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base repository: joyent/libuv
base: d17bfc617e0f
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head repository: joyent/libuv
compare: 0d43992c3b26
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  • 3 commits
  • 17 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Jul 4, 2014

  1. common: use common uv__count_bufs code

    Until now it was reimplemented in 2 different places (unix, win).
    txdv authored and saghul committed Jul 4, 2014
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    f63e073 View commit details
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  2. unix, win: add send_queue_size and send_queue_count to uv_udp_t

    This functionality is present in stream and uv_udp_t has a queue
    as well so it makes sense for udp to have a send_write_size.
    Since udp sends entire messages atomically, the send_queue_count field
    lets the user determine how many messages are there left to send.
    txdv authored and saghul committed Jul 4, 2014
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    b769484 View commit details
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  3. unix, win: add uv_udp_try_send

    The function returns UV_EAGAIN if the queue is not empty and
    the message couldn't be sent immediately.
    txdv authored and saghul committed Jul 4, 2014
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    0d43992 View commit details
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