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base repository: nodejs/node-v0.x-archive
base: 7494c84fe6fa
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head repository: nodejs/node-v0.x-archive
compare: 9ef9a9dee54a
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  • 3 commits
  • 3 files changed
  • 2 contributors

Commits on Sep 4, 2013

  1. repl: Catch syntax errors better

    Replace the growing list of 'isSyntaxError' whackamole conditions with a
    smarter approach.  This creates a vm Script object *first*, which will
    parse the code and raise a SyntaxError right away.
    We still do need the test function, but only because strict mode syntax
    errors are not recoverable, and should be raised right away.  Really, we
    should probably *only* continue on "unexpected end of input" SyntaxErrors.
    Also fixes a very difficult-to-test nit where the '...' indentation is
    not properly cleared when you ^C out of a syntax error.
    Closes #6093
    isaacs committed Sep 4, 2013
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    4631c50 View commit details
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  2. repl: treat "Assignment to const" as syntax error

    Adding a new `repl-harmony` test file here because adding the
    `--use_strict --harmony` flags on the main repl test file was causing
    lots of unrelated failures, due to global variable assignments and
    things like that. This new test file is based off of the original
    repl.js test file, but has a lot of the tests stripped out. A test case
    for this commit is included though.
    Fixes #6132.
    TooTallNate authored and isaacs committed Sep 4, 2013
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    54fbb1d View commit details
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  3. repl: Simplify paren wrap, continuation-detection

    This simplifies the logic that was in isSyntaxError, as well as the
    choice to wrap command input in parens to coerce to an expression
    1. Rather than a growing blacklist of allowed-to-throw syntax errors,
    just sniff for the one we really care about ("Unexpected end of input")
    and let all the others pass through.
    2. Wrapping {a:1} in parens makes sense, because blocks and line labels
    are silly and confusing and should not be in JavaScript at all.
    However, wrapping functions and other types of programs in parens is
    weird and required yet *more* hacking to work around.  By only wrapping
    statements that start with { and end with }, we can handle the confusing
    use-case, without having to then do extra work for functions and other
    This also fixes the repl wart where `console.log)(` works in the repl,
    but only by virtue of the fact that it's wrapped in parens first, as
    well as potential side effects of double-running the commands, such as:
        > x = 1
        > eval('x++; throw new SyntaxError("e")')
        ... ^C
        > x
    isaacs committed Sep 4, 2013
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    9ef9a9d View commit details
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