3(arg); arg + '2'; end; self.foo3('baz')") {|result| expect(result).to eq 'baz2' }

it "compiles calls with closures" do
expect(compile_and_run("def foo2(a); a + yield.to_s; end; foo2('baz') { 4 }")).to eq 'baz4'
expect(compile_and_run("def foo2(a); a + yield.to_s; end; foo2('baz') {}")).to eq 'baz'
expect(compile_and_run("def self.foo2(a); a + yield.to_s; end; self.foo2('baz') { 4 }")).to eq 'baz4'
expect(compile_and_run("def self.foo2(a); a + yield.to_s; end; self.foo2('baz') {}")).to eq 'baz'
run("def foo2(a); a + yield.to_s; end; foo2('baz') { 4 }") {|result| expect(result).to eq 'baz4' }
run("def foo2(a); a + yield.to_s; end; foo2('baz') {}") {|result| expect(result).to eq 'baz' }
run("def self.foo2(a); a + yield.to_s; end; self.foo2('baz') { 4 }") {|result| expect(result).to eq 'baz4' }
run("def self.foo2(a); a + yield.to_s; end; self.foo2('baz') {}") {|result| expect(result).to eq 'baz' }

it "compiles strings with encoding" do
str8bit = '"\300"'
str8bit_result = compile_and_run(str8bit)
expect(str8bit_result).to eq "\300"
expect(str8bit_result.encoding).to eq Encoding::UTF_8
run(str8bit) do |str8bit_result|
expect(str8bit_result).to eq "\300"
expect(str8bit_result.encoding).to eq Encoding::UTF_8

it "compiles backrefs" do
base = "'0123456789A' =~ /(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)/; "
expect(compile_and_run(base + "$~")).to be_a_kind_of MatchData
expect(compile_and_run(base + "$`")).to eq '0'
expect(compile_and_run(base + "$'")).to eq 'A'
expect(compile_and_run(base + "$+")).to eq '9'
expect(compile_and_run(base + "$0")).to eq $0 # main script name, not related to matching
expect(compile_and_run(base + "$1")).to eq '1'
expect(compile_and_run(base + "$2")).to eq '2'
expect(compile_and_run(base + "$3")).to eq '3'
expect(compile_and_run(base + "$4")).to eq '4'
expect(compile_and_run(base + "$5")).to eq '5'
expect(compile_and_run(base + "$6")).to eq '6'
expect(compile_and_run(base + "$7")).to eq '7'
expect(compile_and_run(base + "$8")).to eq '8'
expect(compile_and_run(base + "$9")).to eq '9'
run(base + "$~") {|result| expect(result).to be_a_kind_of MatchData }
run(base + "$`") {|result| expect(result).to eq '0' }
run(base + "$'") {|result| expect(result).to eq 'A' }
run(base + "$+") {|result| expect(result).to eq '9' }
run(base + "$0") {|result| expect(result).to eq $0 } # main script name, not related to matching
run(base + "$1") {|result| expect(result).to eq '1' }
run(base + "$2") {|result| expect(result).to eq '2' }
run(base + "$3") {|result| expect(result).to eq '3' }
run(base + "$4") {|result| expect(result).to eq '4' }
run(base + "$5") {|result| expect(result).to eq '5' }
run(base + "$6") {|result| expect(result).to eq '6' }
run(base + "$7") {|result| expect(result).to eq '7' }
run(base + "$8") {|result| expect(result).to eq '8' }
run(base + "$9") {|result| expect(result).to eq '9' }

it "compiles aliases" do
expect(compile_and_run("alias :to_string1 :to_s; defined?(self.to_string1)")).to eq "method"
expect(compile_and_run("alias to_string2 to_s; defined?(self.to_string2)")).to eq "method"
run("alias :to_string1 :to_s; defined?(self.to_string1)") {|result| expect(result).to eq "method" }
run("alias to_string2 to_s; defined?(self.to_string2)") {|result| expect(result).to eq "method" }

it "compiles block-local variables" do
@@ -205,11 +213,11 @@ def a
arr << x
expect(compile_and_run(blocks_code)).to eq([1,2,3,4,5,6])
run(blocks_code) {|result| expect(result).to eq([1,2,3,4,5,6]) }

it "compiles yield" do
expect(compile_and_run("def foo; yield 1; end; foo {|a| a + 2}")).to eq 3
run("def foo; yield 1; end; foo {|a| a + 2}") {|result| expect(result).to eq 3 }

yield_in_block = <<-EOS
def foo
@@ -220,7 +228,7 @@ def bar
foo { 1 }
run(yield_in_block) {|result| expect(result).to eq 1}

yield_in_proc = <<-EOS
def foo
@@ -229,27 +237,27 @@ def foo
p = foo { 1 }
expect(compile_and_run(yield_in_proc)).to eq 1
run(yield_in_proc) {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }

it "compiles attribute assignment" do
expect(compile_and_run("def a=(x); 2; end; self.a = 1")).to eq 1
expect(compile_and_run("def a; 1; end; def a=(arg); fail; end; self.a ||= 2")).to eq 1
expect(compile_and_run("public; def a; @a; end; def a=(arg); @a = arg; 4; end; x = self.a ||= 1; [x, self.a]")).to eq([1,1])
expect(compile_and_run("def a; nil; end; def a=(arg); fail; end; self.a &&= 2")).to be_nil
expect(compile_and_run("public; def a; @a; end; def a=(arg); @a = arg; end; @a = 3; x = self.a &&= 1; [x, self.a]")).to eq([1,1])
run("def a=(x); 2; end; self.a = 1") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }
run("def a; 1; end; def a=(arg); fail; end; self.a ||= 2") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }
run("public; def a; @a; end; def a=(arg); @a = arg; 4; end; x = self.a ||= 1; [x, self.a]") {|result| expect(result).to eq([1,1]) }
run("def a; nil; end; def a=(arg); fail; end; self.a &&= 2") {|result| expect(result).to be_nil }
run("public; def a; @a; end; def a=(arg); @a = arg; end; @a = 3; x = self.a &&= 1; [x, self.a]") {|result| expect(result).to eq([1,1]) }

it "compiles lastline" do
expect(compile_and_run("def foo; $_ = 1; bar; $_; end; def bar; $_ = 2; end; foo")).to eq 1
run("def foo; $_ = 1; bar; $_; end; def bar; $_ = 2; end; foo") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }

it "compiles closure arguments" do
expect(compile_and_run("a = 0; [1].each {|a|}; a")).to eq(0)
expect(compile_and_run("a = 0; [1].each {|x| a = x}; a")).to eq 1
expect(compile_and_run("[[1,2,3]].each {|x,*y| break y}")).to eq([2,3])
expect(compile_and_run("1.times {|x,*y| break y}")).to eq([])
expect(compile_and_run("1.times {|x,*|; break x}")).to eq 0
run("a = 0; [1].each {|a|}; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq(0) }
run("a = 0; [1].each {|x| a = x}; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }
run("[[1,2,3]].each {|x,*y| break y}") {|result| expect(result).to eq([2,3]) }
run("1.times {|x,*y| break y}") {|result| expect(result).to eq([]) }
run("1.times {|x,*|; break x}") {|result| expect(result).to eq 0 }

it "compiles class definitions" do
@@ -261,7 +269,7 @@ def foo
expect(compile_and_run(class_string)).to eq 'cc1'
run(class_string) {|result| expect(result).to eq 'cc1' }

it "compiles module definitions" do
@@ -274,135 +282,138 @@ def

expect(compile_and_run(module_string)).to eq 'cm1'
run(module_string) {|result| expect(result).to eq 'cm1' }

it "compiles operator assignment" do
expect(compile_and_run("class H; attr_accessor :v; end; ||= 1")).to eq 1
expect(compile_and_run("class H; def initialize; @v = true; end; attr_accessor :v; end; &&= 2")).to eq 2
expect(compile_and_run("class H; def initialize; @v = 1; end; attr_accessor :v; end; += 3")).to eq 4
run("class H; attr_accessor :v; end; ||= 1") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }
run("class H; def initialize; @v = true; end; attr_accessor :v; end; &&= 2") {|result| expect(result).to eq 2 }
run("class H; def initialize; @v = 1; end; attr_accessor :v; end; += 3") {|result| expect(result).to eq 4 }

it "compiles optional method arguments" do
expect(compile_and_run("def foo(a,b=1);[a,b];end;foo(1)")).to eq([1,1])
expect(compile_and_run("def foo(a,b=1);[a,b];end;foo(1,2)")).to eq([1,2])
expect{compile_and_run("def foo(a,b=1);[a,b];end;foo")}.to raise_error(ArgumentError)
expect{compile_and_run("def foo(a,b=1);[a,b];end;foo(1,2,3)")}.to raise_error(ArgumentError)
expect(compile_and_run("def foo(a=(b=1));[a,b];end;foo")).to eq([1,1])
expect(compile_and_run("def foo(a=(b=1));[a,b];end;foo(2)")).to eq([2,nil])
expect(compile_and_run("def foo(a, b=(c=1));[a,b,c];end;foo(1)")).to eq([1,1,1])
expect(compile_and_run("def foo(a, b=(c=1));[a,b,c];end;foo(1,2)")).to eq([1,2,nil])
expect{compile_and_run("def foo(a, b=(c=1));[a,b,c];end;foo(1,2,3)")}.to raise_error(ArgumentError)
run("def foo(a,b=1);[a,b];end;foo(1)") {|result| expect(result).to eq([1,1]) }
run("def foo(a,b=1);[a,b];end;foo(1,2)") {|result| expect(result).to eq([1,2]) }
expect{run("def foo(a,b=1);[a,b];end;foo")}.to raise_error(ArgumentError)
expect{run("def foo(a,b=1);[a,b];end;foo(1,2,3)")}.to raise_error(ArgumentError)
run("def foo(a=(b=1));[a,b];end;foo") {|result| expect(result).to eq([1,1]) }
run("def foo(a=(b=1));[a,b];end;foo(2)") {|result| expect(result).to eq([2,nil]) }
run("def foo(a, b=(c=1));[a,b,c];end;foo(1)") {|result| expect(result).to eq([1,1,1]) }
run("def foo(a, b=(c=1));[a,b,c];end;foo(1,2)") {|result| expect(result).to eq([1,2,nil]) }
expect{run("def foo(a, b=(c=1));[a,b,c];end;foo(1,2,3)")}.to raise_error(ArgumentError)

it "compiles grouped and intra-list rest args" do
result = compile_and_run("def foo(a, (b, *, c), d, *e, f, (g, *h, i), j); [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j]; end; foo(1,[2,3,4],5,6,7,8,[9,10,11],12)")
expect(result).to eq([1, 2, 4, 5, [6, 7], 8, 9, [10], 11, 12])
run("def foo(a, (b, *, c), d, *e, f, (g, *h, i), j); [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j]; end; foo(1,[2,3,4],5,6,7,8,[9,10,11],12)") do |result|
expect(result).to eq([1, 2, 4, 5, [6, 7], 8, 9, [10], 11, 12])

it "compiles splatted values" do
expect(compile_and_run("def foo(a,b,c);[a,b,c];end;foo(1, *[2, 3])")).to eq([1,2,3])
expect(compile_and_run("class Coercible1;def to_ary;[2,3];end;end; [1, *]")).to eq([1,2,3])
run("def foo(a,b,c);[a,b,c];end;foo(1, *[2, 3])") {|result| expect(result).to eq([1,2,3]) }
run("class Coercible1;def to_ary;[2,3];end;end; [1, *]") {|result| expect(result).to eq([1,2,3]) }

it "compiles multiple assignment" do
expect(compile_and_run("a = nil; 1.times { a, b, @c = 1, 2, 3; a = [a, b, @c] }; a")).to eq([1,2,3])
expect(compile_and_run("a, (b, c) = 1; [a, b, c]")).to eq([1,nil,nil])
expect(compile_and_run("a, (b, c) = 1, 2; [a, b, c]")).to eq([1,2,nil])
expect(compile_and_run("a, (b, c) = 1, [2, 3]; [a, b, c]")).to eq([1,2,3])
expect(compile_and_run("class Coercible2;def to_ary;[2,3]; end; end; a, (b, c) = 1,; [a, b, c]")).to eq([1,2,3])
result = compile_and_run("a, (b, *, c), d, *e, f, (g, *h, i), j = 1,[2,3,4],5,6,7,8,[9,10,11],12; [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j]")
expect(result).to eq([1, 2, 4, 5, [6, 7], 8, 9, [10], 11, 12])
run("a = nil; 1.times { a, b, @c = 1, 2, 3; a = [a, b, @c] }; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq([1,2,3]) }
run("a, (b, c) = 1; [a, b, c]") {|result| expect(result).to eq([1,nil,nil]) }
run("a, (b, c) = 1, 2; [a, b, c]") {|result| expect(result).to eq([1,2,nil]) }
run("a, (b, c) = 1, [2, 3]; [a, b, c]") {|result| expect(result).to eq([1,2,3]) }
run("class Coercible2;def to_ary;[2,3]; end; end; a, (b, c) = 1,; [a, b, c]") {|result| expect(result).to eq([1,2,3]) }
run("a, (b, *, c), d, *e, f, (g, *h, i), j = 1,[2,3,4],5,6,7,8,[9,10,11],12; [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j]") do |result|
expect(result).to eq([1, 2, 4, 5, [6, 7], 8, 9, [10], 11, 12])

it "compiles dynamic regexp" do
expect(compile_and_run('"foo" =~ /#{"foo"}/')).to eq 0
expect(compile_and_run('ary = []; 2.times {|i| ary << ("foo0" =~ /#{"foo" + i.to_s}/o)}; ary')).to eq([0, 0])
run('"foo" =~ /#{"foo"}/') {|result| expect(result).to eq 0 }
run('ary = []; 2.times {|i| ary << ("foo0" =~ /#{"foo" + i.to_s}/o)}; ary') {|result| expect(result).to eq([0, 0]) }

it "compiles implicit and explicit return" do
expect(compile_and_run("def foo; 1; end; foo")).to eq 1
expect(compile_and_run("def foo; return; end; foo")).to be_nil
expect(compile_and_run("def foo; return 1; end; foo")).to eq 1
run("def foo; 1; end; foo") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }
run("def foo; return; end; foo") {|result| expect(result).to be_nil }
run("def foo; return 1; end; foo") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }

it "compiles class reopening" do
expect(compile_and_run("class Fixnum; def x; 3; end; end; 1.x")).to eq 3
run("class Fixnum; def x; 3; end; end; 1.x") {|result| expect(result).to eq 3 }

it "compiles singleton method definitions" do
expect(compile_and_run("a = 'bar'; def; 'foo'; end;")).to eq "foo"
expect(compile_and_run("class Fixnum; def; 'foo'; end; end;")).to eq "foo"
expect(compile_and_run("def; 'foo'; end;")).to eq "foo"
run("a = 'bar'; def; 'foo'; end;") {|result| expect(result).to eq "foo" }
run("class Fixnum; def; 'foo'; end; end;") {|result| expect(result).to eq "foo" }
run("def; 'foo'; end;") {|result| expect(result).to eq "foo" }

it "compiles singleton class definitions" do
expect(compile_and_run("a = 'bar'; class << a; def bar; 'bar'; end; end;")).to eq "bar"
expect(compile_and_run("class Fixnum; class << self; def bar; 'bar'; end; end; end;")).to eq "bar"
result = compile_and_run("class Fixnum; def self.metaclass; class << self; self; end; end; end; Fixnum.metaclass")
expect(result).to eq class << Fixnum; self; end
run("a = 'bar'; class << a; def bar; 'bar'; end; end;") {|result| expect(result).to eq "bar" }
run("class Fixnum; class << self; def bar; 'bar'; end; end; end;") {|result| expect(result).to eq "bar" }
run("class Fixnum; def self.metaclass; class << self; self; end; end; end; Fixnum.metaclass") do |result|
expect(result).to eq class << Fixnum; self; end

it "compiles loops with flow control" do
# some loop flow control tests
expect(compile_and_run("a = true; b = while a; a = false; break; end; b")).to be_nil
expect(compile_and_run("a = true; b = while a; a = false; break 1; end; b")).to eq 1
expect(compile_and_run("a = 0; while true; a += 1; next if a < 2; break; end; a")).to eq 2
expect(compile_and_run("a = 0; while true; a += 1; next 1 if a < 2; break; end; a")).to eq 2
expect(compile_and_run("a = 0; while true; a += 1; redo if a < 2; break; end; a")).to eq 2
expect(compile_and_run("a = false; b = until a; a = true; break; end; b")).to be_nil
expect(compile_and_run("a = false; b = until a; a = true; break 1; end; b")).to eq 1
expect(compile_and_run("a = 0; until false; a += 1; next if a < 2; break; end; a")).to eq 2
expect(compile_and_run("a = 0; until false; a += 1; next 1 if a < 2; break; end; a")).to eq 2
expect(compile_and_run("a = 0; until false; a += 1; redo if a < 2; break; end; a")).to eq 2
run("a = true; b = while a; a = false; break; end; b") {|result| expect(result).to be_nil }
run("a = true; b = while a; a = false; break 1; end; b") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }
run("a = 0; while true; a += 1; next if a < 2; break; end; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 2 }
run("a = 0; while true; a += 1; next 1 if a < 2; break; end; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 2 }
run("a = 0; while true; a += 1; redo if a < 2; break; end; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 2 }
run("a = false; b = until a; a = true; break; end; b") {|result| expect(result).to be_nil }
run("a = false; b = until a; a = true; break 1; end; b") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }
run("a = 0; until false; a += 1; next if a < 2; break; end; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 2 }
run("a = 0; until false; a += 1; next 1 if a < 2; break; end; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 2 }
run("a = 0; until false; a += 1; redo if a < 2; break; end; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 2 }
# same with evals
expect(compile_and_run("a = true; b = while a; a = false; eval 'break'; end; b")).to be_nil
expect(compile_and_run("a = true; b = while a; a = false; eval 'break 1'; end; b")).to eq 1
expect(compile_and_run("a = 0; while true; a += 1; eval 'next' if a < 2; eval 'break'; end; a")).to eq 2
expect(compile_and_run("a = 0; while true; a += 1; eval 'next 1' if a < 2; eval 'break'; end; a")).to eq 2
expect(compile_and_run("a = 0; while true; a += 1; eval 'redo' if a < 2; eval 'break'; end; a")).to eq 2
expect(compile_and_run("a = false; b = until a; a = true; eval 'break'; end; b")).to be_nil
expect(compile_and_run("a = false; b = until a; a = true; eval 'break 1'; end; b")).to eq 1
expect(compile_and_run("a = 0; until false; a += 1; eval 'next' if a < 2; eval 'break'; end; a")).to eq 2
expect(compile_and_run("a = 0; until false; a += 1; eval 'next 1' if a < 2; eval 'break'; end; a")).to eq 2
expect(compile_and_run("a = 0; until false; a += 1; eval 'redo' if a < 2; eval 'break'; end; a")).to eq 2
run("a = true; b = while a; a = false; eval 'break'; end; b") {|result| expect(result).to be_nil }
run("a = true; b = while a; a = false; eval 'break 1'; end; b") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }
run("a = 0; while true; a += 1; eval 'next' if a < 2; eval 'break'; end; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 2 }
run("a = 0; while true; a += 1; eval 'next 1' if a < 2; eval 'break'; end; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 2 }
run("a = 0; while true; a += 1; eval 'redo' if a < 2; eval 'break'; end; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 2 }
run("a = false; b = until a; a = true; eval 'break'; end; b") {|result| expect(result).to be_nil }
run("a = false; b = until a; a = true; eval 'break 1'; end; b") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }
run("a = 0; until false; a += 1; eval 'next' if a < 2; eval 'break'; end; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 2 }
run("a = 0; until false; a += 1; eval 'next 1' if a < 2; eval 'break'; end; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 2 }
run("a = 0; until false; a += 1; eval 'redo' if a < 2; eval 'break'; end; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 2 }

it "compiles loops with non-local flow control" do
# non-local flow control with while loops
expect(compile_and_run("a = 0; 1.times { a += 1; redo if a < 2 }; a")).to eq 2
expect(compile_and_run("def foo(&b); while true;; end; end; foo { break 3 }")).to eq 3
run("a = 0; 1.times { a += 1; redo if a < 2 }; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 2 }
run("def foo(&b); while true;; end; end; foo { break 3 }") {|result| expect(result).to eq 3 }

it "compiles loops with non-local flow control inside an eval" do
expect(compile_and_run("def foo(&b); while true;; end; end; foo { eval 'break 3' }")).to eq 3
run("def foo(&b); while true;; end; end; foo { eval 'break 3' }") {|result| expect(result).to eq 3 }

it "compiles block passing" do
# block pass node compilation
expect(compile_and_run("def foo; block_given?; end; p = proc {}; [foo(&nil),foo(&p)]")).to eq([false, true])
expect(compile_and_run("public; def foo; block_given?; end; p = proc {}; [,]")).to eq([false, true])
run("def foo; block_given?; end; p = proc {}; [foo(&nil),foo(&p)]") {|result| expect(result).to eq([false, true]) }
run("public; def foo; block_given?; end; p = proc {}; [,]") {|result| expect(result).to eq([false, true]) }

it "compiles splatted element assignment" do
expect(compile_and_run("a = 'foo'; y = ['o']; a[*y] = 'asdf'; a")).to match "fasdfo"
run("a = 'foo'; y = ['o']; a[*y] = 'asdf'; a") {|result| expect(result).to match "fasdfo" }

it "compiles constant access" do
const_code = <<-EOS
A = 'a'; module X; B = 'b'; end; module Y; def self.go; [A, X::B, ::A]; end; end; Y.go
expect(compile_and_run(const_code)).to eq(["a", "b", "a"])
run(const_code) {|result| expect(result).to eq(["a", "b", "a"]) }

it "compiles flip-flop" do
# flip (taken from
expect(compile_and_run("s = true; (1..10).reject { true if (s = !s) .. (s) }")).to eq([1, 3, 5, 7, 9])
expect(compile_and_run("s = true; (1..10).reject { true if (s = !s) .. (s = !s) }")).to eq([1, 4, 7, 10])
run("s = true; (1..10).reject { true if (s = !s) .. (s) }") {|result| expect(result).to eq([1, 3, 5, 7, 9]) }
run("s = true; (1..10).reject { true if (s = !s) .. (s = !s) }") {|result| expect(result).to eq([1, 4, 7, 10]) }
big_flip = <<-EOS
s = true; (1..10).inject([]) do |ary, v|; ary << [] unless (s = !s) .. (s = !s); ary.last << v; ary; end
expect(compile_and_run(big_flip)).to eq([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9], [10]])
run(big_flip) {|result| expect(result).to eq([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9], [10]]) }
big_triple_flip = <<-EOS
s = true
(1..64).inject([]) do |ary, v|
@@ -421,24 +432,24 @@ def
[41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48],
[49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56],
[57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64]]
expect(compile_and_run(big_triple_flip)).to eq(expected)
run(big_triple_flip) {|result| expect(result).to eq(expected) }

it "gracefully handles named captures when there's no match" do
expect do
compile_and_run('/(?<a>.+)/ =~ ""')
run('/(?<a>.+)/ =~ ""') {}
end.to_not raise_error

it "handles module/class opening from colon2 with non-method, non-const LHS" do
expect do
compile_and_run('m = Object; class m::FOOCLASS1234; end; module m::FOOMOD1234; end')
run('m = Object; class m::FOOCLASS1234; end; module m::FOOMOD1234; end') {}
end.to_not raise_error

it "properly handles non-local flow for a loop inside an ensure (JRUBY-6836)" do
ary = []
result = compile_and_run '
def main
ary = []
while true
@@ -453,26 +464,26 @@ def main
ary << 3

expect(result).to eq([1,2,3])
main') do |result|
expect(result).to eq([1,2,3])

it "prepares a proper caller scope for partition/rpartition (JRUBY-6827)" do
result = compile_and_run %q[
def foo
"/Users/headius/projects/jruby/tmp/perfer/examples/file_stat.rb:4:in `(root)'".rpartition(/:\d+(?:$|:in )/).first

expect(result).to eq '/Users/headius/projects/jruby/tmp/perfer/examples/file_stat.rb'
foo]) do |result|
expect(result).to eq '/Users/headius/projects/jruby/tmp/perfer/examples/file_stat.rb'

it "handles attr accessors for unassigned vars properly" do
# under invokedynamic, we were caching the "dummy" accessor that never saw any value
result = compile_and_run <<-EOC
class AttrAccessorUnassigned
attr_accessor :foo
@@ -481,27 +492,27 @@ class AttrAccessorUnassigned
ary = []
2.times { ary <<; = 1}

expect(result).to eq([nil, 1])
') do |result|
expect(result).to eq([nil, 1])

it "does not break String#to_r and to_c" do
# This is structured to cause a "dummy" scope because of the String constant
# This caused to_r and to_c to fail since that scope always returns nil
result = compile_and_run <<-EOC
def foo

expect(result).to eq(["0.1+0i", "1/10"])
') do |result|
expect(result).to eq(["0.1+0i", "1/10"])

it "handles 0-4 arg and splatted whens in a caseless case/when" do
result = compile_and_run <<-EOC
when false
@@ -515,221 +526,222 @@ def foo

expect(result).to eq 42
') do |result|
expect(result).to eq 42

it "matches any true value for a caseless case/when with > 3 args" do
result = compile_and_run <<-EOC
result = run('
when false, false, false, true

expect(result).to eq 42
') do |result|
expect(result).to eq 42

it "properly handles method-root rescue logic with returns (GH\#733)" do
expect(compile_and_run("def foo; return 1; rescue; return 2; else; return 3; end; foo")).to eq 1
expect(compile_and_run("def foo; 1; rescue; return 2; else; return 3; end; foo")).to eq 3
expect(compile_and_run("def foo; raise; rescue; return 2; else; return 3; end; foo")).to eq 2
run("def foo; return 1; rescue; return 2; else; return 3; end; foo") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }
run("def foo; 1; rescue; return 2; else; return 3; end; foo") {|result| expect(result).to eq 3 }
run("def foo; raise; rescue; return 2; else; return 3; end; foo") {|result| expect(result).to eq 2 }

it "mangles filenames internally to avoid conflicting delimiters when building descriptors (GH\#961)" do
"1.times { 1 }",
).to eq 1
"1.times { 1 }",
) do |result|
expect(result).to eq 1

it "keeps backref local to the caller scope when calling !~" do
obj = compile_and_run(<<-EOS)
run(' do
def blank?
"a" !~ /[^[:space:]]/

$~ = nil
obj.blank?.should == false
$~.should be_nil
') do |obj|
$~ = nil
obj.blank?.should == false
$~.should be_nil

# GH-1239
it "properly scopes singleton method definitions in a compiled body" do
cls = compile_and_run(<<-EOS)
class GH1239
def self.define; def bar; end; end
def self.remove; remove_method :bar; end
") do |cls|

expect(cls.methods).not_to be_include :bar
expect{cls.remove}.not_to raise_error
expect(cls.methods).not_to be_include :bar
expect{cls.remove}.not_to raise_error

it "yields nil when yielding no arguments" do
silence_warnings {
# bug 1305, no values yielded to single-arg block assigns a null into the arg
expect(compile_and_run("def foo; yield; end; foo {|x| x.class}")).to eq NilClass
run("def foo; yield; end; foo {|x| x.class}") {|result| expect(result).to eq NilClass }

it "prevents reopening or extending non-modules" do
# ensure that invalid classes and modules raise errors
AFixnum = 1;
expect { compile_and_run("class AFixnum; end")}.to raise_error(TypeError)
expect { compile_and_run("class B < AFixnum; end")}.to raise_error(TypeError)
expect { compile_and_run("module AFixnum; end")}.to raise_error(TypeError)
expect { run("class AFixnum; end")}.to raise_error(TypeError)
expect { run("class B < AFixnum; end")}.to raise_error(TypeError)
expect { run("module AFixnum; end")}.to raise_error(TypeError)

it "assigns array elements properly as LHS of masgn" do
# attr assignment in multiple assign
expect(compile_and_run("a =; class << a; attr_accessor :b; end; a.b, a.b = 'baz','bar'; a.b")).to eq "bar"
expect(compile_and_run("a = []; a[0], a[1] = 'foo','bar'; a")).to eq(["foo", "bar"])
run("a =; class << a; attr_accessor :b; end; a.b, a.b = 'baz','bar'; a.b") {|result| expect(result).to eq "bar" }
run("a = []; a[0], a[1] = 'foo','bar'; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq(["foo", "bar"]) }

it "executes for loops properly" do
# for loops
expect(compile_and_run("a = []; for b in [1, 2, 3]; a << b * 2; end; a")).to eq([2, 4, 6])
expect(compile_and_run("a = []; for b, c in {:a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3}; a << c; end; a.sort")).to eq([1, 2, 3])
run("a = []; for b in [1, 2, 3]; a << b * 2; end; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq([2, 4, 6]) }
run("a = []; for b, c in {:a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3}; a << c; end; a.sort") {|result| expect(result).to eq([1, 2, 3]) }

it "fires ensure blocks after normal or early block termination" do
# ensure blocks
expect(compile_and_run("a = 2; begin; a = 3; ensure; a = 1; end; a")).to eq 1
expect(compile_and_run("$a = 2; def foo; return; ensure; $a = 1; end; foo; $a")).to eq 1
run("a = 2; begin; a = 3; ensure; a = 1; end; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }
run("$a = 2; def foo; return; ensure; $a = 1; end; foo; $a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }

it "handles array element assignment with ||, +, and && operators" do
# op element assign
expect(compile_and_run("a = []; [a[0] ||= 4, a[0]]")).to eq([4, 4])
expect(compile_and_run("a = [4]; [a[0] ||= 5, a[0]]")).to eq([4, 4])
expect(compile_and_run("a = [1]; [a[0] += 3, a[0]]")).to eq([4, 4])
expect(compile_and_run("a = {}; a[0] ||= [1]; a[0]")).to eq([1])
expect(compile_and_run("a = [1]; a[0] &&= 2; a[0]")).to eq 2
run("a = []; [a[0] ||= 4, a[0]]") {|result| expect(result).to eq([4, 4]) }
run("a = [4]; [a[0] ||= 5, a[0]]") {|result| expect(result).to eq([4, 4]) }
run("a = [1]; [a[0] += 3, a[0]]") {|result| expect(result).to eq([4, 4]) }
run("a = {}; a[0] ||= [1]; a[0]") {|result| expect(result).to eq([1]) }
run("a = [1]; a[0] &&= 2; a[0]") {|result| expect(result).to eq 2 }

it "propagates closure returns to the method body" do
# non-local return
expect(compile_and_run("def foo; loop {return 3}; return 4; end; foo")).to eq 3
run("def foo; loop {return 3}; return 4; end; foo") {|result| expect(result).to eq 3 }

it "handles class variable declaration and access" do
# class var declaration
expect(compile_and_run("class Foo; @@foo = 3; end")).to eq 3
expect(compile_and_run("class Bar; @@bar = 3; def; @@bar; end; end;")).to eq 3
run("class Foo; @@foo = 3; end") {|result| expect(result).to eq 3 }
run("class Bar; @@bar = 3; def; @@bar; end; end;") {|result| expect(result).to eq 3 }

it "handles exceptional flow transfer to rescue blocks" do
# rescue
expect(compile_and_run("x = begin; 1; raise; rescue; 2; end")).to eq 2
expect(compile_and_run("x = begin; 1; raise; rescue TypeError; 2; rescue; 3; end")).to eq 3
expect(compile_and_run("x = begin; 1; rescue; 2; else; 4; end")).to eq 4
expect(compile_and_run("def foo; begin; return 4; rescue; end; return 3; end; foo")).to eq 4
run("x = begin; 1; raise; rescue; 2; end") {|result| expect(result).to eq 2 }
run("x = begin; 1; raise; rescue TypeError; 2; rescue; 3; end") {|result| expect(result).to eq 3 }
run("x = begin; 1; rescue; 2; else; 4; end") {|result| expect(result).to eq 4 }
run("def foo; begin; return 4; rescue; end; return 3; end; foo") {|result| expect(result).to eq 4 }

it "properly resets $! to nil upon normal exit from a rescue" do
# test that $! is getting reset/cleared appropriately
$! = nil
expect(compile_and_run("begin; raise; rescue; end; $!")).to be_nil
expect(compile_and_run("1.times { begin; raise; rescue; next; end }; $!")).to be_nil
expect(compile_and_run("begin; raise; rescue; begin; raise; rescue; end; $!; end")).to_not be_nil
expect(compile_and_run("begin; raise; rescue; 1.times { begin; raise; rescue; next; end }; $!; end")).to_not be_nil
run("begin; raise; rescue; end; $!") {|result| expect(result).to be_nil }
run("1.times { begin; raise; rescue; next; end }; $!") {|result| expect(result).to be_nil }
run("begin; raise; rescue; begin; raise; rescue; end; $!; end") {|result| expect(result).to_not be_nil }
run("begin; raise; rescue; 1.times { begin; raise; rescue; next; end }; $!; end") {|result| expect(result).to_not be_nil }

it "executes ensure wrapping a while body that breaks after the loop has terminated" do
# break in a while in an ensure
expect(compile_and_run("begin; x = while true; break 5; end; ensure; end")).to eq 5
run("begin; x = while true; break 5; end; ensure; end") {|result| expect(result).to eq 5 }

it "resolves Foo::Bar style constants" do
# JRUBY-1388, Foo::Bar broke in the compiler
expect(compile_and_run("module Foo2; end; Foo2::Foo3 = 5; Foo2::Foo3")).to eq 5
run("module Foo2; end; Foo2::Foo3 = 5; Foo2::Foo3") {|result| expect(result).to eq 5 }

it "re-runs enclosing block when redo is called from ensure" do
expect(compile_and_run("def foo; yield; end; x = false; foo { break 5 if x; begin; ensure; x = true; redo; end; break 6}")).to eq 5
run("def foo; yield; end; x = false; foo { break 5 if x; begin; ensure; x = true; redo; end; break 6}") {|result| expect(result).to eq 5 }

it "compiles END BLocks" do
# END block
expect { compile_and_run("END {}") }.to_not raise_error
expect { run("END {}"){} }.to_not raise_error

it "compiles BEGIN blocks" do
# BEGIN block
expect(compile_and_run("BEGIN { $begin = 5 }; $begin")).to eq 5
run("BEGIN { $begin = 5 }; $begin") {|result| expect(result).to eq 5 }

it "compiles empty source" do
# nothing at all!
expect(compile_and_run("")).to be_nil
run("") {|result| expect(result).to be_nil }

it "properly assigns values in masgn without overwriting neighboring values" do
# JRUBY-2043
expect(compile_and_run("def foo; 1.times { a, b = [], 5; a[1] = []; return b; }; end; foo")).to eq 5
expect(compile_and_run("def foo; x = {1 => 2}; x.inject({}) do |hash, (key, value)|; hash[key.to_s] = value; hash; end; end; foo")).to eq({"1" => 2})
run("def foo; 1.times { a, b = [], 5; a[1] = []; return b; }; end; foo") {|result| expect(result).to eq 5 }
run("def foo; x = {1 => 2}; x.inject({}) do |hash, (key, value)|; hash[key.to_s] = value; hash; end; end; foo") {|result| expect(result).to eq({"1" => 2}) }

it "compiles very long code bodies" do
# JRUBY-2246
long_src = "a = 1\n"
5000.times { long_src << "a += 1\n" }
expect(compile_and_run(long_src)).to eq 5001
run(long_src) {|result| expect(result).to eq 5001 }

it "assigns the result of a terminated loop to LHS variable" do
# variable assignment of various types from loop results
expect(compile_and_run("a = while true; break 1; end; a")).to eq 1
expect(compile_and_run("@a = while true; break 1; end; @a")).to eq 1
expect(compile_and_run("@@a = while true; break 1; end; @@a")).to eq 1
expect(compile_and_run("$a = while true; break 1; end; $a")).to eq 1
expect(compile_and_run("a = until false; break 1; end; a")).to eq 1
expect(compile_and_run("@a = until false; break 1; end; @a")).to eq 1
expect(compile_and_run("@@a = until false; break 1; end; @@a")).to eq 1
expect(compile_and_run("$a = until false; break 1; end; $a")).to eq 1
run("a = while true; break 1; end; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }
run("@a = while true; break 1; end; @a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }
run("@@a = while true; break 1; end; @@a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }
run("$a = while true; break 1; end; $a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }
run("a = until false; break 1; end; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }
run("@a = until false; break 1; end; @a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }
run("@@a = until false; break 1; end; @@a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }
run("$a = until false; break 1; end; $a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }

# same assignments but loop is within a begin
expect(compile_and_run("a = begin; while true; break 1; end; end; a")).to eq 1
expect(compile_and_run("@a = begin; while true; break 1; end; end; @a")).to eq 1
expect(compile_and_run("@@a = begin; while true; break 1; end; end; @@a")).to eq 1
expect(compile_and_run("$a = begin; while true; break 1; end; end; $a")).to eq 1
expect(compile_and_run("a = begin; until false; break 1; end; end; a")).to eq 1
expect(compile_and_run("@a = begin; until false; break 1; end; end; @a")).to eq 1
expect(compile_and_run("@@a = begin; until false; break 1; end; end; @@a")).to eq 1
expect(compile_and_run("$a = begin; until false; break 1; end; end; $a")).to eq 1
run("a = begin; while true; break 1; end; end; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }
run("@a = begin; while true; break 1; end; end; @a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }
run("@@a = begin; while true; break 1; end; end; @@a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }
run("$a = begin; while true; break 1; end; end; $a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }
run("a = begin; until false; break 1; end; end; a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }
run("@a = begin; until false; break 1; end; end; @a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }
run("@@a = begin; until false; break 1; end; end; @@a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }
run("$a = begin; until false; break 1; end; end; $a") {|result| expect(result).to eq 1 }

# other contexts that require while to preserve stack
expect(compile_and_run("1 + while true; break 1; end")).to eq 2
expect(compile_and_run("1 + begin; while true; break 1; end; end")).to eq 2
expect(compile_and_run("1 + until false; break 1; end")).to eq 2
expect(compile_and_run("1 + begin; until false; break 1; end; end")).to eq 2
expect(compile_and_run("def foo(a); a; end; foo(while false; end)")).to be_nil
expect(compile_and_run("def foo(a); a; end; foo(until true; end)")).to be_nil
run("1 + while true; break 1; end") {|result| expect(result).to eq 2 }
run("1 + begin; while true; break 1; end; end") {|result| expect(result).to eq 2 }
run("1 + until false; break 1; end") {|result| expect(result).to eq 2 }
run("1 + begin; until false; break 1; end; end") {|result| expect(result).to eq 2 }
run("def foo(a); a; end; foo(while false; end)") {|result| expect(result).to be_nil }
run("def foo(a); a; end; foo(until true; end)") {|result| expect(result).to be_nil }

it "constructs symbols on first execution and retrieves them from cache on subsequent executions" do
# test that 100 symbols compiles ok; that hits both types of symbol caching/creation
syms = [:a]
99.times {|i| syms << ('foo' + i.to_s).intern }
# 100 first instances of a symbol
expect(compile_and_run(syms.inspect)).to eq syms
run(syms.inspect) {|result| expect(result).to eq syms }
# 100 first instances and 100 second instances (caching)
expect(compile_and_run("[#{syms.inspect},#{syms.inspect}]")).to eq([syms,syms])
run("[#{syms.inspect},#{syms.inspect}]") {|result| expect(result).to eq([syms,syms]) }

it "can extend a class contained in a local variable" do
# class created using local var as superclass
expect(compile_and_run(<<-EOS)).to eq 'AFromLocal'
run(<<-EOS) {|result| expect(result).to eq 'AFromLocal' }
a = Object
class AFromLocal < a
@@ -743,26 +755,27 @@ class AFromLocal < a
large_hash = large_array.clone
large_hash.gsub!('[', '{')
large_hash.gsub!(']', '}')
expect(compile_and_run(large_array)).to eq(eval(large_array))
run(large_array) do |result|
expect(result).to eq(eval(large_array) {|result| expect(result) })

it "properly spreads incoming array when block args contain multiple variables" do
# block arg spreading cases
expect(compile_and_run("def foo; a = [1]; yield a; end; foo {|a| a}")).to eq([1])
expect(compile_and_run("x = nil; [[1]].each {|a| x = a}; x")).to eq([1])
expect(compile_and_run("def foo; yield [1, 2]; end; foo {|x, y| [x, y]}")).to eq([1,2])
run("def foo; a = [1]; yield a; end; foo {|a| a}") {|result| expect(result).to eq([1]) }
run("x = nil; [[1]].each {|a| x = a}; x") {|result| expect(result).to eq([1]) }
run("def foo; yield [1, 2]; end; foo {|x, y| [x, y]}") {|result| expect(result).to eq([1,2]) }

it "compiles non-expression case statements without an else clause" do
# non-expr case statement with return with if modified with call
# broke in 1.9 compiler due to null "else" node pushing a nil when non-expr
expect(compile_and_run("def foo; case 0; when 1; return 2 if self.nil?; end; return 3; end; foo")).to eq 3
run("def foo; case 0; when 1; return 2 if self.nil?; end; return 3; end; foo") {|result| expect(result).to eq 3 }

it "assigns named groups in regular expressions to local variables" do
# named groups with capture
def foo
ary = []
a = nil
@@ -776,44 +789,48 @@ def foo
ary << b
foo")).to eq([nil,'ell', 'o', 'ell'])
foo") do |result|
expect(result).to eq([nil,'ell', 'o', 'ell'])

it "handles complicated splatting at beginning and end of literal array" do
# chained argscat and argspush
expect(compile_and_run("a=[1,2];b=[4,5];[*a,3,*a,*b]")).to eq([1,2,3,1,2,4,5])
run("a=[1,2];b=[4,5];[*a,3,*a,*b]") {|result| expect(result).to eq([1,2,3,1,2,4,5]) }

it "dispatches super and zsuper arguments correctly in the presence of a rest argument" do
# JRUBY-5871: test that "special" args dispatch along specific-arity path
test = '
%w[foo bar].__send__ :to_enum, *[], &nil
expect(compile_and_run(test).map {|line| line + 'yum'}).to eq(["fooyum", "baryum"])
run(test) do |result|
expect( {|line| line + 'yum'}).to eq(["fooyum", "baryum"])

# These two cases triggered ArgumentError when Enumerator was fixed to enforce
# 3 required along its varargs path. Testing both here to ensure super/zsuper
# also dispatch along arity-specific paths as appropriate
enumerable = "Enumerator"
compile_and_run "
class JRuby5871A < #{enumerable}
def initialize(x, y, *z)
"){}}.to_not raise_error

expect {"foo", :each_byte)
}.to_not raise_error

compile_and_run "
class JRuby5871B < #{enumerable}
def initialize(x, y, *z)
super(x, y, *z)
"){}}.to_not raise_error

expect {"foo", :each_byte)
@@ -824,41 +841,43 @@ def initialize(x, y, *z)
class JRUBY4925

x = compile_and_run 'JRUBY4925::BLAH, a = 1, 2'
expect(JRUBY4925::BLAH).to eq 1
x = compile_and_run '::JRUBY4925_BLAH, a = 1, 2'
expect(JRUBY4925_BLAH).to eq 1
run 'JRUBY4925::BLAH, a = 1, 2' do |x|
expect(JRUBY4925::BLAH).to eq 1
run '::JRUBY4925_BLAH, a = 1, 2' do |x|
expect(JRUBY4925_BLAH).to eq 1

it "compiles backquotes (backtick)" do
x = compile_and_run 'o =; def o.`(str); str; end; def o.go; `hello`; end; o.go'

expect(x).to eq 'hello'
run 'o =; def o.`(str); str; end; def o.go; `hello`; end; o.go' do |x|
expect(x).to eq 'hello'

it "creates frozen strings for backquotes (backtick)" do
x = compile_and_run 'o =; def o.`(str); str; end; def o.go; `hello`; end; o.go'

expect(x).to be_frozen
run 'o =; def o.`(str); str; end; def o.go; `hello`; end; o.go' do |x|
expect(x).to be_frozen

it "compiles rest args passed to return, break, and next (svalue)" do
x = compile_and_run 'a = [1,2,3]; 1.times { break *a }'

expect(x).to eq [1,2,3]

x = compile_and_run 'a = [1,2,3]; lambda { return *a }.call'

expect(x).to eq [1,2,3]
run 'a = [1,2,3]; 1.times { break *a }' do |x|
expect(x).to eq [1,2,3]

x = compile_and_run 'a = [1,2,3]; def foo; yield; end; foo { next *a }'
run 'a = [1,2,3]; lambda { return *a }.call' do |x|
expect(x).to eq [1,2,3]

expect(x).to eq [1,2,3]
run 'a = [1,2,3]; def foo; yield; end; foo { next *a }' do |x|
expect(x).to eq [1,2,3]

it "compiles optional arguments in a method with toplevel rescue" do
x = compile_and_run 'def foo(a = false); raise; rescue; a; end; foo'

expect(x).to eq false
run 'def foo(a = false); raise; rescue; a; end; foo' do |x|
expect(x).to eq false

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