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base repository: m-labs/migen
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base: a653a6144b0c
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head repository: m-labs/migen
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compare: dac10f557061
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  • 4 commits
  • 2 files changed
  • 2 contributors

Commits on Aug 26, 2013

  1. wishbone : add DownConverter

    enjoy-digital authored and Sebastien Bourdeauducq committed Aug 26, 2013
    Copy the full SHA
    628fa8c View commit details
  2. wishbone2lasmi: configurable data width

    enjoy-digital authored and Sebastien Bourdeauducq committed Aug 26, 2013
    Copy the full SHA
    33ca4d7 View commit details
  3. wishbone/SRAM: fix non-32-bit bus

    Sebastien Bourdeauducq committed Aug 26, 2013
    Copy the full SHA
    2cf6b6c View commit details
  4. bus/wb2lasmi: use existing interface to determine WB width to be cons…

    …istent with other modules
    Sebastien Bourdeauducq committed Aug 26, 2013
    Copy the full SHA
    dac10f5 View commit details
Showing with 108 additions and 14 deletions.
  1. +97 −6 migen/bus/
  2. +11 −8 migen/bus/
103 changes: 97 additions & 6 deletions migen/bus/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
from migen.fhdl.std import *
from migen.genlib import roundrobin
from migen.genlib.record import *
from migen.genlib.misc import optree
from migen.genlib.misc import optree, chooser
from migen.genlib.fsm import FSM, NextState
from migen.bus.transactions import *
from migen.sim.generic import Proxy

@@ -111,6 +112,95 @@ def __init__(self, masters, slaves, register=False):
for column, bus in zip(zip(*access), busses):
self.submodules += Arbiter(column, bus)

class DownConverter(Module):
# DownConverter splits Wishbone accesses of N bits in M accesses of L bits where:
# N is the original data-width
# L is the target data-width
# M = N/L
def __init__(self, dw_i, dw_o):

self.wishbone_i = Interface(dw_i)
self.wishbone_o = Interface(dw_o)
self.ratio = dw_i//dw_o


rst = Signal()

# generate internal write and read ack
write_ack = Signal()
read_ack = Signal()
ack = Signal()
self.comb += [
ack.eq(self.wishbone_o.cyc & self.wishbone_o.stb & self.wishbone_o.ack),
write_ack.eq(ack & self.wishbone_o.we),
read_ack.eq(ack & ~self.wishbone_o.we)

# accesses counter logic
cnt = Signal(max=self.ratio)
self.sync += If(rst, cnt.eq(0)).Elif(ack, cnt.eq(cnt + 1))

# read data path
dat_r = Signal(dw_i)
self.sync += If(ack, dat_r.eq(Cat(self.wishbone_o.dat_r, dat_r[:dw_i-dw_o])))

# write data path
dat_w = Signal(dw_i)
self.comb += dat_w.eq(self.wishbone_i.dat_w)

# errors generation
err = Signal()
self.sync += If(ack, err.eq(self.wishbone_o.err))

# direct connection of wishbone_i --> wishbone_o signals
for name, size, direction in self.wishbone_i.layout:
if direction == DIR_M_TO_S and name not in ["adr", "dat_w"]:
self.comb += getattr(self.wishbone_o, name).eq(getattr(self.wishbone_i, name))

# adaptation of adr & dat signals
self.comb += [

self.comb += chooser(dat_w, cnt, self.wishbone_o.dat_w, reverse=True)

# fsm
fsm = FSM(reset_state="IDLE")
self.submodules += fsm


If(write_ack & (cnt == self.ratio-1),
self.wishbone_i.err.eq(err | self.wishbone_o.err),

master_i_dat_r = Signal(dw_i)
self.comb += master_i_dat_r.eq(Cat(self.wishbone_o.dat_r, dat_r[:dw_i-dw_o]))

If(read_ack & (cnt == self.ratio-1),
self.wishbone_i.err.eq(err | self.wishbone_o.err),

class Tap(Module):
def __init__(self, bus, handler=print):
self.bus = bus
@@ -196,19 +286,20 @@ def do_simulation(self, s):

class SRAM(Module):
def __init__(self, mem_or_size, read_only=None, init=None, bus=None):
if bus is None:
bus = Interface()
self.bus = bus
bus_data_width = flen(self.bus.dat_r)
if isinstance(mem_or_size, Memory):
assert(mem_or_size.width <= 32)
assert(mem_or_size.width <= bus_data_width)
mem = mem_or_size
mem = Memory(32, mem_or_size//4, init=init)
mem = Memory(bus_data_width, mem_or_size//(bus_data_width//8), init=init)
if read_only is None:
if hasattr(mem, "bus_read_only"):
read_only = mem.bus_read_only
read_only = False
if bus is None:
bus = Interface()
self.bus = bus


19 changes: 11 additions & 8 deletions migen/bus/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -6,19 +6,22 @@

# cachesize (in 32-bit words) is the size of the data store, must be a power of 2
class WB2LASMI(Module):
def __init__(self, cachesize, lasmim):
self.wishbone = wishbone.Interface()
def __init__(self, cachesize, lasmim, wbm=None):
if wbm is None:
wbm = wishbone.Interface()
self.wishbone = wbm


if lasmim.dw < 32:
raise ValueError("LASMI data width must be >= 32")
if (lasmim.dw % 32) != 0:
raise ValueError("LASMI data width must be a multiple of 32")
data_width = flen(self.wishbone.dat_r)
if lasmim.dw < data_width:
raise ValueError("LASMI data width must be >= {dw}".format(dw=data_width))
if (lasmim.dw % data_width) != 0:
raise ValueError("LASMI data width must be a multiple of {dw}".format(dw=data_width))

# Split address:
offsetbits = log2_int(lasmim.dw//32)
offsetbits = log2_int(lasmim.dw//data_width)
addressbits = + offsetbits
linebits = log2_int(cachesize) - offsetbits
tagbits = addressbits - linebits
@@ -43,7 +46,7 @@ def __init__(self, cachesize, lasmim):
data_port.we.eq(Replicate(1, lasmim.dw//8))
data_port.dat_w.eq(Replicate(self.wishbone.dat_w, lasmim.dw//32)),
data_port.dat_w.eq(Replicate(self.wishbone.dat_w, lasmim.dw//data_width)),
If(self.wishbone.cyc & self.wishbone.stb & self.wishbone.we & self.wishbone.ack,
displacer(self.wishbone.sel, adr_offset, data_port.we, 2**offsetbits, reverse=True)