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base repository: nodejs/node-v0.x-archive
base: edadbd6819dd^
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head repository: nodejs/node-v0.x-archive
compare: 902090af5375
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  • 2 commits
  • 558 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Sep 24, 2014

  1. deps: upgrade npm to 2.0.0

    tjfontaine committed Sep 24, 2014
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    edadbd6 View commit details
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  2. 2014.09.24, Version 0.11.14 (Unstable)

    * uv: Upgrade to v1.0.0-rc1
    * http_parser: Upgrade to v2.3.0
    * npm: Upgrade to v2.0.0
    * openssl: Upgrade to v1.0.1i
    * v8: Upgrade to 3.26.33
    * Add fast path for simple URL parsing (Gabriel Wicke)
    * Added support for options parameter in console.dir() (Xavi Magrinyà)
    * Cluster: fix shared handles on Windows (Alexis Campailla)
    * buffer: Fix incorrect behavior (Feross Aboukhadijeh)
    * buffer: construct new buffer from buffer toJSON() output (cjihrig)
    * buffer: improve Buffer constructor (Kang-Hao Kenny)
    * build: linking CoreFoundation framework for OSX (Thorsten Lorenz)
    * child_process: accept uid/gid everywhere (Fedor Indutny)
    * child_process: add path to spawn ENOENT Error (Ryan Cole)
    * child_process: copy spawnSync() cwd option to proper buffer (cjihrig)
    * child_process: do not access stderr when stdio set to 'ignore' (cjihrig)
    * child_process: don't throw on EAGAIN (Charles)
    * child_process: don't throw on EMFILE/ENFILE (Ben Noordhuis)
    * child_process: use full path for cmd.exe on Win32 (Ed Morley)
    * cluster: allow multiple calls to setupMaster() (Ryan Graham)
    * cluster: centralize removal from workers list. (Julien Gilli)
    * cluster: enable error/message events using .worker (cjihrig)
    * cluster: include settings object in 'setup' event (Ryan Graham)
    * cluster: restore v0.10.x setupMaster() behaviour (Ryan Graham)
    * cluster: support options in Worker constructor (cjihrig)
    * cluster: test events emit on cluster.worker (Sam Roberts)
    * console: console.dir() accepts options object (Xavi Magrinyà)
    * crypto: add `honorCipherOrder` argument (Fedor Indutny)
    * crypto: allow padding in RSA methods (Fedor Indutny)
    * crypto: clarify RandomBytes() error msg (Mickael van der Beek)
    * crypto: never store pointer to conn in SSL_CTX (Fedor Indutny)
    * crypto: unsigned value can't be negative (Brian White)
    * dgram: remove new keyword from errnoException (Jackson Tian)
    * dns: always set variable family in lookup() (cjihrig)
    * dns: include host name in error message if available (Maciej Małecki)
    * dns: introduce lookupService function (Saúl Ibarra Corretgé)
    * dns: send lookup c-ares errors to callback (Chris Dickinson)
    * dns: throw if hostname is not string or falsey (cjihrig)
    * events: Output the event that is leaking (Arnout Kazemier)
    * fs: close file if fstat() fails in readFile() (cjihrig)
    * fs: fs.readFile should not throw uncaughtException (Jackson Tian)
    * http: add 308 status_code, see RFC7238 (Yazhong Liu)
    * http: don't default OPTIONS to chunked encoding (Nick Muerdter)
    * http: fix bailout for writeHead (Alex Kocharin)
    * http: remove unused code block (Fedor Indutny)
    * http: write() after end() emits an error. (Julien Gilli)
    * lib, src: add vm.runInDebugContext() (Ben Noordhuis)
    * lib: noisy deprecation of child_process customFds (Ryan Graham)
    * module: don't require fs several times (Robert Kowalski)
    * net,dgram: workers can listen on exclusive ports (cjihrig)
    * net,stream: add isPaused, don't read() when paused (Chris Dickinson)
    * net: Ensure consistent binding to IPV6 if address is absent (Raymond Feng)
    * net: add remoteFamily for socket (Jackson Tian)
    * net: don't emit listening if handle is closed (Eli Skeggs)
    * net: don't prefer IPv4 addresses during resolution (cjihrig)
    * net: don't throw on net.Server.close() (cjihrig)
    * net: reset `errorEmitted` on reconnect (Ed Umansky)
    * node: set names for prototype methods (Trevor Norris)
    * node: support v8 microtask queue (Vladimir Kurchatkin)
    * path: fix slice OOB in trim (Lucio M. Tato)
    * path: isAbsolute() should always return boolean (Herman Lee)
    * process: throw TypeError if kill pid not a number (Sam Roberts)
    * querystring: custom encode and decode (fengmk2)
    * querystring: do not add sep for empty array (cjihrig)
    * querystring: remove prepended ? from query field (Ezequiel Rabinovich)
    * readline: fix close event of readline.Interface() (Yazhong Liu)
    * readline: fixes scoping bug (Dan Kaplun)
    * readline: implements keypress buffering (Dan Kaplun)
    * repl: fix multi-line input (Fedor Indutny)
    * repl: fix overwrite for this._prompt (Yazhong Liu)
    * repl: proper `setPrompt()` and `multiline` support (Fedor Indutny)
    * stream: don't try to finish if buffer is not empty (Vladimir Kurchatkin)
    * stream: only end reading on null, not undefined (Jonathan Reem)
    * streams: set default hwm properly for Duplex (Andrew Oppenlander)
    * string_bytes: ucs2 support big endian (Andrew Low)
    * tls, crypto: add DHE support (Shigeki Ohtsu)
    * tls: `checkServerIdentity` option (Trevor Livingston)
    * tls: add DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 to the def ciphers (Shigeki Ohtsu)
    * tls: better error reporting at cert validation (Fedor Indutny)
    * tls: support multiple keys/certs (Fedor Indutny)
    * tls: throw an error, not string (Jackson Tian)
    * udp: make it possible to receive empty udp packets (Andrius Bentkus)
    * url: treat  the same as / (isaacs)
    tjfontaine committed Sep 24, 2014
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    902090a View commit details
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