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base repository: nodejs/node-v0.x-archive
base: af69f88a9d57
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head repository: nodejs/node-v0.x-archive
compare: 632c13562220
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  • 1 commit
  • 1 file changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Apr 10, 2014

  1. src: use monotonic time for process.uptime()

    `process.uptime()` interface will return the amount of time the
    current process has been running. To achieve this it was caching the
    `uv_uptime` value at program start, and then on the call to
    `process.uptime()` returning the delta between the two values.
    `uv_uptime` is defined as the number of seconds the operating system
    has been up since last boot. On sunos this interface uses `kstat`s
    which can be a significantly expensive operation as it requires
    exclusive access, but because of the design of `process.uptime()` node
    *had* to always call this on start. As a result if you had many node
    processes all starting at the same time you would suffer lock
    contention as they all tried to read kstats.
    Instead of using `uv_uptime` to achieve this, the libuv loop already
    has a concept of current loop time in the form of `uv_now()` which is
    in fact monotonically increasing, and already stored directly on the
    loop. By using this value at start every platform performs at least
    one fewer syscall during initialization.
    Since the interface to `uv_uptime` is defined as seconds, in the call
    to `process.uptime()` we now `uv_update_time` get our delta, divide by
    1000 to get seconds, and then convert to an `Integer`. In 0.12 we can
    move back to `Number::New` instead and not lose precision.
    Caveat: For some platforms `uv_uptime` reports time monotonically
    increasing regardless of system hibernation, `uv_now` interface is
    also monotonically increasing but may not reflect time spent in
    tjfontaine committed Apr 10, 2014
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