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base repository: m-labs/migen
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base: 452c60e0c37b
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head repository: m-labs/migen
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compare: 5bb1c789aa37
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  • 2 commits
  • 2 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Feb 18, 2015

  1. Verified

    This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
    Copy the full SHA
    cea1551 View commit details
  2. mibuild/kc705: add FMC connectors

    fallen authored and sbourdeauducq committed Feb 18, 2015


    This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
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    5bb1c78 View commit details
Showing with 206 additions and 6 deletions.
  1. +12 −5 mibuild/
  2. +194 −1 mibuild/platforms/
17 changes: 12 additions & 5 deletions mibuild/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -68,10 +68,16 @@ def __init__(self, connectors):
for connector in connectors:
cit = iter(connector)
conn_name = next(cit)
pin_list = []
for pins in cit:
pin_list += pins.split()
pin_list = [None if pin == "None" else pin for pin in pin_list]
if isinstance(connector[1], str):
pin_list = []
for pins in cit:
pin_list += pins.split()
pin_list = [None if pin == "None" else pin for pin in pin_list]
elif isinstance(connector[1], dict):
pin_list = connector[1]
raise ValueError("Unsupported pin list type {} for connector"
" {}".format(type(connector[1]), conn_name))
if conn_name in self.connector_table:
raise ValueError("Connector specified more than once: "+conn_name)
self.connector_table[conn_name] = pin_list
@@ -81,7 +87,8 @@ def resolve_identifiers(self, identifiers):
for identifier in identifiers:
if ":" in identifier:
conn, pn = identifier.split(":")
pn = int(pn)
if pn.isdigit():
pn = int(pn)
195 changes: 194 additions & 1 deletion mibuild/platforms/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -146,6 +146,199 @@

_connectors = [
"DP1_M2C_P": "D6",
"DP1_M2C_N": "D5",
"DP2_M2C_P": "B6",
"DP2_M2C_N": "B5",
"DP3_M2C_P": "A8",
"DP3_M2C_N": "A7",
"DP1_C2M_P": "C4",
"DP1_C2M_N": "C3",
"DP2_C2M_P": "B2",
"DP2_C2M_N": "B1",
"DP3_C2M_P": "A4",
"DP3_C2M_N": "A3",
"DP0_C2M_P": "D2",
"DP0_C2M_N": "D1",
"DP0_M2C_P": "E4",
"DP0_M2C_N": "E3",
"LA06_P": "H30",
"LA06_N": "G30",
"LA10_P": "D29",
"LA10_N": "C30",
"LA14_P": "B28",
"LA14_N": "A28",
"LA18_CC_P": "F21",
"LA18_CC_N": "E21",
"LA27_P": "C19",
"LA27_N": "B19",
"HA01_CC_P": "H14",
"HA01_CC_N": "G14",
"HA05_P": "F15",
"HA05_N": "E16",
"HA09_P": "F12",
"HA09_N": "E13",
"HA13_P": "L16",
"HA13_N": "K16",
"HA16_P": "L15",
"HA16_N": "K15",
"HA20_P": "K13",
"HA20_N": "J13",
"CLK1_M2C_P": "D17",
"CLK1_M2C_N": "D18",
"LA00_CC_P": "C25",
"LA00_CC_N": "B25",
"LA03_P": "H26",
"LA03_N": "H27",
"LA08_P": "E29",
"LA08_N": "E30",
"LA12_P": "C29",
"LA12_N": "B29",
"LA16_P": "B27",
"LA16_N": "A27",
"LA20_P": "E19",
"LA20_N": "D19",
"LA22_P": "C20",
"LA22_N": "B20",
"LA25_P": "G17",
"LA25_N": "F17",
"LA29_P": "C17",
"LA29_N": "B17",
"LA31_P": "G22",
"LA31_N": "F22",
"LA33_P": "H21",
"LA33_N": "H22",
"HA03_P": "C12",
"HA03_N": "B12",
"HA07_P": "B14",
"HA07_N": "A15",
"HA11_P": "B13",
"HA11_N": "A13",
"HA14_P": "J16",
"HA14_N": "H16",
"HA18_P": "K14",
"HA18_N": "J14",
"HA22_P": "L11",
"HA22_N": "K11",
"GBTCLK1_M2C_P": "E8",
"GBTCLK1_M2C_N": "E7",
"GBTCLK0_M2C_P": "C8",
"GBTCLK0_M2C_N": "C7",
"LA01_CC_P": "D26",
"LA01_CC_N": "C26",
"LA05_P": "G29",
"LA05_N": "F30",
"LA09_P": "B30",
"LA09_N": "A30",
"LA13_P": "A25",
"LA13_N": "A26",
"LA17_CC_P": "F20",
"LA17_CC_N": "E20",
"LA23_P": "B22",
"LA23_N": "A22",
"LA26_P": "B18",
"LA26_N": "A18",
"PG_M2C": "J29",
"HA00_CC_P": "D12",
"HA00_CC_N": "D13",
"HA04_P": "F11",
"HA04_N": "E11",
"HA08_P": "E14",
"HA08_N": "E15",
"HA12_P": "C15",
"HA12_N": "B15",
"HA15_P": "H15",
"HA15_N": "G15",
"HA19_P": "H11",
"HA19_N": "H12",
"PRSNT_M2C_B": "M20",
"CLK0_M2C_P": "D27",
"CLK0_M2C_N": "C27",
"LA02_P": "H24",
"LA02_N": "H25",
"LA04_P": "G28",
"LA04_N": "F28",
"LA07_P": "E28",
"LA07_N": "D28",
"LA11_P": "G27",
"LA11_N": "F27",
"LA15_P": "C24",
"LA15_N": "B24",
"LA19_P": "G18",
"LA19_N": "F18",
"LA21_P": "A20",
"LA21_N": "A21",
"LA24_P": "A16",
"LA24_N": "A17",
"LA28_P": "D16",
"LA28_N": "C16",
"LA30_P": "D22",
"LA30_N": "C22",
"LA32_P": "D21",
"LA32_N": "C21",
"HA02_P": "D11",
"HA02_N": "C11",
"HA06_P": "D14",
"HA06_N": "C14",
"HA10_P": "A11",
"HA10_N": "A12",
"HA17_CC_P": "G13",
"HA17_CC_N": "F13",
"HA21_P": "J11",
"HA21_N": "J12",
"HA23_P": "L12",
"HA23_N": "L13",
"GBTCLK0_M2C_P": "N8",
"GBTCLK0_M2C_N": "N7",
"LA01_CC_P": "AE23",
"LA01_CC_N": "AF23",
"LA05_P": "AG22",
"LA05_N": "AH22",
"LA09_P": "AK23",
"LA09_N": "AK24",
"LA13_P": "AB24",
"LA13_N": "AC25",
"LA17_CC_P": "AB27",
"LA17_CC_N": "AC27",
"LA23_P": "AH26",
"LA23_N": "AH27",
"LA26_P": "AK29",
"LA26_N": "AK30",
"CLK0_M2C_P": "AF22",
"CLK0_M2C_N": "AG23",
"LA02_P": "AF20",
"LA02_N": "AF21",
"LA04_P": "AH21",
"LA04_N": "AJ21",
"LA07_P": "AG25",
"LA07_N": "AH25",
"LA11_P": "AE25",
"LA11_N": "AF25",
"LA15_P": "AC24",
"LA15_N": "AD24",
"LA19_P": "AJ26",
"LA19_N": "AK26",
"LA21_P": "AG27",
"LA21_N": "AG28",
"LA24_P": "AG30",
"LA24_N": "AH30",
"LA28_P": "AE30",
"LA28_N": "AF30",
"LA30_P": "AB29",
"LA30_N": "AB30",
"LA32_P": "Y30",
"LA32_N": "AA30",

def Platform(*args, toolchain="vivado", **kwargs):
if toolchain == "ise":
xilinx_platform = XilinxISEPlatform
@@ -158,7 +351,7 @@ class RealPlatform(xilinx_platform):
bitgen_opt = "-g LCK_cycle:6 -g Binary:Yes -w -g ConfigRate:12 -g SPI_buswidth:4"

def __init__(self, crg_factory=lambda p: CRG_DS(p, "clk156", "cpu_reset")):
xilinx_platform.__init__(self, "xc7k325t-ffg900-2", _io, crg_factory)
xilinx_platform.__init__(self, "xc7k325t-ffg900-2", _io, crg_factory, _connectors)

def create_programmer(self):
return XC3SProg("jtaghs1_fast", "bscan_spi_kc705.bit")